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  • AC show — look what I got

    Posted by Leigh on December 5, 2005 at 4:35 pm

    Now how cool was this –
    Watching some panel jams in the bullpen (yah,,,try to figure that one out uk guys :lol1: 😉 ) figured I would like to donate to the school program that these guys raise money for — nice guy who runs it by the way.
    Signtec out of Atlantic City

    and realized I didn’t nec. want a panel, but heck….wondered if they would stripe up the back of my leather jacket?
    Was told to talk to Howie, and how cool was he….not a problem!

    Only wished I thought of it sooner,,,,was near quitting time and everyone in a rush to pack up before they got thrown out 🙂

    Long story short
    and Jill I’m guessing these are all your friends…….WHAT GREAT PEOPLE &(peeps for you UK guys 😉 ) funnnnnnnnnny!
    I have a priceless jacket
    that wellllll, you just can’t buy anywhere else….what other time in my life am I going to have this kind of opportunity to be surrounded by top notch artists in their field all in one place at one time.

    Just amazing
    (I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face for the rest of the night)

    and if by any chance in hell you’re reading this Mickey
    THANKS babe you were great!!! 😉 :lol1:

    Airbrush by Mickey Harris
    Alan Johnson

    Also met
    Steve and his Wife
    Really nice people – wish we had run into each other earlier to have had some time to hang out.
    Great meeting you 2


    Shane Drew replied 18 years, 6 months ago 9 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Leigh

    December 5, 2005 at 4:36 pm



  • Lynn Normington

    December 5, 2005 at 4:40 pm

    Wow Leigh I bet you will treasure that for ever it’s lovely i am so jealous :lol1:


  • Lorraine Clinch

    December 5, 2005 at 4:40 pm

    Cool! Leigh, you must have had a fantastic time!

    That jacket is awesome, the eyes especially are fabulous. No wonder you are chuffed.

  • Leigh

    December 5, 2005 at 4:43 pm

    I’m almost afraid to wear it 😀
    Kept thinking to myself, “damn, wish I had dry cleaned it at least once” 😳 😉

  • Nicola McIntosh

    December 5, 2005 at 5:28 pm

    that is really well done….i love the eyes 😀

    airbrushing is a great talent to have 😀 it is good going to the trade shows….your right leigh about not being able to wipe the smile off your face….its exactly what happens to everyone who goes to one..great stuff!! 😀


  • steve geary

    December 5, 2005 at 7:11 pm

    That’s Awesome Leigh!
    I guess you got that after we left…
    The bullpen was definately the highlight of the trip.
    It was great seeing you and John!
    .. I’m still tired, and i have a mess in the shop of everything we brought home…

  • Leigh

    December 5, 2005 at 8:12 pm

    The trade show itself was just okay – this is the 4th time I’ve gone to the USSC show….good to see vendors that I’ve never met to put the name to the face, but the bullpen was def. the highlight for me this time.

    John even got to gold leaf a bit

    Steve – I’ve got quite a mess going here too.
    Each year I beg John not to grab every little thing, then I go and do it myself 😉
    Get some rest Steve

  • Bryan Cabrera

    December 5, 2005 at 8:26 pm

    Hey Leigh,

    Wish I knew you were at the show, would have been great to meet you. I was there for the whole show but didn’t make it to the Bullpen, too busy drooling over the Digtial Printers!


  • Jill Marie Welsh

    December 5, 2005 at 9:39 pm

    Yup, Leigh, some of my homies.
    We gotta get you to a meet too!
    Cool Jacket…….AJ is one of my heroes & I have always loved C-Line (Caroline Connors)
    You got to hang with some nice folks.
    Wasn’t it a blast?

  • Bryan Cabrera

    December 5, 2005 at 9:48 pm


    Took a banner workshop with Tramp (forget his last name). Didn’t know it was going to involve a brush with wich I am totally useless. You letterheads are really a talented bunch. I was amazed at some of his painted banner work.


  • Leigh

    December 5, 2005 at 9:58 pm

    hey Bryan – when I saw Steve he said you just left 🙁
    Hopefully next time
    good that you got into a workshop!

    Jill – they were the best!!
    So very cool of them to do.
    I kept thinking of you throughout this process too…wish you had been there!

    I was even amazed that Alan Johnson (whom of course I had heard of before, so was a bit “starstruck” heeheheh)
    could sign his name soooooo very small like that – I mean just like his “logo” look is – perfect
    I purchased one of his prints. The 59 Chevy print with the reflection of the Ford in the fender….sweet work
    and whoever the woman was that was with AJ was hysterical!!!
    Liked her!

    Caroline (C-line) was very sweet and funny
    she was working on a large panel with ahhhhh man, can’t remember his name,,,,oooh not good, he’s a biggie….ehhhhhh..can’t remember
    But she came right over when I asked if she would add something to it for me!

    All seemed very nice

    wish I had even an ounce of there talent
    and woah Pierre Tardiff (sp?) that man can paint ten million panels at once. 😮

    It was a great show
    I’m glad they raised so much money for the school,,,,good purpose!

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    December 5, 2005 at 10:11 pm

    I missed Pierre?
    He’s one of my faves.
    He occasionally calls me.
    Tramp Warner is a very talented man, spent some time listening to him lecture at Mazeppa last summer.
    Leigh, sincerely, get thee to a meet young lady.
    Bryan, Sal Cabrera was there too!
    And you both should have bought some of AJs signature brushes!
    With practice, they can paint just like he does!

  • Stevo Chartrand

    December 5, 2005 at 11:12 pm

    Cool!! Aren’t those guys great!
    Been awhile since I seen any of those east coast stripers. I love AJ’s signature it’s soo teeny but he does it perfect every time!
    Sounds like you guys had fun!


  • steve geary

    December 5, 2005 at 11:30 pm
    quote Stevo Chartrand:

    Cool!! Aren’t those guys great!
    Been awhile since I seen any of those east coast stripers. I love AJ’s signature it’s soo teeny but he does it perfect every time!
    Sounds like you guys had fun!


    Yes, Yes and Yes!

    Wish I could have spent more time with them
    As Jill says.. gotta’ get to a meet! It’ll happen.

  • Shane Drew

    December 6, 2005 at 12:41 pm

    I am sitting here so very jealous right now 😥 😥

    What an awesome jacket Leigh.

    Clad you guys met up and had such a great experience. It will give you a lift for a few months no doubt.

    Well done everyone.

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