Activity Feed Forums Vinyl Cutter Discussions General Cutter topics any info/experience"el sheets"or glow sheet

  • Chris Wool

    April 6, 2004 at 3:18 pm

    about 6mts ago some of whot you discribe came in to the country from the states it was printable aswell but it didnot get past the test stage
    that was the last i herd of it.

    could be interesting if you find out different


  • Mike.Smith

    April 15, 2004 at 11:04 am

    Ive seen it, i cant remember where though .
    i was looking for some glow sticks and straws and i came across the stuff.
    the company that was selling the stuff sold it by the roll.

    they also sold the little transformers that are required to light it up.
    ive also seen pin stripes that made of the same el paper.
    my supplier sells this

    i will look for the sheets for you

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