Forum Replies Created

  • spc

    October 8, 2003 at 5:34 pm in reply to: Greetings from Malaysia!

    Hi rightsigns : You’re Phil right? I can’t view your profile so I hope I got your name right. 😉

    It’s actually called Malacca (double C). Never heard of Terendak Camp though, visited Malacca only once. 🙂 I’m from KL (Kuala Lumpur), and it’s like 2 hours drive to reach Malacca.

    My neighbourhood used to be a rubber plantation ground, it was like 50 years back? 😮 We are now living in a concrete jungle, not on tree tops anymore 😛

    Hehe. Anyways, thanks for welcoming me. I do talk alot..don’t I ? 🙁

  • spc

    October 8, 2003 at 5:09 pm in reply to: Greetings from Malaysia!

    Oops! Sorry again! I’ve accidentally used another account. That ‘SiuPakChoi’ is actually my full nick and it was my first account which I tried to register here, didn’t get my e-mail so I tried and register another one with the nick ‘spc’ . Sorry, didnt mean to spam/repeat my post.

    Sorry mate..

  • spc

    October 8, 2003 at 1:17 pm in reply to: Greetings from Malaysia!


    Robert do you mind if I use this Avatar? It looks cool to me. 😆

  • spc

    October 8, 2003 at 11:42 am in reply to: Greetings from Malaysia!

    AaSk4Stickers : Hi there! 🙂 It’s true, I found that this site is really useful for me to start off my new hobby (hopefully I’m good enough to start my own business, probably when I know more about Screen Printings) . I lived at Kuala Lumpur, I’m sure you’ve been here before. 🙂 Well, I don’t think I want to start my ‘Please Help Me’ topic over here. Robert would probably (:) “shoot” me down! 😀 Hope to borrow some help from you when I post my help topic!

    johnalphasign : Thanks! I’m sure you’ll be able to help me! Thanks again.

    Well, you guys are really friendly and I’m grateful for that. Thanks again mates! 😉 😛

  • spc

    October 8, 2003 at 9:23 am in reply to: Greetings from Malaysia!

    Geez 😆

    I felt the warmth here. Thanks alot!

    Lorraine and mikethesign got my name! Anyways, where’s the best spot to (:) “shoot” my questions? Please please be patient with me! I’m fast learning things, but sometimes I’m just too curious and probably will ask too much. 😛

    Hi rising, Leeroy! Wassap!


  • spc

    October 8, 2003 at 9:11 am in reply to: Hi everyone

    Hi! Welcome Waldo!

    I’m sure you’ll enjoy the warmth here! I’m like you too, need to learn alot of things. 😀
