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advice needed on use of 1220 cutter & light box table
Posted by Kevin.Beck on January 2, 2003 at 10:53 pmhi there. Happy new year to one and all.
I`ve got a couple of problems. I`ve got cream from the doctor for 1 of them, but need your help with the others.
1. I`ve just bought a second hand 1220 muto cutter, it does what I want great, but when the vinyl is been cut, it`s moving back and forth, and it always gets creases in it. I have a large table very close by. I now put a piece of correx to bridge the gap, so the vinyl slides back and too, on the table, this has improved matters, but I still get creases. I am using 1220mm vinyl. Help 🙁 🙁
2. I`ve heard lots of talk about light boxes. With regard to lining up vinyl. Can someone elaberate some more on this process. I have a large box!! that I use for exposing the screens, so I could use this.
all advice most welcome.
yours Becky(Kev)
Kevin.Beck replied 22 years, 1 month ago 7 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
Hi mate
I take it what you mean is that the vinyl is hitting the ground and creasing. Kinks appearing etc.
What you did with the boards does stop or keep creasing to a minimum. But can in some cases make the vinyl
Track off… not sure exactly why but it does do it. I think its something to do with the weight of the vinyl hanging.
But I don’t really know. I found this out about 7 years ago when my cutter tracked pretty crap. I was told to try it on a cutter stand. Hey presto it now tracked spot on…
Anyway that advise isn’t gonna help the creases…
Sometimes its help to have the cloth catch pouches on your stand. Its basically two bits of metal that hold out a large scooping peace of fabric that the vinyl kinda hits and forces it under on itself… rolling I mean. Then when it shoots back it hits the cloth at the other side and vice versa. I have heard this isn’t always ideal but it’s worth a shot. Maybe call the manufacturers and ask do they supply this for there cutters.
I would imagine these easy to make also!
Anyway what we do is if we have a large long piece of work to run we slow the machine down a bit. Still cuts like lightning but when its shooting back and forward bashing the vinyl of the floor its much slower so prevents the creasing and it is also pretty easy to hold and support the vinyl as it cuts… -
Hi Becky
We use a mutoh and can get the same problem are you using a stand or did you not get one with the machine.?
If you do slow the acceleration and cutting speed down in the move menu (S.lab)
and stand by the machine when cutting and roll the vinyl over the back of the roll till it touches the floor this helps. We also have the area back and front of the machine covered in a short pile carpet this stops the vinyl scratching on the floor( you have to keep them clean thoughor you get dust sticking with static)One other thing how old is your machine? if its old it might pay to have the rom chips changed as the ones for the last 3 years feed the vinyl in bits.
Thanks for that FB.
The muto is on a stand, What are the rom chips, do they taste nice with ketchup 😛 😛 😛Still after advise on the light box.
Hope this helps, I have being using a 1220 Mutoh for nearly 10 years.
It can help a lot if you cut off enough material for the cut you are doing,
reduces the weight a liitle.Make sure material is TIGHT on the roll and SQUARE to the cut line.
When cutting, set the page length to your maximum length of cut, these increment at 25, 50, 100,200,500,1000,2000,3000,4000 mm. This makes the Mutoh pull through this amount of material slowly, this allows you to see if there is a tracking problem.
Never had to do this on the Mutoh, so check the manual, but on Summa machines you can set the UP TRAVEL speed, try slowing this down, It controls, the speed of material movement, when it is not cutting.
Something else which may help is to control the order of cutting, somen software allows you to set the cutting order, either by the order the items were drawn, or in the order they were compounded or grouped.
By making it start the first cut at the knife point and working across and then up the roll this avoids the material form having to track as much.
Plenty of space behind the cutter where the material lays is also a good idea.
The BEST thing you can do till you get a FEEL for it, is to load enough material length for the cut you are doing.
Hope this helps.
Hi Kev,
You can use your light box for ligning up vinyls, i do use ours on occasions the only thing is i wouldn’t recommend you doing it all the time as its UV light that is emitted and UV light is not that great for the eyes.
Hi Kev, no idea about the plotter problem I hope you can sort it out fairly quickly, as far as the lightbox goes some people have lighboxes built into there vinyl tables so the light shines from below rather than above the work. This can aid in the weeding of the vinyl and also when you are laying up multi colour vinyl jobs also aids in the alignment of the vinyl.
On a totally different but similar line, How much did you pay for your 1220 plotter.. I’m on the look out for one… 🙄 🙂
if all goes well gav. i may be selling them in the online shop…
i wont comment just now as nothing is definate. ill have to get my haggling head on 😆
when the shop opens very soon all will be revealed… 😉 -
hi gav
I bought it second hand £800, got to be the bargin of the century
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