Activity Feed Forums Sign Making Discussions Vinyl can anyone please tell me what command spray is exactly?

  • can anyone please tell me what command spray is exactly?

    Posted by Hugh Potter on June 11, 2006 at 7:15 am

    i’ve done a quick search of the boards, but not found any real info on the stuff,

    can anyone please tell me what it is exactly ? who supplies it / sends out samples ? and prices ?


    Shane Drew replied 18 years ago 6 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Lynn Normington

    June 11, 2006 at 7:23 am

    never heard of it Hugh what is it for ??


  • Peter Normington

    June 11, 2006 at 8:03 am

    Europoint, do it I believe, It was mentioned in by Cameron in Robs dairy truck wrap.

    Link to oracals command vinyl system (not the spray though)

  • Shane Drew

    June 11, 2006 at 9:25 am
    quote Hugh Potter:

    i’ve done a quick search of the boards, but not found any real info on the stuff,

    can anyone please tell me what it is exactly ? who supplies it / sends out samples ? and prices ?


    mate, it is not made by oracal, but it is approved by them to use with any of their vinyls, especialy 870 vinyl vehicle wrap, and 3951 digital vinyl wrap material.

    I doubt you’d get samples frankly as it is a bit expensive, here at least.

    I am pretty sure that oracal resellers would stock it tho.

    essentially it is, for want of a better explanation, an oily film that prevents the glue from bonding straight away. There are some important things to remember when using it tho, and I am happy to explain how to use it if anyone needs to know.


  • Kevin Flowers

    June 12, 2006 at 8:29 am

    Cameron mentioned this stuff at Sign Uk to me, believe Uk sellers will be stocking it soon.


  • Cammy – Europoint Display

    June 13, 2006 at 3:30 pm

    Hi Guys,

    Its not recommended by any vinyl manufacturer at all , its a product sold by Manfred who does all of Orafols demonstrations , he uses it for his wrapping and i believe has patented the recipe, i have a pdf file i can e-mail anyone who wants it with instructions etc.
    It isn’t oily .. Rob has used it ,it is a liquid but drys very quickly and leaves an invisible dry coating on the surface which a) reduces the initial grab of the adhesive and b) lets you effortlessly push bubbles out to the sides.

    It isn’t expensive … check with Rob …its sold in the UK exclusively by Europoint in 500ml bottles.

    Hope this helps

  • Shane Drew

    June 14, 2006 at 1:13 am
    quote Cammy:

    Hi Guys,

    Its not recommended by any vinyl manufacturer at all , its a product sold by Manfred who does all of Orafols demonstrations ,

    Cammy, I didn’t say it was recommended. I had a long discussion with Manfred when he was here last September, and he didn’t say it was recommended either, but he did say it was approved to use on Oracal, and would not void your Oracal warranty. But, simply by Oracal resellers offering the product, it could be considered a recommendation, to my mind anyway.

    After talking to Manfred, I am pretty sure it was a product formulated with Oracals help and blessing.

    quote Cammy:

    It isn’t oily .. Rob has used it ,it is a liquid but drys very quickly and leaves an invisible dry coating on the surface which a) reduces the initial grab of the adhesive and b) lets you effortlessly push bubbles out to the sides.

    I have used this extensively, (I was the one that suggested Rob check it out months ago and had pics of the application here … ght=sydney) and describing it as an oily film was probably incorrect. It gives the feel of an oily surface when you apply 3951, by the way the bubbles can be pushed out. You must not leave the vinyl finished on an area that has the command fluid though, as it will keep lifting. the edge of the vinyl must finish in an area with no command fluid. Any deep indents must not have command fluid for the same reasons. 🙄

    quote Cammy:

    It isn’t expensive … check with Rob …its sold in the UK exclusively by Europoint in 500ml bottles.

    I only said it was expensive here. At $100 per litre and undilutable, I think it is expensive. You get a few vehicles out of a bottle, but don’t drop it or tip it over. It is like liquid gold 😛 .

  • Cammy – Europoint Display

    June 14, 2006 at 6:57 pm

    Hi Shane,

    I didn’t realise you knew Manfred ?i have been at exhibitions where other peoples vehicle wrappers have come over to see how Manfred does it !!, he is the only person Orafol use, Oracal do know about it but say they had nothing to do with it i guess if it helps the customer they will be happy with it,we put a fully illustrated instruction leaflet in with every bottle we sell. Have you got "rapid air" over there yet ?would be interested to know what you think of it , our stock has just arrived in 3551.

    All the best

  • Peter Normington

    June 14, 2006 at 7:06 pm

    Cammy I am interested in the spray, I have pm’d my email addy to you


  • Robert Lambie

    June 14, 2006 at 8:18 pm

    as has been said, a couple of members of our staff and i, have been product testing this stuff for a few months now. initially i got info and guidance from Shane and i have also been speaking with Cameron. ive done the playing around with it bit, but now using it on "live" jobs i think best suited for it… ill rephrase that… Live jobs i am comfortable with using it on for the time being. what i mean is, being a 100% dry application type person and then moving to an assisted type application makes me very dubious. so i am trying to really get my head around this product before spouting off about how good or bad i find it.
    i will have my thoughts put on the site soon enough, with video footage of how it should be used and my thoughts on the product. 😀

  • Shane Drew

    June 14, 2006 at 10:34 pm
    quote Cammy:

    Hi Shane,

    Have you got “rapid air” over there yet ?would be interested to know what you think of it , our stock has just arrived in 3551.

    All the best

    Not sure what rapid air is cammy. 😕 I’ll ring Greg today to see whats happening….

    You’ll like the 3551. It is not suited for full vehicle wraps tho. 3751 or 3951 only for that. Good for billboard signage type stuff tho. Great resolution.

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