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  • What vinyl to use for rear end of Transit?

    Posted by Adrian Yeo on January 18, 2010 at 4:08 pm

    Afternoon all

    Joust bought myself a Mk6 Transit to fit out for the dogs to use at race meets and shows.

    I have a picture that I want to cover the rear end with complete. Never done anything like that before so have a couple of questions.

    Firstly, looking at the back it is pretty much flat other than the two panels in the door and the number plate recess. So, would I need a wrap vinyl for this or do you think I could get away with a good digi vinyl and laminate? Any recommendations?

    Secondly, I will be doing this on my Cadet so obviously it is going to take More than two tiles, so do you think this would look ok?



    Adrian Yeo replied 14 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • John Childs

    January 18, 2010 at 4:59 pm

    The back of a Transit looks harmless, but those little swages around the bottom of where the window glass would be, can be tricky little b@stards.

    If it was for a customer I’d use at least a good cast, if not a proper wrap material.

    In your case though, being your own vehicle, fixing any problems would not be a problem, so you can afford to experiment with a good calendared.

    With regard to tiling, you can’t go vertically, and have the join between the doors, because each door is still wider than your printer, so horizontal it will have to be. Just take a look and see where you think a join would be least noticeable – inside a horizontal swage is a good place.

  • Chris Windebank

    January 18, 2010 at 5:04 pm

    make a feature out of it by using both solid cast and digi using 3 strips

  • Adrian Yeo

    January 18, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    I will have to buy in material for this anyway as I dont think my usual will up to the job so any suggestions? Don’t really want to buy a shed load in as its not something that I usually get involved with.


    Not sure what you mean there. Could you elaborate please?

    Thanks guys

  • Chris Windebank

    January 18, 2010 at 5:14 pm

    what I was trying to say is if you cannot print the width of the door, maybe put solid colour in the middle and digi prints either side. You could have a diagonal digi print across the back giving the impression of bursting out from the solid colour, this also cuts down on expenses as I am sure you can blag 3m of wrap and matching lam. Have a play with the design, just trying to save you a few squid

  • Adrian Yeo

    January 18, 2010 at 5:26 pm
    quote Chris Windebank:

    what I was trying to say is if you cannot print the width of the door, maybe put solid colour in the middle and digi prints either side. You could have a diagonal digi print across the back giving the impression of bursting out from the solid colour, this also cuts down on expenses as I am sure you can blag 3m of wrap and matching lam. Have a play with the design, just trying to save you a few squid

    Ahh got you. Its been a long day! lol

    The design I have is a basically a 9 dog team as seen from the mushers view….. not sure how that would look. I will investigate! :lol1:

    Cheers again

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