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  • Cutting issue with my Liyu SC631, help please?

    Posted by Russ Delaney on September 14, 2011 at 12:49 am

    I have finally got my Liyu SC631 to communicate with my PC running windows 7.
    It does plot from autocad but the pen is like a hen pecking at seed!! Up and down constant.

    Anyone know what this could be?

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    Dave Willis replied 11 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Robert Lambie

    September 14, 2011 at 1:18 am

    I have never heard of the machine, please give a bit more info when posting as it will help generate more response.

    as for the pecking motion, sounds like the cutter is set in "pounce" mode.

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  • Gert du Preez

    September 14, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    Hi Russ,

    I was forced to purchase one of those "cutters" recently. My Roland broke down (first time in 17 years I’ve had a Roland dying on me!) and the Liyu was all that was available at short notice. Been using it for a month now, and by all appearances I will have to use it another couple of weeks.

    Major effort to get it working. Got it working eventually with a Epson driver after installing Windows XP. Could not get it to work from W7…….

    Once going, and once used to the operating procedures, it performs "OK", but it shows its budget origins. It will allow you to set up the vinyl and start cutting even if 1 or more of the pinch rollers (there are 3) does not line up with the grit sections on the grit roller. Also, each of the grit rollers has to be individually set, unlike other cutters where a single lever will pinch all rollers.

    Tracking is also not of the best on cuts longer than 1 metre.

    My advise, connect to a PC running XP, and use the Epson driver.

  • Martin Pearson

    September 15, 2011 at 1:18 am

    Could be that you have far to many nodes in what ever it is you are trying to plot. Try drawing a simple shape like a square or a series of squares and see how that goes.

  • Rich Goddard

    October 7, 2011 at 4:26 pm

    Hi Russ,

    If you are pen plotting from autocad every single line and arc will require then pen to lift and lower.

    I run a TC1361, and has run okay for the last year. I went for TC over the SC because the stepper motor is more accurate than on the SC models.

    If you got it from Rhino Tech then they can help you with drivers etc.

    Looks like they are importing a model with a servo motor shortly so keeping my eye on when they start selling them.


  • Andy Taylor

    June 22, 2012 at 11:15 pm
    quote Rich Goddard:

    Hi Russ,

    If you are pen plotting from autocad every single line and arc will require then pen to lift and lower.

    I run a TC1361, and has run okay for the last year. I went for TC over the SC because the stepper motor is more accurate than on the SC models.

    If you got it from Rhino Tech then they can help you with drivers etc.

    Looks like they are importing a model with a servo motor shortly so keeping my eye on when they start selling them.


    Hi Rich

    I dont work for them any more so I dont know what the support will be like now as only Naz has a clue what he is on about. lol

    But as for the pecking motion is likely to be caused by an incorrect driver.

    If you have not got sorted I can try and assist.

  • Dave Willis

    September 16, 2012 at 1:25 pm

    hi all. i have the sc1261 that ive had for a while.
    bought it to replace the roland pc60 which was only really any good as a cutter.
    ive found this this to be superb, although yes ive also found sometimes on larger peices the nodes need adjusting

    actually selling it now due to buying one with an optical eye.

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