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  • Bloody neighbours and their uncontrolled dog.!

    Posted by David Rogers on October 31, 2010 at 12:35 am

    Kim (our dog) & I have just been attacked by a neighbour’s staffie cross. (about an hour ago) It was off lead & charged Kim. Despite a block kick as it charged (as it’s not the first time it’s done it) and having to choke the staffie to release it, Kim’s come off much the worse for wear.
    Second time it’s happened when I’ve been there – last time was a few small punctures in Kims neck…this time about 6 punctures & one 20mm tear in her back over her spine (subcutaneous fat showing). All flushed out & as clean as I can get them.
    Police called this time as it’s the third time she’s been attacked by this otherwise quite friendly (to humans) animal. If they ever show up…hardly crime of the century, but a bit of action please!
    I’ve got some minor cuts and a HUGE bruise on my left hand from a burst blood vessel…swollen to hell.
    Called our 24hr vet line, going it first thing tomorrow morning to get her seen to as it’s not bleeding badly and she’s OK…Sunday rates…£chi-ching, but her welfare comes first.
    Hope to press charges against owners, force action under the Dangerous Dogs Act or take to small claims if all else fails. The owners are fine – and he volunteered his address readily in the knowledge I would be calling the police. Much against my animal loving nature but I think this dog needs to be destroyed as the owners and their children are incapable of controlling it. No, not the fault of the dog – but there WILL be a next time and it might not be me (with Kim)…pity help them if it is me though…

    Adrian Yeo replied 13 years, 6 months ago 13 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Andrew Blackett

    October 31, 2010 at 8:13 am

    So sorry to hear your story David – sounds awful mate. Hope you and Kim are ok now. I’ve always been a bit nervous around dogs (especially barking, jumpy ones!) but have got a bit better over the last few years.

    Recently though I had a confidence knock – me and my little lad were on a bike ride and returned to the field near our house to be greeted by a huge rottweiler pelting down the hill, slavering, barking with heckles up. I literally froze to the spot and wondered what the hell to do – got my little lad to me asap obviously!

    What really grieved me though was when the owner of the dog called it back, I was greeted with the obligatory "oh dont worry it wont bite" – that seems to be a get out clause for people who cant (or wont) control their dogs properly.

    I’m totally with you David – if this dog has done this before, and they arent taking steps to control it then theres only one option……


  • David Rogers

    October 31, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    Quick update:

    Vet this morning. 45 min consultation involving hunks of fur getting shaved off and discovering a few extra punctures on her neck & bum

    She was SO good – didn’t react at all even when getting it all scrubbed out with antibacterial wash & flushed through with saline…just gazed into her daddy’s eyes. Vet commented on how good she was – if only they knew what she USED to be like when subjected to anything she wasn’t that keen on when we first adopted her a year ago!!
    Grrr, snarl..bite..bite…

    All wounds left open to aid healing / reduce infection….presently lying in a sun spot in the living room

    Police came up and took verbal statement and it was my option on how to proceed. Opted for warning and advised to keep on lead at all time. if I see it off-lead I am to report it.

    As it was a one-on-one anything (such as pressing for action under the D.D.A.) would involve the courts and witnesses…and the lack of them (to this incident) makes for a poor case.

    Yet to find out how much for the vet bill but expecting in the region of £100. Will update you all on her progress.
    I may press for payment or 50%…

    Police called me back. The actual owner is apparently mortified at what has happened & accept full responsibility. Issued with warning to keep her on lead / secured on will be reported. if another attack then Sheriff Officer will ‘take a very dim view’ and proceed accordingly.
    Seems Kim got in a few well placed bites too, but as the Police told the owners – it would never have happened if their dog was under control.
    Got personal contact with the local community officer now. And not letting anything slide.

    Rightly or wrongly I did tell the police that if it happened again I would deal with it on the spot – not sure if he took me seriously


  • Neil Speirs

    October 31, 2010 at 12:50 pm

    So sorry to hear about this Dave, can’t say I’m a huge fan of these dogs. I’m of the mind that they should be put down on the first display of aggression towards any human or dog especially when unprovoked. How these owners can try & justify keeping them after they have attacked is beyond me.

  • Chris Wool

    October 31, 2010 at 8:42 pm

    with neil all the way.
    love dogs as a rule just not those types and can’t see the point.

    give kim another biscuit from us

  • Peter Normington

    October 31, 2010 at 10:05 pm

    our dogs got attacked a few months ago.
    I was walking them back to our trailer. (they were on a leash) when an Alsatian, ran up and had a go at my bitch (Susie) my dogs are not small but are not fighters.
    the alsation seemed to be in a frenzy, my first reaction was to separate them, but
    Ozzie (my dog) even though quite taken aback, and was unsure how to react, bit the Alsatian’s ear and made it run off.
    What was surprising though, is the owner of the Alsatian protested that my dog had injured her dog!
    Dave, hope kim doesnt have any long term trauma from the attack,
    my ossie who is a normally laid back, took a while to adjust to socialising again,


  • Martin Pearson

    October 31, 2010 at 11:55 pm

    Dave, hope like Peter says she hasn’t been traumatised to much. My dog isn’t great when it comes to socialising. She had a couple of scares when she was a pup and now she is really wary of any dog she doesn’t know regardless of how big or small it is.

  • Marcella Ross

    November 1, 2010 at 12:58 pm

    🙁 Hope your dog makes a good recovery Dave. Shame, Staffies are really good natured and not what people generally think. But it sounds as if this one has issues with other dogs.
    Hope it doesn’t affect Kim and make her nervous of other dogs.
    Hopefully the police will deal with the owners!

  • RayRosher

    November 1, 2010 at 1:47 pm

    you did the right thing m8
    What if it had been a Child walking your dog.

  • Nigel Pugh

    November 1, 2010 at 3:18 pm

    I have grown up with Staffies, pedigree and crosses and none have been a problem, had a Staffie crossed with an Alsation and she was a right softy.

    Poor owners generally lead to poor behaving dogs.

  • Neil Speirs

    November 1, 2010 at 3:31 pm
    quote Nigel Pugh – Grafityp:

    I have grown up with Staffies, pedigree and crosses and none have been a problem, had a Staffie crossed with an Alsation and she was a right softy.

    Poor owners generally lead to poor behaving dogs.

    Agree with you Nigel, I reckon around 80% of Staffie owners are irresponsible neds who legally shouldn’t be allowed to own these dogs, it’s more a badge to them than any great love or understanding of the breed. If these dogs were licensed to proper responsible owners you would probably never here of them attacking anyone or thing, just my thinking 🙄

  • David Rogers

    November 1, 2010 at 4:26 pm

    RE: staffies

    this particular one is really nice & friendly when there’s no other dogs around.

    And our next door neighbour’s staffie is basically Kim’s best friend as they go walking together.

    I’ve never had issues with them being aggressive to humans…shame that this one has issues with my mutt!

    Kim’s doing OK – a bit stiff & sore and slightly chewed up but she’ll make a full recovery physically. She does tend to remember ‘bad’ dogs – but not shy of them

  • James Martin

    November 1, 2010 at 4:52 pm

    Aggressive animals are more dangerous than humans (Unarmed ones at least).

    Unless the animal is genuinely protecting its self or an Innocent owner and it causes damage like to Daves dog it should have to go through a test like strays have to go through to determine there suitability for re-homing.

    If it doesnt pass, kill the fu*ker, problem solved.

    if it does pass and and it does it again see solution above.

    Pets are meant to be pets!

    And working dogs should be mixing with peoples pets.

    Why does the owner not just put the wee bostard down?

    I like dogs as well. :lol1:


  • Martin Pearson

    November 1, 2010 at 6:18 pm

    Aggressive animals are more dangerous than humans (Unarmed ones at least).

    I’ve never seen an armed animal, not quite sure how they would hold any sort of weapon :lol1:

    And working dogs should be mixing with peoples pets

    I keep trying to get meg to do some work, just basic stuff like weeding but all she wants to do is play.

  • Alan Wharton

    November 3, 2010 at 2:53 am

    its the owners that are more at fault than the dogs, i live in the middle of nowhere on a farm no roads just dirt track for 2 mile to the nearest road and theres livestock here aswell, over the years we have had no end of problems with dogs chasing and killing animals round here, i go out and give the owners proper grief and they just laugh at you and tell you to F off i can do what i want and you carnt do sod all about it! had the police out many times, 1 of them 1 day told us to look up the legal requirements for dog owners and put it on a sign 50 odd yards down the track either side of the approach to the buildings, basicly all dogs MUST be on a lead and the wording goes if a dog WORRIES livestock it can legally be SHOT! mmmm unfortunately 4 dogs have met there end up here now all because the owners CANNOT be BOTHERED to take notice of signs.
    As far as i was aware ALL dogs must be kept on a lead in any public place, you can even get done if you are bitten by a dog going down his front path to his door as dogs must be kept under control at all times even on private property as in at home.
    I breed siberian huskies and have a german shepard as a guard dog so i know what its like to have dogs and its not difficult to keep them under control.
    Bad owners are the problem.

  • Gavin MacMillan

    November 3, 2010 at 10:34 am

    All dogs can be rehabilitated, their owners may not be capable of doing this but if a dog is aggressive to people or other dogs it is the fault of the owner – every time, regardless of breed.

    I believe that dogs should be rehabilitated and re homed if there are problems, it’s something I feel really passionate about and if I didn’t do this job I would be trying to make a living out of doing this…. it’s still the back-up rainy day plan.


  • Adrian Yeo

    November 3, 2010 at 1:54 pm

    I have a couple of Alaskan Malamutes, both as friendly as you could ever want around people. The boy is entire (as we show), and is ok around other dogs unless challenged, but my bitch is a cow! A lot we put down to her being attacked three times in the space of two weeks as a really young pup of around 12 weeks old 👿

    However, due to the nature of the breed, (selective hearing), they are never off lead! So always under our control. What really gets my back up are the peeps out there who allow there dogs to run up at 100mph and circle / eyeball ours and are completely powerless to get them to return on command.

    Do think they should bring back a dog license though, but have some sort of ‘good citizen scheme’ that the potential owners have to complete first. Might discourage some of the tubes that are out there!

    Hope your pooch feels better soon Dave 🙁

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