• John Childs

    February 21, 2010 at 10:10 am

    They seem a little disorganised to me. Every year since I first spoke to them they’ve threatened to contact me before renewal date and give me a quote. They’ve never quite managed it though. Last time they rang a week after I’d renewed, and some years I never hear from them at all.

    Perhaps it’s being unfair, but if they can’t even organise a quote, it doesn’t bode well for what might happen if we had a claim.

    They reckon they’re going to be in touch again this year but, unless they come up with something spectacular, I reckon I’ll be sticking with AXA.

  • Warren Beard

    February 21, 2010 at 10:13 am

    Hi George

    I use them and have for the last 3 years, as with all insurances you can’t really know how good they are until you need them but so far I have had excellent service and advice. My premiums even went down last year for the same cover 😛

    In fact on Wednesday I emailed them for a copy of my liability cover and they emailed me a copy the same day and the next day in the post I received 5 original copies to keep for submitting for jobs that needed proof of the cover.

    Like I said I have not had to claim anything but service and price for me was very good although have not compared again since starting with them so maybe time to do a check around.



  • Kevin Flowers

    February 21, 2010 at 12:00 pm

    been with them for the past 2 years with no problems but again no claims. Seem prompt in correspondence when changing details etc.

    do you actually have a cert of liability or is it just a letter, when i asked they said they only do them for Employee Liability but could do a letter stating the liability cover held.


  • Chris Wool

    February 21, 2010 at 12:02 pm

    i use them. as warren says don’t know till you really need to.

    check things like heat usage on site. they struggled with the use of a heat gun.
    storing things like thinners inflammable cleaners.
    storage of stock.
    all the little bits that could make a difference in a claim for something bigger.


  • Warren Beard

    February 21, 2010 at 12:16 pm

    Hi Kevin, yes it’s a letter, have had to use it a few times for customers etc and never had a complaint yet so seems OK.



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