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  • Can anyone Print during this lockdown?

    Posted by Beej Curtis on April 30, 2020 at 11:51 pm

    Hi All,
    Hope everyone is keeping well and safe.

    While in lockdown, I am planning on painting several portraits. For this work, I need some black and white prints, they need to be approx 760x500mm (maybe wee bit smaller as this is canvas size). I use these to xacto cut to make stencils for the airbrush work, so usually print 2 copies so I have a spare for cutting.

    Im in Poole, Dorset and I am wondering if anyone could assist if you still have access to a printer? I am happy to pay for prints and P&P, paper can be very ‘basic’ as they wont be saved for anything except being cut out and sprayed thru, so not looking to spend too much.

    I only have an A4 printer and if I had an A3, I could probably make it work by printing two separate portraits (its for my son and daughter-in-laws wedding anniversary) so its a double portrait, well, the first one is! Ive got several planned.

    Thanks for any help you could give.

    David Rogers replied 4 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Simon Worrall

    May 1, 2020 at 5:53 am

    must be a lot of guys with printers in their garage

  • David Rogers

    May 1, 2020 at 9:03 pm

    If you are stuck let me know. We’re still open full time (doing mainly safety type stuff) and other trade work.

    Plenty of paper, synthetic paper, pull up media, ferrous paper, banner and vinyl etc in stock.

    Either A3 on copier paper or up to 1600 wide on the wide format.


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