Activity Feed Forums Sign Making Discussions General Sign Topics Yet another wannabe sign maker

  • Hugh Potter

    October 8, 2013 at 12:46 am

    Maybe I’ll park outside their branch and sell screws and stuff from my van.. Things you can only pick up next day in my experiences with them… Such as sds drill bits, red & brown rawl plugs, 8 x 1 1/2" screws etc.

    See how they like it !!

    Tbh honest… I get quite a few people in who’ve been let down by vistaprint mags & business print, don’t imagine it’ll be long before this shower of "ne’erinstock" idiots send them running too!

  • David Hammond

    October 8, 2013 at 8:01 am

    They’re clearly after the ‘cheapo’ brigade, as looking at their vehicle graphics they don’t supply anything over 600mm. Logical I suppose as each job will be cut across a roll a 610 media.

    600x200mm @ £24.99+VAT
    300x400mm @ £25.00+VAT
    300x600mm @ £29.16+VAT
    400x600mm @ £29.16+VAT

    Probably using some cheap cutter, cheap 610mm vinyl, and knocking it out at what equates to £124.99 PLM! 😮

    Remembering they’ve got to wait a week for delivery, and fit it themselves…

  • Gert du Preez

    October 8, 2013 at 3:46 pm

    As I read this, I glance over at the "Quick Reference Guide" on the notice board next to me…… 7 Year Vinyl N$ 331.50 / square metre. On 600 wide, that equates to 12 Pounds per linear metre 😮 (This is for the Vinyl with Application tape, but excluding the roughly 14 Pound per hour installation rate)

    I have to add that I now work at the 2nd largest sign company in Namibia, and that we specialize in Corporate Identity work, like just about all the Banks, some of the petroleum companies etc etc. So our prices are industry related in the domestic market.

    Wish we could sell 600 wide vinyl cut graphics at 120 Pound per metre 😕

  • Adam McGuire

    October 8, 2013 at 4:28 pm

    Unbelievable!! I understand moving into similar areas… but signage from screwfix?! Wonder if they’ll start doing shop signs next?

  • Colin Crabb

    October 8, 2013 at 6:05 pm

    Is this for real?????

    Bugger I’m going to start selling fixings now 👿

  • Mike Grant

    October 8, 2013 at 7:18 pm

    Look on the positive side, it weeds out the cheapskates that are going to waste your time, and when the cheapskate gets his piece of vinyl that has the same layout in Helvetica medium as everyone else from cheapskateland, then they c ock it up applying it they will eventually see the error of their way and find a decent sign company to do it properly. 🙄

    Sigh! 😥

    I have a van in my village that has a flimsy A/4 magnetic that’s badly faded in no time on his BIG van. It looks absolutely ridiculous. I can’t see how that piece of cr@p is going to sell his product. I have been thinking of printing a magnetic sticker and putting it on his van with my details on it. (chat.)

  • Hugh Potter

    October 8, 2013 at 8:15 pm

    ^ ah, the famous "but £80 for a pair of mags is a lot of money, I can get them for 7.99 on vista print" magnets!!

  • Colin Bland

    October 8, 2013 at 10:15 pm

    I keep an old vistaprint magnetic on the side of my filing cabinet along with a picture of her damaged paintwork not pretty – i hate magnetics but vistaprint really do take it to the next level of c**p

  • Steve Morgan

    October 9, 2013 at 8:09 am

    It has occured to me that given that Screwfix are suppliers of products and not manufacturers then it’s quite likely that someone is making all the stuff for them.

  • Adam McGuire

    October 9, 2013 at 9:16 am

    Steve, it’s probably the wannabe sign maker who is local to the screwfix store!

  • Mo Gillis-Coates

    October 9, 2013 at 2:08 pm


    The upshot of this is that, no thought will have gone in to colours, market reach, potential client base, sending the right message and attracting the right customers.

    Ergo; this will probably have a negative effect on the end users business, and they put thier business at risk by going down that route. Just another selling tool for me to use to show customers how much "cheeeeepie" can feck with your business!

    Thanks Screwfix….. Way to screw over your customers for a few quid!

  • Graze

    October 10, 2013 at 3:12 pm

    So roughly, am I right in saying to get what they’ve got on their little picture:
    (I think that side graphic’s wider than 600mm anyway)

    2 sides back and rear would equate to:
    600mm x 300mm = 3 off
    600mm x 200mm = 3 off
    600mm x 300mm = 1 off (for the rear)

    = £199.94 supply only

    Is that what they’re asking for?


  • David Rogers

    October 10, 2013 at 4:17 pm

    In the end…will it really affect any of us who do livery work and not ‘van stickers’?

    I get told by various people that I’m expensive…and by as many others that I’m cheap.

    "Yes…you CAN get a whole transit ‘lettered up’ round here for £60/£70 and no, I won’t price match"

    These are the sort of customer who wants something for nothing and really doesn’t care about the projected image so unless you have no other work to be getting on with they are barely worth making polite conversation with.

    As said – separates the wheat from the chaff 🙂

  • Richard Urquhart

    October 14, 2013 at 11:03 am

    What a joke !!!! 😀

  • Robert Lambie

    October 14, 2013 at 11:48 am

    at the end of the day…
    we can all make our own dinner, but when we want something special, we will go out to a restaurant. 😀

  • Adam McGuire

    October 14, 2013 at 12:33 pm

    I like that Rob! It brings things into perspective! For some reason I was looking for the "Like" button 😮 maybe I should start the day again!?

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