• Correx Boards

    Posted by Paul Blackwell on January 11, 2005 at 8:15 pm


    I’ve been asked to quote for 10, 20, and 50 correx boards with full colour graphics. How would you do it;

    Print vinyl and apply or screen print?

    Signs are 30 inches x 24 inches.

    Cheers for any suggestions.


    Peter Normington replied 19 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Robert Lambie

    January 11, 2005 at 10:35 pm

    are the signs full colour images or 2-3 colour?

  • Nicola McIntosh

    January 11, 2005 at 10:39 pm

    hi paul 😛

    full colour graphics on an estate board is definate no on the screenprinting 😀 i would go for a printed vynil 😛 are they double sided? i’m sure someone on board could help you out!! 😀 oops someone beat me to it!! 😛


  • Peter Normington

    January 11, 2005 at 10:54 pm

    Unless you are geared up for this sort of work i would just back out of it, or quote high and then you have a result. for the quantities you are looking at 10 would be expensive anyway you do them. but if they are tru full colour they really need to be printed directly onto the fluted in large numbers to make it viable. BTW correx and the like come in 8×4 so the optimum size is 32×24

  • Paul Blackwell

    January 12, 2005 at 8:25 am

    The images are full colour. If any one can help please email me

  • Cammy – Europoint Display

    January 12, 2005 at 9:00 pm

    A flat bed digital print direct to substrate would probably cost around £25m2 for the print + apprx £4.50 for an 8 x 4 board so apprx cost for 6 full colour boards would be £80 , an Inca Eagle flat bed could probably print an 8 x 4 board in about 10-15 mins once they had the artwork , similar machines are around, if your stuck for someone in your area to get a quote fromlet me know , if you shop around you might get it cheaper than that , Digital print to Vinyl would cost a similar amount but the hassle of applying it unless you had a laminator would not be worth while.

  • Nicola McIntosh

    January 12, 2005 at 9:30 pm
    quote Cammy:

    Digital print to Vinyl would cost a similar amount but the hassle of applying it unless you had a laminator would not be worth while.

    i would not have thought they would need laminated? 😛 anyone say different? 😀


  • Nigel Fraser

    January 12, 2005 at 9:38 pm

    I think Cammy means that you might use a laminator to apply printed vinyl to the correx nik 😉
    My opinion would be to get a price for prints direct to the correx aswell – I use http://www.jkndigital.co.uk/ quite often and they should be able to sort it out easily for you.


  • Peter Normington

    January 12, 2005 at 9:43 pm

    by full colour do yu mean all of the board needs to be printed or just part of it can you post a pic or artwork?

  • Peter Normington

    January 12, 2005 at 9:45 pm

    Btw when some one asks for a price on 10 20 or 50 they usally just want one or two but at the fifty rate, dont fall into the trap 😕 been there and wore the T

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