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  • whats the best way of layers 2 colour vinyls?

    Posted by del on September 28, 2005 at 8:10 am

    hay people! 😀

    i have to do a sign that involves layering 2 colours, should i aproch this wet or dry?

    first layer dry, 2nd wet mabie?

    whats the best way?


    Bryan Cabrera replied 18 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Hugh Potter

    September 28, 2005 at 8:19 am

    if you can, do the first dry, at least thats how i’ve been told on here and how i now try to do it, the second layer i find is easier wet as vinyl sticks to vinyl like poo to a blanket ! it just gives you a little room for manouvre when positioning the top layer.

    always try and do the layering on the substrate rather than on the bench, less bubbles… or chance of ! i stil do some layering here, but most of it gets done on site now.

    blimey, i sound like this lot, see…. i’m learning guys !!!

  • del

    September 28, 2005 at 8:25 am

    Thanx H! thats what i thought, cheers for that 😀

  • Robert Lambie

    September 28, 2005 at 8:34 am

    have a look at the most recent video on the sites home page….

    of course, I’m gonna say do everything dry, and i mean that!
    but you have to get the job done and right, so if wets gonna get you by for now, go for it… but try dry at every opportunity you can to build up confidence.

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    September 28, 2005 at 11:09 am

    I try to do the first layer dry….but I don’t always.
    The second layer is ALWAYS done wet unless it’s reallllly teeeeeny letters.
    The use of registration marks is highly recommended.

  • Jayne Marsh

    September 28, 2005 at 11:16 am

    Im the same as Jill, first layer dry and the rest always wet. Ive got an interesting one to do this week, a 4′ x 3′ sign all made up of layers which I will post once ive done it. Its a bit like a jigsaw puzzle, should be fun 😀

  • del

    September 28, 2005 at 1:01 pm

    so how about 3 layers?

    first dry, then how long would you leave the 2nd layer befor doing the third?

    do u leave each layer to dry slightly befor removing the app tape?

    tell me how u do it from step one 😮


  • Bryan Cabrera

    September 28, 2005 at 2:13 pm

    I am with Rob on this one. If you can do the first layer dry, I think you won’t have a problem with the other layers. If color registration is a problem you can use the technique in Rob’s registration demo or use Iain Gordons tip for registration dots. I used this recently to do a 4′ x 6′ sign with 3 colors and it worked beautifully.

  • Hugh Potter

    September 28, 2005 at 2:54 pm

    i should use reg marks more often, i cant see the demo as i’m not yet signed up, but i normally either place a fat bar at the end i’ll hinge it, or a box if i’m unsurewere i’ll start, my trouble is not trusing my reg marks as much as i trust my eyes to tell me it’s right 😮

  • Bryan Cabrera

    September 28, 2005 at 4:08 pm
    quote Hugh Potter:

    i should use reg marks more often, i cant see the demo as i’m not yet signed up, but i normally either place a fat bar at the end i’ll hinge it, or a box if i’m unsurewere i’ll start, my trouble is not trusing my reg marks as much as i trust my eyes to tell me it’s right 😮

    The demo uses a line for registration. I used this a few times as well, what a time saver. For bigger pieces I like to use the reg dots. Line everything up and hinge down the middle.

    Don’t hesitate, sign up. Well worth it. One tip will make you your money back in time and then some.

  • Hugh Potter

    September 28, 2005 at 4:19 pm

    i dont doubt it bryan ! just need to have a job that pays enough in one go that it doesnt al fly back outta the door to pay bills !! i will soon though !

    how do you mean ‘hinge down the middle’ ? i hinge from any one edge that is most comfortable for the vinyl lay flat !

  • Bryan Cabrera

    September 28, 2005 at 4:38 pm
    quote Hugh Potter:

    i dont doubt it bryan ! just need to have a job that pays enough in one go that it doesnt al fly back outta the door to pay bills !! i will soon though !

    Know what you mean. I am working the sign biz at night and weekends while working a full time job during the day. At least this gives me the luxury of expermenting a bit.

    quote Hugh Potter:

    how do you mean ‘hinge down the middle’ ? i hinge from any one edge that is most comfortable for the vinyl lay flat !

    For large pieces I like to put masking tape down the middle of the piece and fold over half of it and remove the liner. I slit the liner (we use an envelope slitter for this) off this piece and squeegee. Remove the tape fold over the other half remove the liner and squeegee the rest.

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