Banner: letterhead Plymouth Pilgrims
Here was a banner I did for the recent International Letterhead meet. The 2’ x 8’ Black banner was provided by the host of the meet and a brief piece on the “Plymouth Pilgrims”. It was up to me to interpret it and produce it anyway I wished. I found some additional information on the internet about this group and came up with the following.
The entire job was thermal printed on the Edge using Burgundy, Beige, Tan, and Black cartridges on White vinyl. I also used a product from ZeroNine called Shadow Cast to help give more realistic shadows in certain areas of the design. Lower left contains a montage of three “period” line art drawings to reflect a time line and add some additional interest in the overall appearance. I’m OK with the overall design but not ecstatic about it. A little more effort could have been put forth, but time just wasn’t on my side. (Of course, my own fault for that.)
The banner was presented to some re-enactors that arrived Saturday morning. They really, really liked it. Guess that’s what matters the most.
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