• What the …..

    Posted by Nigel Fraser on December 13, 2004 at 7:41 pm

    Had a phone call today, went something like this –

    Nigel: Creative Sign & Design, can I help you ?

    Customer: Yes it’s Bill here from xyz company, we need some fragile roof signs making, is that the sort of thing you do ?

    Nigel: Yes thats no problem at all, do you know what size and how many you will need ?

    Customer: Of course we will need you to provide a Risk Assessment and a Method Statement before any work goes ahead. Is that a problem ?

    Nigel: I’m not sure what that is but we don’t provide that service I’m affraid.

    Customer: OK bye….. click brrrrrrrrr

    I’ve had a few calls in my time as a sign maker but never come accross that kind of request before. Is the world going mad ? Or is this sort of thing becoming more common as a result of the US litigious society issues spreading here too ? (chat.)


    Brian Maher replied 16 years, 10 months ago 15 Members · 25 Replies
  • 25 Replies
  • Carrie Brown

    December 13, 2004 at 7:44 pm

    We have had a few clients that we have had to provide this info for .. usually the larger companies. I have copies if ever you need to see what exactly they are. Very easy to complete, you keep the same layout and just change the details.

    Carrie 😀

  • Nigel Fraser

    December 13, 2004 at 8:01 pm

    Thanks for the info Carrie, where did you come by that then ? Is it something that’s easy to fax/email to me for future use ?

    Sounded like red tape gone mad to me but if it’s easy and quick enough to do it would be worth keeping on file 😀


  • Carrie Brown

    December 13, 2004 at 8:08 pm

    I have a friend that works in the dept that deals with these sort of things at the local council 😀 He gave me a few pointers and I took it from there.

    They usually ask for copies of your public liability & employer insurance certificates as well as risk assesment, method statement and company health and safety policy (which you dont have to submit if less than 5 employees .. but I have one which I supply anyway)

    I can email copies over of everything tomorrow when I get back in work if you like so you have it for future reference? Just leave me your email addy.

    Carrie 😀

  • John Childs

    December 13, 2004 at 8:16 pm

    Can I have a look too, please Carrie?

  • Carrie Brown

    December 13, 2004 at 8:21 pm

    Yes John no prob will email tomorrow 😀

  • Ian Higgins

    December 13, 2004 at 9:00 pm

    Hi Carrie,
    any chance of a copy here please..
    I once had to fill one in on site at kingscross.. a nightmare.. so would love a copy for reference please

  • Carrie Brown

    December 13, 2004 at 9:50 pm

    ok no problem 😀

  • Paul Goodwin

    December 14, 2004 at 12:27 am

    when i was at LUL even changing a light bulb had a risk assesment and method statment made for the job.

    on strip lights it took 3 guys , yep 3 guys to do the job.
    1 chargehand/ganger
    1 guy to carry the ladder
    1 guy to carry the bulbs

    red tape gone totally up the wall

  • Gordon Forbes

    December 14, 2004 at 12:52 am

    You try working offshore Risk assesments to do with everything
    Health an Safety Executive enforce regulations regarding PUWER and LOLER.
    Provision and use of working equipment and Lifting operations and lifting equipment These are in fact statutory law as is task risk assesments concerning a lot of other things.


  • Andy Gorman

    December 14, 2004 at 12:57 am

    Nigel, risk assessment for the job you describe is as follows: “I suppose I might stab myself with the tweezers whilst weeding.”

    As for method statements, some place I worked made us write these up for all processes. I wrote 3 pages on loading the vinyl onto the plotter! Mental.

  • Lee Harris

    December 14, 2004 at 1:00 am

    Hi Carrie,
    Any chance of a copy here please as well


  • Carrie Brown

    December 14, 2004 at 1:14 am

    ok lee 😀

  • Lee Harris

    December 14, 2004 at 1:19 am


  • Shane Drew

    December 14, 2004 at 2:07 am
    quote Carrie:

    We have had a few clients that we have had to provide this info for .. usually the larger companies. I have copies if ever you need to see what exactly they are. Very easy to complete, you keep the same layout and just change the details.

    Carrie 😀

    We have to fill out these forms here for any large company. Most will not let you onsite until you provide proof of a $20 million public liability policy. By law here, you must have the proof on your person to be produced onsite at any time you are asked for it. Typically tho, you provide the proof before your quote is accepted, and that is then kept on file.


  • Mark Shipley

    December 14, 2004 at 7:23 am

    Hi Carrie,

    May I be cheeky and ask for copy too please? 😉

    Many thanks in advance.


  • Carrie Brown

    December 14, 2004 at 9:53 am

    Email sent this morning, everyone should now have it?

    Carrie 😀

  • Mark Shipley

    December 14, 2004 at 10:07 am

    Thanks Carrie, you’re a star :thumbup2:


  • Lee Jones

    December 14, 2004 at 10:25 am

    Would be great if you could send me a copy also carrie


  • Richard Urquhart

    December 14, 2004 at 10:35 am

    Can I have a look too, please Carrie?

    thanks rich

  • Dave Bruce

    December 14, 2004 at 11:52 am

    You are a busy lass today Carrie, can I hassle you for a copy too,pretty please. (angel)
    I am just in the middle of sorting out this for my local council as they wont let me on their books without the necessary paper work. I have been studying Health & Safety leaflets for months.



  • Lee Harris

    December 14, 2004 at 12:29 pm

    Thanks again Carrie. Got the files this morning.


  • Carrie Brown

    December 14, 2004 at 12:32 pm

    hopefully everyone should have them now 😀

  • Ian Higgins

    December 15, 2004 at 12:22 am

    Cheers carrie…

  • David McPhillips

    August 9, 2007 at 2:44 pm

    I know this topic is going back some time but I’m hoping to get the hold off Carrie to get a copy of all the information she has regarding h&s policies, method statements and risk assessment.

    I have just tendered a few jobs and am in the line for getting some work off big companies the only problem is all these people are looking the policies and statements as above and i am totally lost on where to start with this stuff.

    If there is any other members on the boards who could help with layouts of the above items i would be most grateful as i am running out of time fast and i am getting asked for these bloody things more often now.



  • Brian Maher

    August 9, 2007 at 3:19 pm

    😕 wouldn’t mind a look at this too if anyone could send it on?


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