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  • what are your thoughts on this idea?

    Posted by kev hoy graphics on February 26, 2004 at 7:47 pm

    Okay, hope I am not over stepping my mark with rob on this post.
    Here goes.
    I was browsing letterheads website last night and noticed they have a ticker tape thing like the one that this site has on the home page. It advertises suppliers of our trade in the states. Obviously the suppliers pay for this.
    With this in mind, I cannot help but notice the amount of posts made by people looking for suppliers or info on suppliers, on this website? I myself struggle to find some at times.
    What I was thinking was, would it be possible to have a suppliers forum?
    They could make a post about their products, letting us know what they do, the address & number to call.
    The magazines do it at the back of them also, so why not here? Once a mag has been read it goes in the bin. Here the adverts would be constantly on view at the click of a button.
    Just wondered what the rest of you thought?
    I would imagine you would be able to take some kind of fee for allowing the suppliers to have these kinds of posts rob. I had a quick look and letterheads charge $500. I would imagine it would help go towards the running/labour of the site & ultimately make it even better (if that’s possible) than it is.

    please vote?

    Just my thoughts mate, Hope I have not offended.

    John Singh replied 20 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • sign-on

    February 26, 2004 at 10:32 pm

    I think this is a very good idea actually. I would think it would benefit most of us.
    What do you reckon rob? The Poll is positive at the moment & I know I have spoke to suppliers that already are aware of this site when I mention it. so getting them to take part would not be a problem. 😛

  • John Singh

    February 27, 2004 at 12:35 am

    In principle it seems like a good idea
    Extreme care would have to be taken to ensure it remains within it’s forum and not make in-roads into the mainstream

    John 😀

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