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  • Chris Wool

    August 18, 2004 at 2:22 pm

    love it.

    i must say i normally like you designs very much


  • signdevil

    August 18, 2004 at 5:51 pm
    quote mrsticker:

    love it.

    i must say i normally like you designs very much


    Why thank you Chris, I appreciate that.

    Signdevil 😉

  • Bill Dewison

    August 18, 2004 at 6:59 pm

    Really smart! 😀 Bizarrely I’ve been using that Spider-man vector image myself today on a toy shop sign! 😮 Mines in the spidey colours, but the grey looks superb, reminds me of the ‘void’ van you did a while back.

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Martin Pearson

    August 18, 2004 at 7:10 pm


    As has been said you can buy a sign tray, pan call it what you like or make it yourself, I’ve done quite a few now and it is really easy using a router and a v groove bit.

    As for lighting, is this for a customer or for display yourself?
    If its for a customer then check with your local council, round here they hate anything other than trough lights.

    Trough lights are like flourecent lights that protrude from the wall and are angled to light sign, made to whatever length you require, Portland Lighting do them a a reasonable price, they also do quite a smart looking spot type light called a bullet.

    You might also think about a light box. You could get someone with a flatbed router to router the design for you in dibond, then you could bend it to give the returns and insert an acrylic panel, gear trays are cheap to buy and you could even colour the acrylic with translucent vinyls.

    Well theres some food for thought at least, if I can think of anything else Ill post again

  • Bill Dewison

    August 19, 2004 at 7:45 am

    Thank you Martin 😀 The trough lighting may be the option, I hadn’t considered what the local council would say 😕 They can be a little picky at times 🙁

    I do like the lightbox idea though, I could imagine that working quite well. I’m hoping to present a few ideas today to the lady who wants the signs and quote some rough price guides as the front sign is only part of the job, I have to come up with internal signage as well. Alot easier as it’ll be flat panels of colour, hardest thing is making sure they’re all straight.

    And ‘tray’, that was the word I was thinking of when I initially posted! 😀 I’m going to have to have a sign lingo chart stapled to my arm 😉 😉

    Cheers, Dewi

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