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  • why does it never rain but pour?

    Posted by Hugh Potter on January 30, 2010 at 7:19 pm

    this month is always a killer for me, never too busy in Jan yet there’s the car insurance to pay for, accountant, HMRC, the normals bills and more…..

    this morning i decided to go for a bike ride and the disc brake calliper broke… stuff it then, fix it later…

    get in the workshop til going to rugby about lunchtime. being half busy, waiting for a customer and knowing time would be fine, i decided to get changed prior to leaving, so i get in me tight as deaths grip compression gear and slip into a track suit, all raring to go……then with less than an hour to go, i get a text to say the other team are so scared of us that they’ve pulled out of todays game (or they didn’t have a full team, something like that!),

    customer is on time and off he goes,

    another customer asks if he can pick up his stuff he needs urgent, I tell him to be quick as i’m going to the rugbly club to watch the 1st team and to have a beer or two, "twenty mins" he says, so i wait, knowing i’ll miss kick off, 45 mins later i text him… "held up, be twenty", so i tell him to be quick and i’ll catch the second half, half hour later he rolls in and faffs abotut for another twenty mins.. going to cashpoint… i’ve now missed the match and can’t be bothered. turned out he’s been watching some footy match himself…. i don’t think he’ll be coming back as a customer!

    more artwork etc, cut up some mail order decals and then to bike shop, just finishing cutting up decals when knife slips straight through the biggest section, 1.5m wasted!

    right, 4.30pm, bike shop quick before it closes, 1.5miles into trip and turbo starts squeaking, oil light flickers… back off and take it slow… one mile later at traffic lights i was hiding in a thick white fog… turbo blown, quick u-turn on junction and creep home with a good 1mile vapour trail behind me, three stops later to let the smoke stop and cars pass and i get home…. now gone 5pm and can’t find a turbo anywhere!

    i’m now getting of this pc, setting the alarm, man trap and swinging sharpened pendulum, locking up the workshop and going to the house to murder a good few cans of guinness.


    Shane Drew replied 14 years, 4 months ago 6 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • John Childs

    January 30, 2010 at 7:30 pm

    Hope you didn’t buy a lottery ticket. 😀

  • Marcella Ross

    January 30, 2010 at 7:47 pm

    aw poor you Hugh! enjoy your guinness!

  • Hugh Potter

    January 31, 2010 at 9:38 am

    it got worserer!!

    having discovered i had fewer cans of guinness that suspected, i had to make to with just the three, enough i guess, however, it was enough to make my fingers have trouble replying to this thread via my mobile phone at about 9pm, after spending what seemed to be forever writing the post i clicked ‘submit’, only to be asked to log in again and the post was lost!

    I’ve not done the lottery for ages but did check the slip we have on the kitchen notice board against the past few weeks No’s, we’d have won £10 twice in four weeks but, since we put a fiver on each time i guess we’re no worse off!

    anyways, gonna see about that bike ride again now, just gotta get the dogs walked and i’m off! brrrrrrrrr 😮

  • Shane Drew

    January 31, 2010 at 9:48 am

    gee Hugh… I was going to have a whine about my day, but after reading your post I’m not complaining anymore 😉

  • Hugh Potter

    January 31, 2010 at 9:59 am

    lol, go for it Shane, we all need a whine now and then!!

    wish my turbo was still whining.. instead of sounding like a metal dustbin full of spanners falling down the stairs!

    I always figure, when i have little runs like this, that it can’t get any worse, and that sooner or later, something will work out better than expected!!!!

  • Shane Drew

    January 31, 2010 at 11:25 am

    🙂 OK, I’ll give it a go…

    I’ve got a difficult problem in that I’ve got so much work at the moment I’m having a bit of trouble funding it in the short term.

    It seems everything I quoted on in December has been given the green light this month.

    Ive got Jason and Jamie from the boards doing some work for me in Melbourne, and I’m flying to Sydney to do a job that I thought was being done here in Brisbane, now I have to quote on some work in Canberra and I’ve just picked up 2 big contracts up here in Brisbane. Airfares, accommodation and stock is one thing, but i can’t be everywhere at the same time. 🙁

    The Brisbane client is one that I’ve been trying to close for about 4 months, and I won the tender based on that fact that we don’t use subbies for any of our major Brisbane clients. The first job is 97 reflective signs. Only 100mm x 800mm but it is still a time consuming program.

    The Melbourne client wants me to be on-hand when that job is done to discuss another contract in the works, and the Sydney client has requested that I do the job personally, and not a sub contractor. I’m not sure why, but I’ve been dealing with this personally since last November. The graphic artist and I have a really good relationship, and she doesn’t trust anyone else to interpret her art.

    I may have to take my son out of school for a few days to help me, but the wife is not that keen.

    Then my son tells me last night that he doesn’t think he’ll leave school and work with me because his careers adviser thinks he should do mechanics.

    I don’t mind having a mechanic in the family, but all the mechanics I know never finish their own cars because they are busy doing everyone elses.. I can picture old cars in pieces in my garage for years to come 🙁

    Whine over now… see, your day is much worse than mine. :lol1:

  • John Childs

    January 31, 2010 at 12:04 pm

    And there was me thinking I’d had a bad day.

    Our heating boiler packed up last week and the plumber came around to replace it yesterday. It took him from 8.00am until 5.15pm, so there was me stuck in the office for most of that time freezing my bits off.

    It wouldn’t have been so bad if I could have got some work done, but it was too cold to operate a mouse. 🙁

    Never mind. Toasty warm now. 😀

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    January 31, 2010 at 12:24 pm

    Well after hearing about all the bad days everyone has I feel not so bad.
    I am somewhat broke due to being off work, but I know there are jobs waiting in the wings. I got someone to take me to the grocery store Friday but I should not have pushed the cart, and I laid around all day yesterday. I have $80 in my checking account but I was naughty and spent $18 of it on books via Fleabay.

    My bad stuff was all at the beginning of the month, 4WD going out, a client saying his lettering was crooked, a client screaming at me for getting his prices wrong on his menu after I’d sent three separate proofs with the prices he gave me. Then all the rushing to get everything ready before surgery and having to delay jobs.

    That waiting around for a client stuff has to be the worst, Hugh. It is totally disrespectful of them. By that first phone call where he said he was going to be late you should have said something like, we will have to make it Monday then as I am off on a delivery (or some business matter)
    Hope today goes better, and heck, if I drank 3 Guinness I would be dead, one is my limit and only when in the UK.

    Shane it is GREAT to have a mechanic in the family. Maybe your daughter might like getting in as your apprentice?

  • Hugh Potter

    February 1, 2010 at 8:16 am

    lol everyone, glad it’s not just me then, i went for the bike ride, before going i removed the tools i didn’t think i’d need from my bag i usually take, got 5 mins from home and needed a giant allen key (which i’d just taken out!), finally on my way -with said allen key, which was required no less than 5 times to retighten a new prob!

    fairly uneventful ride, quite nice in the cold winter sun, then, just as i’m on the return leg of the 6-8 mile circuit…. a puncture, brand new tube too! fixed within ten mins and on my way again!

    still, i’d not been out properly for months (as the extra 15lb added to my frame since december began will state) and did the circuit in around 75mins plus the puncture, coulda been worserer i guess, at least i didn’t get hit by anything or come a cropper on all the ice down the lanes!!
    i’ll take that one a a good day i think!

  • Phill Fenton

    February 1, 2010 at 9:00 am

    My day has started well today. My cars windscreen cracked as I drove into work this morning 😕

    The day can only get better (puppy-eyes)

  • Shane Drew

    February 1, 2010 at 9:21 am

    My day has ended with a bad finish, which will be a bad start for tomorrow too.

    Supposed to work back tonight to start cutting a big job for wednesday. Ordered 25m of Red Reflective last Thursday, but the order only arrived last courier tonight. I was really happy until I opened the box 10 minutes ago to find they sent me white reflective 😥 Its 7.20pm and no one to yell at !!!

    Oh well, an early night I guess, and another 24 hours wasted….

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