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  • Engraving/Lazer or acid etch? can anyone help!

    Posted by Dan Osterbery on February 19, 2010 at 4:53 pm

    Hi All,
    i have some curved stainless wine coolers that a client has asked us to brand and I cant find anyone that can do it on my little island!! If you can do it, could you pm your email and ill send the logo through for a quote! I know its going to cost a fortune in transport but the client has said get them done!!



    p.s. can send you a picture on monday!!

    Andrew Bennett replied 14 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • David Lowery

    February 19, 2010 at 7:39 pm

    Surely you have a trophy shop either on Menorca or Majorca. They should be able to do such a thing 😕


  • Dan Osterbery

    February 19, 2010 at 8:02 pm

    Hi dave,
    we have two on menorca and they can only engrave flat surfaces, i have tried sandblasting but quality not good due to size!! so i thought id try trusty old uksb!! Told customer it will involve shipping to uk and back but they dont care!



    spoke to two shops in mallorca and as we didnt buy the coolers from them they wouldent engrave them!!

  • Andrew Bennett

    February 20, 2010 at 1:51 pm

    Hi Dan,
    Look forward to seeing the picture.

    What’s the quality issue please with the sand blasting? I do a bit of sandblasting hence my interest.

    I take it that it’s some form of large lettering your carving?

    If it is, have you thought about putting 1shot or Pebio paint to finish?


  • Andrew Blackett

    February 20, 2010 at 2:19 pm
    quote Dan Osterbery:

    spoke to two shops in mallorca and as we didnt buy the coolers from them they wouldent engrave them!!

    Thats not that unusual – we tend to give things like this a wide berth. Granted we’re industrial engraving rather than giftware but the principal is the same. Me and Mandy have around 30 years of engraving between us and theres not many things that people bring in that we havent seen before but much like printing the machines can (and will) go wrong from time to time (even something as far fetched as a power cut) so will the engraving tables.

    If its not something you supply on a regular basis and you trash it then where do you stand? out of pocket normally 🙄

    We do sandblasting too, mainly granite, in our experience metal just kind of gets pushed around rather than chipped away microscopically like stone or glass would. So when you take the piece out it hasnt got any depth just a different colour/texture.


  • Dan Osterbery

    February 20, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    hi guys,

    Andrew: the problem with the sandblasting is that the logo is really small and thin so the vinyl wont stay on and gets blasted away!!

    Andy: we do embroidery and we are the same, when we havent sold the garments and one gets eaten by the machine, it is always a nightmare! specially with yachtie jackets like slam that are 120.00 euros each and we are doing a 2.00 euro design, so i understand that point!

    I’ll get some photos up on monday so you can have a look! its a silly job really but they are really good clients and we do alot with them, and he has asked me to "just deal with it"!

    thanks for your input!


  • Andrew Bennett

    February 20, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    Here’s a stainless steel flask from a "local supermarket chain"
    Etched using A.O through a pasche airbrush and a tattoo parlour stencil.

    Not my work, wish it was, and I post it to give Dan an example of what he should be seeing on his wine coolers.


  • Dan Osterbery

    February 20, 2010 at 2:41 pm

    thanks andrew! that looks good! the one we got back from the sandblaster looked nothing like that! It was not his fault as he did advise us it was too small and delicate, but i told him to go for it! i would be responsible for the results!



  • Dan Osterbery

    February 22, 2010 at 12:56 pm

    Hi Guys,
    here are the coolers in question! i have stuck etch vinyl to one to let you see the logo and the rough position! any questions please fire away!!




  • Andrew Bennett

    February 22, 2010 at 3:25 pm

    I read up on a guy who paints stainless steel signs for a living so maybe you would like to consider his method. Choose a colour that matches your client’s corporate colour if he has one. (or any colour of your choice that will look cool on steel) Maybe even use two colours, one for the shield and one for the lettering, its only applying tape to seperate the two.

    Basically sandblast your coolers and leaving the mask on, give the sandblasted logo a couple of very light coats of spray on quick dry enamel. but don’t use cheap and nasty paint or spray too thick.

    It’s quite easy to paint fill the sandblasted area stainless, giving the paint something to adhere to.
    Once the paints dried carefully peel off the mask and you’re done.

    Give it a try on some scrap stainless first to check the method.

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