• Bonjour

    Posted by Adrian Neill on August 18, 2004 at 10:39 am

    Hi all. I have been lurking about a few times and found this site really interesting, and great for ideas.

    I have posted a couple of things so far, and people have been really helpfull – will sign up to members area probably this week.

    I work for a small sign company based in Braintree in Essex called ‘Solar Graphics’ (interesting story behind the name if anyone is interested) !?!
    There are Eight of us here – six full time and two part time.
    My job title is “Senior Graphic Technician” or “The bloke who does the designs” !!!!!!! 😉

    Hope to reap as much advice as I can, and of course pass on any knowledge I may have !!

    Anyway will stop going on and design some signs !!

    Adrian Neill replied 19 years, 11 months ago 10 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Robert Lambie

    August 18, 2004 at 11:36 am

    hi ady & welcome to the boards 😀
    glad to hear you find the site of interest, hopfuly your visits will become a habit, then maybe an addiction, then you could even meet up with us all one day at the rehab centre for sign nuts 😉 :lol1:

    anyway, ill stop, my patters crap 😳 :lol1:

    thanks for taking the time to say hello and more so post your profile picture.

    cheers mate 😉

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    August 18, 2004 at 12:31 pm

    Welcome aboard.
    As you can see, I visit this site so often it has caused severe eye problems.
    My, that must be a busy productive company to employ so many.
    My title here is
    But I must be doing OK because I have enuff work
    so that I can pay most of my bills and buy groceries.
    What program do you do your designing in?

  • Adrian Neill

    August 18, 2004 at 2:13 pm

    Thanks for the welcome guys.

    99% of our designing is carried out on the Gerber Omega software.
    We currently run two PC’s with this program. One runs Version 1.56 and the other, the more up-to-date Version 2.0 . I must admit I have absolutley no experiece on any other ‘sign-making packages’ but love using this software.

    Most of the designing is done on the Version 2.0 .

    We also have a network to an engraving machine. We bought this recently and seem to be getting to grips with it !?! 🙄

    What do you other guys use ?
    How does the ‘Omega’ software ‘stand-up’ to other programs ?

  • Carrie Brown

    August 18, 2004 at 2:45 pm

    Hi Ady :wave3:

    Great to see another new face on the boards … not that theres anything wrong with the old ones, well not old as in old old 😮 Can someone please take the shovel!!! :lol1:

    Anyway, look forward to seeing more posts and maybe some pics of work. I would definitely recomend getting membership so as you have access to everything!! 😀


    Carrie & Stephen …. …probably the only sane ones here 😛

  • Rodney Gold

    August 18, 2004 at 2:56 pm

    What engraver did you get? I started out in 84 with on of the early 1m x 500mm engravers/routers (ISEL)

  • Adrian Neill

    August 18, 2004 at 3:15 pm

    Hello Carrie, Stephen & Rodney .

    I have posted one job so far. Job was quite easy, other than the timescale allowed ! , but was nice to be able to get our hands on a Ferrari and cover it in vinyl !!! 😀

    As for the engraver Rodney, we invested in a Dahlgren machine. Not exactly sure on the model, but the ‘bed’ size is 640mm x 430mm. This allows us to engrave 95% of engraving jobs we do.

    Were gonna be investing in a new digital printer soon 😀 – can’t wait till that arrives – already thinking of the decals I can cut for my radio control cars !!

  • coolinshot

    August 18, 2004 at 3:28 pm

    what’s the interesting story behind the name? (I’m nosey if no one else is)

  • John Singh

    August 18, 2004 at 5:08 pm

    Hi Ady

    Welcome to the site

    Solar Graphics? An interesting story behind it you say. You’ve raised our curiosty. :police3:

    So when you get a minute sunshine, maybe you can shed a little light
    unless its a hot story that might raise the temperature a little on here


  • Bill Dewison

    August 18, 2004 at 7:11 pm
    quote Carrie:

    Great to see another new face on the boards … not that theres anything wrong with the old ones, well not old as in old old 😮 Can someone please take the shovel!!! :lol1:

    At it again Carrie? You must spend a fortune on gardening tools! 😉 😉

    Hi and welcome Ady 😀 I’m the resident insane one that ppl try to avoid at the sign meets :lol1: I work alone as no one is willing to work with me and my job title, That Nutter.. or similar 🙄

    Hope you enjoy your time here though, everyone’s always willing to help out and offer advice etc.

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Nicola McIntosh

    August 18, 2004 at 7:20 pm

    hi ady welcome aboard!! 😀 😀


  • Martin Pearson

    August 18, 2004 at 7:26 pm

    Hi Ady and welcome to the site, hopefully you will be able to pass on some of your design knowlege to some of us less experienced sign makers.

    Jill I must be better than you as I am ” The complete idiot that does everything”

  • Adrian Neill

    August 19, 2004 at 6:52 am

    A few years ago, my boss at the time decided we should change our name, as his brother owned a sign company aswell with exactly the same name !! (confusing or what) Especially seeing as he was based right next to us !! 😮

    Anyway, we had at least fifty names written down as ideas, but couldn’t really decide on which one. None of them really stood-out so we were hoping for inspiration.

    At the same time, we had decided that it was also time to update our now very tired Volkswagen van and invest in a shiny new Mercedes Sprinter (not so shiny now)!!

    Upon order confirmation we were given a list of number plates that we could choose from. My boss passed me the list to see if I could find anything interesting, as I always seem to have a ‘knack’ of spotting hidden words in number plates!

    I went through the list, when one caught my eye 😮 S850LAR . I stared for a moment 🙄 “hang on a minute” – S8 5OLAR. I showed my boss this plate and he seemed kinda interested.

    then suddenly it came to us . . . . . . . . . . S8 5OLAR . . . . . . . Solar Graphics !!!???!!!!! Oh my god – not only had the inspiration eventually reared its ugly head, but along with it, we now have a personalised numberplate for the van !!!! Solar Graphics was born !!

    It’s amazing how many people spot the van and comment on how we must have paid a fortune for a plate like that !

    Our current second van came with LX53BHN – we have no plans to change to ‘BHN Graphics’ !! 😉 (yet)

  • John Singh

    August 19, 2004 at 11:20 am

    Well spotted Ady

    Bet the boss thought the sun shone outa ya —-side eh! :lol1:

    I thought you specialised in solar panelled signs 😀

    Thanks for the explanation


  • Adrian Neill

    August 19, 2004 at 11:32 am
    quote :

    I thought you specialised in solar panelled signs

    mmmmm. theres a thought ! 🙄 😉

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