Activity Feed Forums Software Discussions Corel Software can anyone tell me how to cut with Corel draw 9 please?

  • can anyone tell me how to cut with Corel draw 9 please?

    Posted by WP_Graphics on November 11, 2002 at 1:39 pm

    I’ve got a graphtec FC-2100 (old 2 foot plotter) and have been using Flexisign to cut everything out on it.


    I use CorelDraw 9 to design most of my drawings in. Is there any way that I can cut directly from Corel and if so, what is the best way and where do I get hold of the necessary software to do this??

    Is there a better way? Everyone on here seems to use Signlab???

    I’ll continue this software part in the relevant forum


    Ondra replied 21 years, 3 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Martin C

    November 12, 2002 at 11:44 pm


    I don’t think you can cut directly from Corel? I run Corel 8 to create all my artwork and export as an EPS to the Script file which is then picked up by my cutter package..Signscript which is very basic.

  • Lee Attewell

    November 13, 2002 at 12:15 am

    You can cut directly from corel. If you go to the letterville site and do a search, there are instrustions on how to do it. You can also buy a bridging programme like sign tools 3 which is an aussie product for about a hundred pounds or so. I’ve played with it’s demo version and like some of the tools you get.


  • signscript

    November 13, 2002 at 4:28 pm

    there is a prog called “CoCut 9” its very good you can find more info from its about £220 retail, ive got a spare copy and dongle if you want to buy it cheap!!

    just give me a call 07984 406272

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    November 17, 2002 at 6:16 pm

    I think you can…………try going here and dowloading the “Printer” driver. … 28v684.htm

    Unzip and install the driver like you would a printer. Then from Corel just go to “file” then “print” and it should list the driver for the cutter. You will have to play with the page setup. Several cutter manufacturers offer a printer driver….you don’t have to have cutting software, other than Corel, Illustrator or some other vector based program.

    good luck 😀

  • vinylwiz

    August 3, 2003 at 9:37 am

    I use Corel 9 for just about everything, including designing, tracing, layout and yes cutting with my Camm 1. So many people have asked how that I’ve filed a brief overview in mydocs to show what can be done. There is a limited demo of Signtools 2 that helps with outlining and weedbox plus a few other tools enabled but it is not essential for cutting. For those who can’t find a printer driver for their plotter search the web for Kwik kut which is free and allows cutting from Corel without a driver.
    Anyhow here’s some basics………….
    Okay ……….. I use a Roland Camm 1 x 24″, and Core9 but the principle should be the same.

    Make sure you have a parralel cable not a serial to the plotter, I use a switchbox without problems but others say it can cause hiccups.

    Install the driver to your printers folder.

    In Corel create and save some custom pages, for my Camm 1 they are LANDSCAPE 22.9″ x 24″ and 22.9″ x 72″, name them roland or ?? (your brand) 1 + 2 you can alter the length before cutting to save vinyl. Dont know the width of your machine but if it has pinch rollers the cut width is probably 1″ less than roll width. Check the manual.

    Create your sign text or graphics on this new custom page or paste parts in from another page.

    Marquee select or use [Select all] in EDIT rollup and remove the colour from the graphics and then outline with the finest default outline.

    I use the weedbox facility from Signtools 2, you can download a demo version with that tool enabled from it is a plugin for Corel but not sure if they have vers 11 yet. Otherwise resort to the old make a rectangle 6mm bigger than the text measurement.

    Go to > MY COMPUTER > PRINTERS FOLDER and right click on your plotter, set as default printer, right click all other printers and select > Pause printing.

    Back to Corel and hit PRINT which will open the dialogue box for the plotter. I always do a print preview before continuing, there was one time I didn’t……. S#xxx!%T.
    Big trap is to set your measurements to inches or centipedes and always work with one or the other.

    I have presumed you are Corel savvy and will remember all the align to centre commands and other goodies.

    While I’m on a roll, here’s more, I take measurements of cars and shop windows etc plus a digital photo. Open the jpg in Corel and use the rulers to bring it to full size view. Design my sign on this, copy the text into the cutting page and resize the original to 5″ wide, export as jpg to email to customer for approval. Only do this if you trust the customer not to shop around with your design.
    😀 Tommy.

  • Kevin Flowers

    August 3, 2003 at 10:04 pm

    What version of flexi do you run? i used corel 10 with my Roland PC 60 when i first started and had nothing but grief miscuts, cutting of the page etc. i have now swapped to flexi and very rarely use corel if i do i just copy and paste in to flexi, Flexi can do most of what corel can anyway and the cut manager with flexi is one of the best i have used. However when you paste from Corel to Flexi items come with a small pen outline. The other option is to save the corel draw as a eps or ai file and open with flexi.

  • Ondra

    August 11, 2003 at 9:17 am

    I do not know the quality of so called printer driver for Graphtec
    once I tried to use the original Win driver for ROland CAMM1 1200
    and I must say the output was of acceptable quality to the max lenght.
    of about 15″
    Other signmakers had the same experience with direct use of printer drivers
    may be it is only Roland’s problem.
    I can recommend “no dongle” SignGo software – easy to download from and test up to 1 month period. It supports your FC 2100 in ver. 50,60,90 and 120. The basic version costs about 90 pounds.
    The procedure is very easy:
    1. Export from Corel to .eps
    2. Import to SignGo
    3. Cut!

    Have a nice day


    P.S. I am not working for SignGo. 😉

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