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  • Coach Wrapping: airport parking

    Posted by Tim Shaw on July 9, 2002 at 8:49 am

    One of five wraps we had to do last month.

    Everthing above the yellow stripes is 3m Controltac and 3m one way vision
    on the windows.

    The side vinyl, below the windows, is 11.3m long, which we printed and applied in one piece. We did not apply application tape, we just hinged it in place soaked it in soapy water and floated it into place.


    Robert Lambie replied 22 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • signscript

    July 9, 2002 at 9:15 am

    V. Nice !! 😀

  • Mike Brown

    July 9, 2002 at 9:18 am

    Another little (sorry, BIG) cracker Tim!

    I see from your site and your posts, you do quite a few coaches (buses? – is there a difference 😕 ) – is this your ‘forte’ or do you have a big coachbuilders or two near or did you do one and then get a reputation for doing this type of work…or am I being too nosey 😉

    more soon

  • Tim Shaw

    July 9, 2002 at 11:41 am

    Mike, bit of both really.

    Plaxton coach & bus is just up the road.

    We all worked there at one point or another. I left there to set up
    a Pacer system for Forge Plastics. Then two traditional signwriters asked
    me to be the computer guy in a new venture.

    One year we did almost 1200 buses / coaches. 8 and 9 a day approaching
    Easter and Whitsun Holidays

    We got this job and the Cadbury job through reputation.

    Our website needs updating. We do plenty of other work, but I can get hold
    of the pictures of our coach work easier than our general work etc…..

    Because I did the site in Flash ( my first attempt at a website ) in is a bit
    of a faff to update, Should have done it all in Dreamweaver or the like.

  • Mike Brown

    July 9, 2002 at 5:27 pm

    I’m impressed!…so many coaches…something few of us get to try.

    The flash site is quite…flash! 😉 …works nicely.

    You obviously have a lot of experience and I look forward to learning stuff from your posts and comments too.

    Keep it coming Tim…you’re VERY welcome here!

    more soon

  • Robert Lambie

    July 9, 2002 at 8:51 pm

    yep… another very nice job tim… impressive (!)

    i take it all the buses mentioned arent v-wrapped like the cadburys one mate… if not what is your general day to day vinyl….

    just me being nosey again mate… sorry 😉

    by the way im rob… pleased to meet you (!) you will see me on here now and again … cant miss me. im the one that cant spell & has to much to say for himself 😆 😆 😆

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