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  • Advice needed on Flat-Cut lettering please?

    Posted by Daniel Evans on April 9, 2012 at 10:20 am

    Hey guys, I want to start getting into raised letters, I’m a long way off at offering it as a service but I would to do the ground work and start with my own sign.

    I’m thinking of using skybond with chrome or plastic coloured letters with a vinyl layered on top, please can someone help with a company that can cut the letters for me and what are the best fixings to get.

    I noticed another thread where someone had done chrome letters and rob mentioned about distortion on the letters where the fixing were, I do not want that so I’m looking to get it right from the start.


    Dan Osterbery replied 12 years, 2 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Robert Lambie

    April 9, 2012 at 12:39 pm

    here is a good start for flat cut lettering mate.

    you will find a good list of them on the UKSB Sign Toolbar also…

    order them in the colour you want.
    i would steer clear of having to cover with vinyl as its never the exact finish you want, it is also tricky to do correct.

    until you get familure with how to fabricate and lay up, just ask for the locators to be fixed and also a a template to come with them. it will save you time and let you see how it should be done before venturing into doing it yourself.

    it is normally only composite board that can show dimples on the face.
    this normally happens because of the adhesive used when fixing the locators on the rear. basically, some adhesives come as a two-part system and get hot when they mix and begin curing. the heat seems to penatrate the letter causing a distortion on the face. it is not noticible straight on, but veiwed at an angle can some times look bad dependant on the adhesive used.

  • Daniel Evans

    April 9, 2012 at 4:41 pm

    Hi rob thanks for the reply, I understand a bit better now, I see so many companies at the show but it’s hard deciding on who to use as you want a good price yet want that decent finish and it delivered on time.

  • Peter Dee

    April 10, 2012 at 9:17 am

    Daniel, I have been using this company.
    Stunning speed and service.
    One thing to watch for, all suppliers price the lettering on the size of the largest capital within the text.
    I have attached an example using flat cut 5mm acrylic on stand-off mounts.
    We had them cut to include the shadow shape, then wet applied the shadow parts on top of the red acrylic.


  • Dan Osterbery

    April 10, 2012 at 10:42 am

    Hi Daniel,
    I have been using fabricut for about three years and find them awesome, they have never let me down and i have asked them to jump through some pretty small hoops! Cant recommend their service enough!



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