• Peter Normington

    March 21, 2007 at 3:53 pm

    Hi John
    Welcome to the boards, I see you have jumped straight in!

    Are you looking for just the images, to print yourself? or for someone to supply the print, if so you need to post in the quotes forum.


  • John Hughes 2

    March 21, 2007 at 7:02 pm

    Evening Peter, not quite jumped straight in ! been trying to get out of the deep end for bout 6 years now!! Just looking for the image – can print here. (usual story – customer brings in a pic bout 1" square & says "can’t you that?")
    cheers John

  • Ian Johnston

    March 21, 2007 at 9:02 pm


    I think peter meant you have never introduced yourself to the rest of the boards, a small introduction lets every one know who you are and you’ll find that people will respond more readily.

    I don’t know were you can get the exact on one the picture but if you try aurora graphics in the USA, they produce CD’s with similar type themes, i have a few of these CD and they are very good quality.


  • Neil Davey

    March 21, 2007 at 10:49 pm

    You can find this image in vector art on the Graphics To Go cd. Costs about £90 if I remember from Impact.

    So why not invest in the disk, I bet this job will pay for it.


  • Peter Normington

    March 21, 2007 at 10:57 pm

    as Ian said I was referring to you jumping straight into uksb, not signmaking!

    The image on graphics to go is more for cut vinyl, I doubt if you will get high res like you want for free, Try istock for something similar.


  • Hugh Potter

    March 22, 2007 at 9:28 am

    i think i have a basic version for cut vinyl, if you wanted it like that you’d have to mess about with it in corel or illustrator, i wouldnt really know where to start to make it look like a photo quality image though !

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