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  • advice on pricing 3D led illuminated sign?

    Posted by touchmedia on May 27, 2011 at 8:53 am

    Hi Guys

    this could be our biggest sign yet, but before I can think it into too much detail, I need to give the client an rough idea on the cost.

    The sign will be approx 6m x 1 m ideally in rim&return with 5mm acrylic and vinyl print to achieve the red/shading and led illuminated.

    A steel structure will of course be build to accommodate the sign.

    My question to you guys (at the moment) is: from your experience, how much am I roughly looking at for something like this to be built?
    BTW the "restaurant" bit we will probably just do in stainless steel.

    …and if the client accepts the quote am sure I will have loads more questions

    Thanks for your time guys



    Michael Kalisperas replied 13 years ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Robert Lambie

    May 30, 2011 at 11:32 pm

    i maybe picking you up wrong here but…

    this sign is illuminated built-up 3D letters…
    acrylic faced with colour blend…
    mounted onto a steel structure of some sort so it is free standing?

    I am not trying to sound rude here mate, but the time it would take in quoting for this is a job in itself. you are going to have to submit your artwork and spec to actual manufacturers of this type of signage and let them advise you on price and the best way forward, how it should be erected, depth of returns, how it should be illuminated, neon or leds etc etc etc there are just so many variables to take into consideration here.

    sorry i cant be of more help here…

  • touchmedia

    May 31, 2011 at 8:15 am

    Hi Robert

    Thank you for taking time to reply.

    I really do appreciate your comments, as I said this is the first time we have been asked to do a job like this so we have no experience in the matter.

    The sign will be LED lit and we will build a butolar steel structure to mount it on.

    For everything else I am really open to suggestions from guys that have more experience


  • Michael Kalisperas

    May 31, 2011 at 8:57 am

    A sign that big should be quoted between anything from 3k to 6k I doubt it will be less than 3k to the client. As Rob says clear up variables because that affects costs. Is there a sign already in situe? If so can you use existing structure?? Either way quote them with the allowance of unforeseen costs to a certain degree but cover yourself in the event of inflating costs.

    I personally would sub it out 😉 plenty of good companies on the signfourm tool bar. If your able to produce by yourself then great more profit. 😉
    Good luck

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