Casmate Pro/Windows xp
Can any one help?
I recently bought a new PC runnning windows xp. On installing Casmate (my main sign design program) I discover it will not run as the computer does not recognise the dongle plugged into the printer port.
When plugged back into an old PC with casmate – the dongle is recognised without any problem – so I haven’t got a faulty dongle.
I also use Signlab which installed and ran without any problems.
On looking for information about this on the net – I am advised that Casmate is not suitable for Windows xp or 2000 (Windows 98 being the last o/s suitable for Casmate).
However, on installing the demo version of Casmate pro – I find that this runs fine on Windows xp. (The demo version doesn’t need the dongle – but cannot save files).
Is there somthing about Windows xp which stops the dongle being recognised by Casmate? Can I install windows 98 onto a new PC to use alongside windows xp when running Casmate?
Am I overlooking something obvious?
Any suggestions or advice would be welcome.
(Casmate is no longer supported by Scanvec Amiable so good advice is hard to come by)
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