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  • 3 month old contravision – jetwashed?

    Posted by Simon Worrall on December 13, 2016 at 7:48 pm

    We applied this contravision to a ute hardtop rear window only 3 months ago.
    The customer brought it back, and we have replaced it at our cost, no questions asked.
    I have never seen this before, there are whole areas where the laminate above the holes is pierced, and the spaces below have crud in them. The clear is also delaminating in small patches.

    This flummoxed me.
    1. We cleaned the glass within an inch of its life as usual: 1 Detergent – 2 Prepsol – 3 Isopropyl.
    2. We primed the edge of the glass.
    3. We used the same top quality material we always use.
    4. We applied it properly, using teflon squeegees and good pressure.
    5. The solvent print had 48 hours to dry before laminating
    6. The glass was completely flat.
    7. The customer said the ute was kept in a garage.

    However, last night I was thinking about it, and a bell went off in my thick head…

    They customer must have jet washed it, and neglected to mention it!

    Can anybody say definitively that this is the case, just by looking at the picture?
    Can jetwashing poke holes in the laminate like this, leading to delamination

    And if so, how do I get them to pay for the replacement, or should I even, given that I didn’t say specifically that they should not jet wash it?


    KevinGaffney replied 7 years, 1 month ago 7 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Myles Brewer

    December 13, 2016 at 8:45 pm

    Hi Simon,

    I have a possible theory, which may be completely balmy but stranger things have happened!

    I notice that the graphic is black in the area that has "popped". Is there any possibility that being black has caused it to absorb more heat from sunlight (If you get any where you’re located!! 🙁 ) which may have caused any air left in the small pockets to expand & literally burst through the laminate?

    May sound crazy, but I have noticed that regular cut vinyl graphics fitted to black vans, even here in the cold wet climate of North West Ireland where we don’t get that much or that hot a sun, doesn’t last as long as on white, or any other coloured vans for that matter.

    Has this ever happen on colours other than black in your experience?

  • Simon Worrall

    December 13, 2016 at 9:24 pm

    That is not barmy, but less likely than jet washing imho. :smiles:
    Black certainly absorbs more heat, but I have never seen these pockets expand to the point that they can burst even under the hottest sunlight.
    My own van has large black areas on the contravision, and it is still good four years later.

  • Myles Brewer

    December 13, 2016 at 9:41 pm

    Ah well, just a thought. Jet washing it is then :thumbsup:

  • Sean Cully

    December 14, 2016 at 9:03 am

    +1 on the jet washing.
    Customers tend to neglected to tell you that they did something wrong.
    Many years ago I had graphiced a fleet of wagons for a local company.
    The lettering suddenly started to fall of these vehicles.
    It turned out that the old guy who cleaned them on a weekend was a retired old signwriter and was using the steam cleaner directly on the vinyl graphics and was on purpose removing bits!!


  • Chris Tennant

    December 14, 2016 at 8:05 pm

    Just curious… how many of you actually laminate contravision?
    We never do it as it defeats the point of it? Surely you want to be able to see out..

  • Simon Worrall

    December 14, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    Contravision comes with an optically clear laminate.

  • Chris Tennant

    December 15, 2016 at 8:27 am
    quote Simon Worrall:

    Contravision comes with an optically clear laminate.

    It does? :s
    We asked about this and were told there wasnt a lam available for it!

  • A.Kordowski

    December 15, 2016 at 10:06 am

    Ive never laminated contravision, but do know others that do. I print on a Latex and have never had any problems, some of the contravison I’ve printed and installed is still up looking vibrant after 3 years…. :thumbsup:

  • Pane Talev

    April 3, 2017 at 5:47 am

    I was inspecting my neighbors van who had the holes of the laminate pierced and you could actually see the lines of the pressure washer. The line changes from thiner to a thicker water blaze as they moved / rotate the jetwash hose and that makes me to believe this is customer neglect – than fitters failure .

  • KevinGaffney

    April 3, 2017 at 1:01 pm

    I always laminate contravision. Learned the hard way. If customer doesnt want to stump up the extra, they can go elsewhere

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