Activity Feed Forums Sign Making Discussions General Sign Topics As long as the customers likes it…

  • As long as the customers likes it…

    Posted by David Rogers on July 15, 2010 at 11:24 am

    We’ve probably all made them – those signs where you are obviously not happy with the end result but the customer loves it as they got ‘exactly what they wanted’.

    We’ve also all probably thought – great, money in the bank…but I hope nobody asks who made it.

    I think in most cases the customer will have an idea and we’ll perfect it into something WE can be proud of and they’ll love but there’s always the cases of:

    "My boyfriend spent 6 hours designing this in (Word / Paint / Excel) and I want it exactly like that" that try as you like – that’s the way it has to be…love is blind.

    So which is the greater influence…

    Colin Bland replied 13 years, 11 months ago 12 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Hugh Potter

    July 15, 2010 at 11:47 am

    thee should be another option….

    No, the customer isn’t right but, i’m gonna do it anyways!

    lets face it, we’d all love to be able to turn work away because it doesn’t fit in with our ideal but, we need to earn money, if the customer thinks it looks right then fine, we can only advise, if they stick to their guns then fine, i’ll do it, it just won’t have my name on it!

  • Phill Fenton

    July 15, 2010 at 11:50 am

    Agree with Hugh. The only time I would refuse would be if it was a technical mattering regarding means of installing, I would not install anything that compromised safety in some way.

  • Liam Pattison

    July 15, 2010 at 1:27 pm

    I often get started on a job and think, this will look well good in my portfolio of work, But then at the last minute the customer decides they want it all in fuschia or something.

    Maybe there should be a thread of pictures of these kind of jobs, if there isn’t one already. But then again the customer might see their sign in the hall of shame


  • Jill Marie Welsh

    July 15, 2010 at 1:39 pm

    I agree, we need an option:
    No, but if they pay me enough I’ll do their crappy layout, just won’t put it in my portfolio.

    I will do what a customer wants to a certain extent, but like Phill, if they are asking for something unethical/shoddy I say no.
    Some folks will listen to reason. Some will give me free rein.
    But some just want to see their ugly idea in living color full size.
    I think there have literally been only one or two times in 25 years I’ve just said NO.

  • Mike Grant

    July 15, 2010 at 3:56 pm

    I have just quoted only a few hours ago, a job where I gave the customer the best of my experience. He has also gone to another company who has bastardized his logo and it is way to big for a nice balanced look on the building. I am old school and do a proper job but I am slowly losing the will to argue anymore. I have given him a quote on "What he wants" If I get the job only then will I open my big gob! 🙄 and as Jill has said it won’t be on my files to show future customers.

  • Harry Cleary

    July 15, 2010 at 4:11 pm
    quote Jillbeans:

    I think there have literally been only one or two times in 25 years I’ve just said NO.

    My kinda Girl! 👿 😀 😀

  • John Hughes

    July 15, 2010 at 4:29 pm

    Harry….. brilliant :lol1: :lol1:


  • Jill Marie Welsh

    July 15, 2010 at 4:49 pm

    It ain’t easy being easy, Harry.

  • Harry Cleary

    July 15, 2010 at 5:23 pm
    quote Jillbeans:

    It ain’t easy being easy, Harry.

    😀 😀 I know rightly! 😮 😀

  • Martin Cole

    July 15, 2010 at 6:23 pm
    quote Harry Cleary:

    quote Jillbeans:

    I think there have literally been only one or two times in 25 years I’ve just said NO.

    My kinda Girl! 👿 😀 😀

    :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: That’s made my day…and a pants day it’s been….

  • Nigel Hindley

    July 15, 2010 at 7:18 pm
    quote Martin Cole:

    quote Harry Cleary:

    quote Jillbeans:

    I think there have literally been only one or two times in 25 years I’ve just said NO.

    My kinda Girl! 👿 😀 😀

    :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: That’s made my day…and a pants day it’s been….

    aye very good! 😀 😀 😀

  • Stephen Ingham

    July 15, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    I think my opinion is as long as they are willing to pay the bill and are happy with the result then fine….


  • Martin Oxenham

    July 16, 2010 at 9:22 pm

    What gets me is when you do a job like that, just as they want it, and they say "you can put one of your stickers on it if you like". I politely say we’ve ran out.

  • Colin Bland

    July 16, 2010 at 10:46 pm

    I had one the other week client brought in a hideous design that her 6year old son had done !! – so I politely said we could do something with it and set about redrawing the logo etc keeping the flavour of the design – she flipped out when she saw it and insisted that we make the sign exactly as her sons design didnt argue just done it money in the bank but looks crap – Im sure her son will have a fantastic career as a design guru 😕

    You just cant help some peeps


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