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  • fishing …… hunting ?

    Posted by Hugh Potter on November 21, 2005 at 10:03 am

    hi, i decided to give this it’s own thread rather than mess another thread up ! i figure this could be one of the all or nothing type threads, but i’m gonna say it anyways, if you do have strong feelings either way, have a little think before posting !!

    this was said in jest but…..

    quote Peter Normington:

    You guys that fish are nuts ๐Ÿ˜€

    no wonder the anti hunt people want to start on Hugh next.
    ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜‰

    the following isnt aimed at Pete, obviously, i just feel like having a rant after recalling something i was asked the other day, and its pete’s fault for making me think about it !!!!

    ok, sopa box adjusted, here i come….

    fishing = huntng ????? i feel it’s a serious issue which has been discussed at some length on a sea fishing forum i use, anti hunt people want to stop fishing, why ? cos they think that its a cruel blood sport,

    many of the anti’s have nothing to do with any legitemate cause, or even have any clue about what they’re talking of, this i know from my wifes experience of hunt sabboteurs on her parents farm, half of em were a bunch of losers who’d been paid, yes paid, to come down on a paid for coach and cause trouble, several of them admitted this to the lasses dad ! this goes most the way to proving that most anti everythings live in big towns of cities and have little or no experience of the countryside, or any of its practices, think about it, i caught a fishy…. i caused it two minutes of distress perhaps, what i’m not doing however, is funding a global organisation who factory farm 150million chickens a year to stuff em into a chicken McCacksandwhich ! who’s causing more suffering ?

    anyways, fishing….. i hate it when people ask ‘why do you fish ?’ and then go on to say ‘its cruel and the fish suffer, why dont you get your fish from tesco’s ?’, they’re usually politely asked to go away, if not they usually do when ya start to swing a 6oz spiked lead about !!

    i can see why some people feel that way, but these people rarely think thru the questions they’re asking, i would say that 99.99% of fishermen fish with care and respect for the creatures we catch and the environment we fish in, somthing rarely seen from daytrippers who leave junk all over the beaches, i use mostly barbless hooks these days, and any fish that isn’t gonna be kept is returned as quickly as possible, undersized fish are never kept, infact many of us around here, especially in the clubs, have our own set of minimum sizes that are a fair percentage bigger than the gov’t sizes, if a fish is gonna be kept for the table (my main reason for enjoying fishing these days), then the priest is brought out asap,

    why dont i buy my fish from tesco’s and the like ? if you wanna see a blood sport, get yerself on a trawler, these factory ships can return with 1000’s of tons of fish in just a few weeks, one net full will dump tons of fish onto the deck, leaving the fish to effectivley suffocate, half of what they catch they thrown back dead or dying because its not a a commercial foodstuff or its undersized, not to mention the destruction that comercial fishing is causing our fish stocks, it is destroying our sea beds with bottom trawling and shellfish harvesting, which involves using a huge net, 4 footy pitches long… wide, and dragging it along the sea bed, effectively crushing or scaping the sea bed clean, catching anything and everything in its path, again…much of which gets returned dead or dying,

    trawlers owners care nothing or little for the sea they rape, they only complain that fish stocks are falling every year, little surprise there, during both WW1 and WW11, commercial fishing was greatly reduced, and in just a couple of years, record catches were recorded as the fish stocks had had time to regroup, since then however, commercial fishing has just got bigger and bigger, the end result being that in 5-10yrs, most of the commecials will probably be out of work, they dont get it though, cos grand daddy and his grand daddy did it, it must be ok to do, right ? so lets just use bigger boats and nets to do it with.

    the government knows this, but still subsidises the fleets, and still allows them to trawl only 1 mile from shore, worse still, we have all the continents and eastern european factory boats coming around too, we need to stop the factory ships, and we need a 5 mile exclusion zone around the coast for commercials, so, instead of anti’s targeting those of us who are serious about fishing and conservation of the fish stocks, they should take a proper look at what the (screw) EU and the gov’t allows already.

    commecrial trawlers cost us all kinds of subsidies etc, but that aside, the brtish gov’t earned only ยฃ9million from commercial fishing last year, compared with 20 times that amound from the lesuire fishing industry, quite alot of money to lose which have to be replaced with yet another tax,

    worried about out of work trawlermen ? well, by all accounts they earn next to nothing anyways, so, with the resulting explosion in fish stocks, and probably the keener interest in shore fishng a a result, we could retrain them to work charter boats or to work in the new tackle shops that will spring up all over the place. everyone sorted !

    one last note, that nice canal, lake or river you walk along, know it ?? do you really think it would be so well kept / conserved if people didnt want to fish in it ? near all the rubbish around these venues is from non fishermen, yet we get blamed for it, i often take more junk back to the car than i carried down in the first !

    second last note …. !!! i know this example is in the US, but this is kinda relevent, a large fishing consortium has just been told it has to stop catching so many of a certain type of little fish that is used in the production of fish oil capsules everyone thinks are so great, the reason was because the were stripping entire areas (like hudson bay) of the fish, therefore removing an important link in the food chain, you got any idea how much they were limited to catching ? no ? try 150,000 tons per year ! considering these fish only reack about 2oz in weight, thats an awful lot of fish being caught to make ya’ll feel you’re doing something about a poor diet !

    rant over with now, i’m going fishing again !

    have a nicey nice day !!

    Peter Normington replied 18 years, 5 months ago 15 Members · 42 Replies
  • 42 Replies
  • David Rowland

    November 21, 2005 at 10:17 am

    I read a few bits of that… i need to re-fill my cup of tea before I read the whole lot… but hunting in this area is part of one of the earnings of the country folk, I am surrounded by people like that so they are now finding other ways of hunting… I am not sure if fishing is next, I think it will be shooting and my parents/grand parents were shooters (except me), I just wish things would be left as it is, i can understand both sides of the arguments but always is a no win situ.

    Work to do and tea to drink

  • Hugh Potter

    November 21, 2005 at 10:22 am

    yeah, tis a bit long, sorry, know what ya mean about leaving things be, i mean, it’s not like we’re hunting bear or owt,

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    November 21, 2005 at 12:37 pm

    As you might know, I work in a local hardware store part-time.
    Hunting is BIG here.
    We have to control our white tail deer population, as they will destroy crops etc.
    Our roads are full of dead deer this time of year.
    I myself do not hunt or eat deer meat, but I feel that there is a need for hunting.
    It also helps our economy….the state sells licences, stores sell hunting gear (including deer pee!) restaurants & motels benefit from the hunters as well.
    Fishing is also a big sport here, as there are 3 major rivers and several streams in this area.
    Most people do eat what they catch.
    I don’t find fishing barbaric either, many see it as an enjoyable pastime.
    Just my 2ยข.
    Keep on fishing, Hugh.
    I sold 4 bear licenses on Friday…the season starts today!
    Who the hell would wanna drag a big old bear outta the woods?

  • Phill Fenton

    November 21, 2005 at 5:27 pm

    One of my best friends is a mad keen fisherman.

    With him though, the pupose of fishing is not to catch fish, it’s the enjoyment of going out for a day with a friend sitting in a boat and setting the world to rights. If a fish is caught – that’s a bonus.

    However, It won’t be long until our power crazed politicians (especially the Scottish ones pontificating in Holyrood) bring out some form legislation to outlaw fishing as a hobby.

    It’s about time our politicians tried to tackle real issues.

    Our prisons will be soon overflowing with people caught fishing and smoking in public . Meanwhile the real villians are sue-ing the prison authorities for breaching their human rights because of “slopping out”. ๐Ÿ™„

    It’s OK to allow nurses the indignity of disposing of human excrement – but god forbid some thug should suffer the indignity of having to empty his own potty.

    If the scottish parliament want to pass some meaningfull legislation they should challenge the rights of prisoners to sue the authorities for the conditions they face in jail.

    That’s my rant over ๐Ÿ˜•

  • Peter Normington

    November 21, 2005 at 7:11 pm

    Sorry Hugh, if I made you rant.

    I have a few mates that are as nuts as you ๐Ÿ˜‰

    They travel miles to sit ouside near water, spend hours in anticipaion of the thrill of catching a fish, only to throw it back!

    They also go off into one when I say “Why do you do it” ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Me, I like someone else to catch and kill my meat, that leaves me much more time to make signs!

    I dont have an issue with catch it, kill it, eat it.

    I can’t see the point in killing any creature for sport though, but I would not interfere with those who believe that it is ok. That is their choice, and
    their conscionce.


  • Simon Kay

    November 21, 2005 at 10:20 pm

    It’s a funny old world eh!

    Good well constructed rant though Hugh.

  • Hugh Potter

    November 21, 2005 at 11:15 pm

    thanks ! i dont neccissarily agree with hunting things for the sake of it, and i guess i do like the tranquility of sitting by the sea, or a river etc, today was great, not at all cold n the sun, a calm sea, and peace and quiet !

    i think the ultimate fact is this, if you eat any kind of meat, wear any kind of leather or have any in your car, or use any kind of household cleaning agent, especially bleach which does not break down, burn any kind of fuel which gives of co2 and other poisonous gases etc, or whatever, then somewhere down the line you’ll be an element of the continued cause of suffering, in some small way, to an animal somewhere,
    thats that ! McDonalds alone kill over 10million cattle and millions of chicken every year for the kak they serve you, not to mention the 1000’s of chicks that get gased every day by them cos they’ve got too many,

    nobody within 1000 miles of anyone here, is innocent, basically you’ll need to walk around in hemp clothing, live in a mud hut (hope no worms were hurt in the building of the said hut), eat only berries (so long as you dont eat all the berries the birds need to survive on) and water, before you can have a clear conscience,

    anti’s are welcome to an opinion (so long as its mine), but the pot and the kettle are both very black indeed !!

    peter, no worries dude, i was due a rant anyways !!

  • Alan Wharton

    November 21, 2005 at 11:52 pm

    I fish i hunt and eat what i shoot, but there are too many do gooders about these days and they want everything banned!! nowt as funny as folk i spose (:)

  • Robert Lambie

    November 21, 2005 at 11:59 pm

    I’m not really fussed on fishing, i don’t down it… but would not even try it. if i caught one, i probably couldn’t kill it never mind skin and cook it.
    animals are different for me… ill skid and swerve to miss a little mouse on the road never mind anything else…

    i don’t say this as a wimp… put me face to face with a snarling dog threatening my life and ide club it to death in an instant. but… go out into woods to creep up on a defenseless animal and shoot it! nope… not for me, that’s heartless/cruel…

    i hear what you say Hugh with regards to being down the line some place. i agree… we are. i don’t eat much red meat, steak if I’m out for a meal and that’s about it… even then, on occasion, when the subject has come up at the table for some reason or another ill leave it.
    out of site out of mind i guess… ignorant i know… ๐Ÿ˜•

  • Hugh Potter

    November 22, 2005 at 12:05 am

    everyone is welcome to their opinions, and do respect them, even if i dont agree with them, i do insist on some kind of reasoning behind an opinion though, and yours Robert, is a very honest reason, which many people wont admit, the abortiors are outta sight outta mind, so we do feel better t not havng to see what goes on,

    i feel the problem is that sooner or later everything will get banned, you’ll need liability insurance to cross your own front door onto the street soon, hunting yesterday, whatever it is today, fishing tomorrow, cars ? where will it stop !

  • Nicola McIntosh

    November 22, 2005 at 12:09 am

    i’ve nothing againt fishing….as my dad used to take me & my sisters when we were younger, i live in fishing territory…but i refuse to agree with the prices to fish….ยฃ1000 for two rods for ONE day ๐Ÿ˜ฎ you need to be bonkers to pay that ๐Ÿ˜•


  • Peter Normington

    November 22, 2005 at 12:22 am

    well worth it nik, for fresh non farmed salmon
    for the grand though you probably only get to keep 2 fishies so it makes it a tad deer. To kill your own venison is even more expensive


  • Lynn Normington

    November 22, 2005 at 12:22 am

    I really have no morale codes about fishing hunting etc, I have never done it all I would think is if you catch/kill, it eat it don’t waste it !!!
    sorry to all fisherpoeple why would you want to get frozen to death trying to catch a wee tiddler when you can go and buy one at your local supermarket. (?) (?) (?) ๐Ÿ™„

  • Hugh Potter

    November 22, 2005 at 12:52 am

    i think the salmon licenses etc are a tad steep, but as pete says, wild salmon is ace !

    Lynn, shop fish…. yuk ! most of em have been on a factory ship for a few weeks on ice before even seeing the market, if you can get yourself a fresh caught plaice, flounder, sole, bass or mackerel, and compare it to a supermarket fish, you’d never eat a farmed or commercially caught fish again ! heck, if i could think of a way of getting one up to you fresh (ie still chilled somehow) i’d send ya the next one for the advice i’ve had off ya both !

    i do agree though, where possible, eat what you kill.

  • Peter Normington

    November 22, 2005 at 12:59 am

    thanks for the offer,
    but having caught and eaten fresh, most species, Lynn and I really do know what fresh tastes like.


  • Hugh Potter

    November 22, 2005 at 1:02 am

    not to worry then, glad you at least know what you’re missing !!

  • Lynn Normington

    November 22, 2005 at 1:03 am

    when ever you get your next catch we are not a million miles away fetch them here Peter can gut them and cook them fetch all the family it will be good and if you find any road kill on the way we can have fish and flesh !!


  • Andy Gorman

    November 22, 2005 at 1:08 am

    Of course, the recent hunting-with-dogs fiasco was cleverly manipulated and turned into a “let’s all pick on the toffs” battle. The anti-hunt lot knew this would turn public opinion in their favour because we all hate the green welly brigade. Personally, I can’t agree with a pack of dogs attacking a fox under the pretence that it is a valid way of controlling the fox population. Shoot the bloody things if they are that much of a pest! The huntsmen would gain a bit more credibility in my eyes if they just admitted that they enjoy doing it, but not much.

    As for fishing, this can’t seriously be classed as a blood sport. I’d love to see the government that is brave enough to outlaw the most popular participant sport in the WORLD. Loads of middle aged men with hooks in their hats would soon be banging on Blair’s door!

  • Peter Normington

    November 22, 2005 at 1:12 am

    oops, I wear green wellies, best get a pair of black ones then.


  • Lynn Normington

    November 22, 2005 at 1:13 am

    Andy I don’t even think it’s middle aged I have seen young kids and older kids 70’s plus(fishing) they all enjoy it or make belive they do, I belive them and I would come out on there side


  • Nancy Wannous

    November 22, 2005 at 1:15 am

    Hi Guys
    Here in Australia you can fish and eat as long its a legal size to take it away .
    Hunting i wish they Hunt some birds There is a lot of them and they shit on my car.
    Sometimes they just drop down dead from the tree ( heart attack and fall on my car )

  • Nancy Wannous

    November 22, 2005 at 1:16 am

    I meant so say they Shit on my car

  • Nancy Wannous

    November 22, 2005 at 1:18 am

    oh i just realized that the spell check change my word from ( They s.h.i.t ) on my car to ( i SWORE ) LOL.
    Good one.

  • Robert Lambie

    November 22, 2005 at 1:21 am
    quote wannousnancy:

    Hi Guys
    Here in Australia you can fish and eat as long its a legal size to take it away .
    Hunting i wish they Hunt some birds There is a lot of them and they (oh i swore !) on my car.
    Sometimes they just drop down dead from the tree ( heart attack and fall on my car )

    maybe the heart attack was brought on by the size of sh!t they had to squeeze out? ๐Ÿ˜• :lol1: :lol1:

  • Nancy Wannous

    November 22, 2005 at 1:26 am

    Ur funny Rob

  • Peter Normington

    November 22, 2005 at 1:30 am


  • Nancy Wannous

    November 22, 2005 at 1:33 am

    SAI ??
    Not sure didn’t come across me before.

  • Gordon Forbes

    November 22, 2005 at 2:24 am

    I have a firearms and shotgun certificate.

    I shoot little furry animals, large furry animals and animals with feathers.

    I also shoot paper targets.

    I do so with the full consent of the landowners concerned and the full consent of HM the Government as I comply with all current legislation.

    Why do I do this? because I want to and as long as I am legally allowed and fit enough will continue to do so.

    My reasons.

    Why should I explain any of it to people who are biased from the outset who have no knowledge of the what or why and don’t like what you do and I can quote many examples. especially from people who if you started questioning them about their personal life and what they do would reveal some interesting things no doubt about what is right and wrong.

    I expalin my reason many times in the forms I fill up to be granted these certificates.

    Come renewal time I have had serving police constables blatantly tell lies (a criminal offence)
    provide mis-information regarding current legislation (a criminal offence)be totally ignorant of current legislation
    Try to play tricks on you by phone about information they have at hand and get you to say different to dupe you.
    Lead my wife into seperate rooms in the house while questioning me to ask her personal questions in my absence about me and her feelings about firearms etc etc.

    Question friends who have nothing to do with the certificate process.

    tell me who I can and cannot associate with.

    If I get done for speeding, get into a heated discussion whith anyone, file for divorce, get convicted for drink driving, go to the doctor saying I feel a little depressed they can revoke my certificate and have no legal right to appeal (unless I pay for it) against the desicion
    They can look at my medical records any time they feel like it (any other hobbies require this?)

    I have to live my life being PC to enjoy my “privelige” of being granted these certificates (anyone else have to do that for a hobby?)

    Current governmental (at UN level) opinions world wide are against personal firearm ownership well documented in other places on the net and a fact.

    I have never met “Freddie” the fox “Roger” the rabbit, “Billy” the bunny, “Bambi” the deer etc and if I did it would make no difference if it was in a safe area meeting the criteria set out on my certificate I would still shoot them with the legally allowed prescribed ammunition which I am allowed to posses under current European legislation which I have been granted and have an exemption to posses written on my current certificate and am legally allowed to buy and keep.

    Of course I am not allowed to use target ammunition which though still a hollow point boat tail going from anywhere between 2800 > 4000 ft/sec and delivering anywhere between 1000 > 2500 ft/lbs of energy because it says I can’t because it is not designed to deform in a prescribed manner.

    Answers on a Stamp please as I’ve heard it all before.


  • Nancy Wannous

    November 22, 2005 at 3:03 am

    I C

  • Phill Fenton

    November 22, 2005 at 8:55 am

    You wouldn’t shoot Bambis mother though would you Gordon ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    (Says Phill using a mental image deliberately designed to cause outrage and inflame opinion ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

  • Hugh Potter

    November 22, 2005 at 9:27 am

    come the revolution, i want Gordon on my side !!!

    good for you gordon, i know the rules are strict for gun licenses, i guess they need to be with all the idiots who wouldnt know which way to look down a gun !

    my best friends dad (when i was 16) was a shooter with whatver rifles he used, mainly target stuff i think, either way, he was prety good, had all the gear, a locked safe at home etc, and was of pretty much impeccable character, one night his dad saw him ‘getting beaten up’ outside the kebab shop, turned out it was the big lad suposedly doing the beating that was getting the beating, but either way, he got involved and the guy who started it all went thru a small plate glass window, mates dad lost his gun licences for 10 years for helping stop a fight.


  • Lorraine Clinch

    November 22, 2005 at 10:19 am

    I have a neighbor who goes shooting, he also keeps ferrets for rabbiting, and his dog goes with him to retrieve. Everything he gets either goes in the pot, the freezer, he gives away, or feeds to his animals.

    Nothing is wasted. He doesn’t shoot for the fun of it, this is a guy who works hard for very little, and hunting reduces the need to spend money on food.

    Whatever my views on hunting, fishing, or whatever, this guy I admire.

  • Jayne Marsh

    November 22, 2005 at 11:04 am

    Interesting thread this, just one question for Gordon though
    Do you eat what you kill? and if not why kill something just because you can?
    I know all about gun licensing laws as both me and my husband used to own our own guns and shoot regularly, but only in a firing range.

    Hugh, I can understand why you fish, most of us spend too long cooped up in offices and living the rat race, it does you good to sit in the peace and quiet of the countryside and listen to nature without the phone ringing and people talking at you.
    Im not against hunting or fishing, but if you want to catch and kill then you should justify it by cooking and eating what you have caught. I would be suspicious of someone who kills for fun.

  • Hugh Potter

    November 22, 2005 at 12:48 pm

    thats a fair point Jayne, i’d say that about 80% of my cach gets returned unharmed, mainly cos i dont want to eat that particular species, or it is under the legal keep sizes, of the remaining 20%, i’d say that almost all come home to be eaten, if they’re not eaten in a suitable time then they’re frozen, flatties raely make the freezer, again though if not eaten in a few eeeks the mackerel will most likely be kept for bait,

    it is rare, but i do on occasion kill a fish for no reason other than it was swallowed the hook too deep, and it would do it more damage to remove it with the fish alive than to end it humanely,

    one question i do put to anti fox hunters in particular (not that i’m overly pro fox hunting, but because i’m awkward !) is this, do you care about the fox ? of the fact that someone is chasing it ? they invariably say…. the fox. then ask when was the last time the hit a fox or other animal with their car, and bothered to go back and put an injured animal out of its misery ? end of conversation.

  • Gordon Forbes

    November 22, 2005 at 4:43 pm

    The deer I shoot go for the pot not my own one goes to the laird.
    I actually prefer to see some of them going about.
    A lot of poaching around the estate know the people who do it too.
    They are merciless take everything clean in just for the ยฃยฃยฃยฃ that old ideoligy of poaching for the pot went out the door a long time ago.
    I know a guy who made ยฃ12,000 out of poaching deer in one year and he had a full time job as well. Makes me sick that does.
    Rabbit well vermin aint they though must admit there aren’t as much around here as there used to be and there isn’t as much crop damage.
    Foxes gawd ever smelled one let alone eat one eugh! only jokin.
    Foxes are shot to protect livestock which reared pheasants in a release pen on a sporting estate are classed as when in a pen apparently.
    Again not as much as there used to be and you would not believe how much were shot on a 1200 acre estate in one season when we first started controlling them.
    Same with feral cats too many of those going around too.


  • Jayne Marsh

    November 22, 2005 at 4:56 pm

    We see very few foxes these days, its a pleasure to see one trotting across the fields in the early morning. I imagine a bunch of pheasants kept together must look like a laid on feast to a fox ๐Ÿ˜€ I also bet there’s more foxes living in towns and cities these days than live in the countryside. I have spent time watching foxes from the living room window of my mothers house in central London, they are bigger and better fed than country foxes.
    The best pest control for rabbits round here seem to be cars, every morning there’s one or two squashed bunnies on the road. We have a few rabbits in our fields but far fewer than there used to be.
    What we do have in adundance are Buzzards and kestrels and other bird life, all playing their own part in natural pest control.

  • Gordon Forbes

    November 22, 2005 at 5:45 pm

    Same here not to mention badgers and Ospreys local knowledge where they are though not at this time of year.
    I had a mate who made a pond outside his house and he stocked it with rainbows. Osprey was a regular visitor much to his disgust.
    In the last few years I have actually witnessed a few wild cat aye the proper ones si they seem to be making a comeback too.

    Got a few of these badger watch numpties here as well. I don’t know why because not one tries to bait em or any of that stuff up here seems to be an English kinda thing from the borders down.
    We also have a lot of hares as well no one’s been allowed to shoot them on the estate for about 12 years or so. With modern farming they suffer enough already though I must say there is a lot more set aside now than ever and I don’t think it contributes much to wildlife. if they left it to grow wild I feel it would but they have to cut it all down so kind of defeats the purpose of it.

    Bit then aa you toonsers is the cause o’ ower countree loons bither onywey.


  • Simon Kay

    November 22, 2005 at 10:49 pm

    How aboot a puckle o doos fae the park fir the quinees Goop, eh?


  • Gordon Forbes

    November 23, 2005 at 3:16 am

    onywey foos yer dooos min!

  • Jayne Marsh

    November 23, 2005 at 7:53 am

    Looks like Im gonna have to start writing welsh now ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Pass me the dictionary :lol1:

  • Simon Kay

    November 23, 2005 at 8:55 am

    Hey Goop,

    Brother -in- Law a vet in Strichen. Used to go up there and hang with him and shoot. Good days.
    Liked it so much I ended working at North Hysie (It’s that long ago I’ve forgotten how to spell it) on Maitland Mackie’s farms.
    Hugmanay was always a hoot.
    Then went to Craibston Ag college.

    That was probably the extent of what I remember too – broguewise!


  • Peter Normington

    November 23, 2005 at 10:56 pm

    Just seen a news item,
    In America (Montana) After the Bison were almost hunted to extiction, it is now legal to shoot them again. (I say shoot rather than hunt) that is if they wonder over from the national Park (think its yellowstone).
    The guys that shot the first one argued that it was for food, And that is in the land of plenty.

    not a rant or an opinion, just pointing out fact.


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