• weather

    Posted by Angelique Muller on June 20, 2007 at 10:25 pm

    Yes, so… can we do something about the weather please?!?
    I have to do some work on a mural and everything is ready to go (scaffolding in place etc….) and now it’s just raining and raining…..
    Local farmer told me I would have to wait till next tuesday for a dry day!!!
    That’s not right. Tomorrow is 21 june, longest day….. what is going on?

    Angelique Muller replied 17 years ago 9 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Lynn Normington

    June 20, 2007 at 10:37 pm

    Angelique you should move to England we haven’t had rain for such a long time well at least 12 hours 🙄 this weather is all to pot we have had some really odd weather as well, today it has been dry but with a quiet Strong warm wind who knows what tomorrow brings ? I wish you sunshine so you can do your mural, and it would be nice to see a pic when it’s done, good luck


  • Hugh Potter

    June 20, 2007 at 10:44 pm

    i fished eastbourne pier last night, 11pm til about 5am, forecast said heavy downpours and force 5 wind, i went expecting the worst with full wet weather gear, only to spend all night in joggnig bottoms and a hoodie ! haven’t had such nice weather on a night session for a long time ! i couldn’t believe the news when i got in this morning, about flash floods and big electrical storms just 40 mile away in kent !

  • John Childs

    June 20, 2007 at 11:05 pm

    Just got in from a ride out on the bike. Lovely warm, dry evening.

    Sorry Angelique, not what you wanted to hear I guess. 🙁

  • Shane Drew

    June 21, 2007 at 8:29 am

    Our Shortest Day here Angelique. Wind gusts, bitterly cold (by Queensland standards) but no rain in sight. We need it though, so you’ll not hear too many complaints when it comes….

    I feel for you though. The only day last week I had outside work, it was wet for the day. When you are booked up for two weeks, it really stuffs you around 👿

    As Lynn says, don’t forget the pics when its finished

  • Marcella Ross

    June 21, 2007 at 8:35 am
    quote Shane Drew:

    . Wind gusts, bitterly cold

    how cold it is Shane?

  • John Childs

    June 21, 2007 at 8:42 am
    quote Marcella:

    how cold it is Shane?

    Probably only 20 degress Marcella.

    Positively Arctic. 😀

  • Marcella Ross

    June 21, 2007 at 8:47 am

    that’s why I asked John ………. I wondered! :lol1:

  • Marcella Ross

    June 21, 2007 at 8:55 am

    Angelique, we’re not basking in glorious sunshine either. But we haven’t had a lot of rain. Yesterday it was heavy rain in the morning but cleared in the afternoon. It’s been mainly dull but dry.
    As for it being the longest day ………… probably still have some daylight until 11pm or so tonight here.

    What’s happened to the recordbreaking summer the forecasters told us we were getting this year? 😕

  • Andy Gorman

    June 21, 2007 at 9:01 am

    You know what I blame: global warming.

    If it’s too hot – global warming, too cold – global warming.

    That’s why ‘they’ have started referring to it as "Climate Change", so they can blame more things on it.

    Bah, I’m off to turn a few more unnecessary lights on.

  • Gavin MacMillan

    June 21, 2007 at 9:11 am

    More rain – good for kayaking
    hotter summers – good for lying around.

    Might burn some tires on my lunch break!

  • Harry Cleary

    June 21, 2007 at 9:50 am

    Raining up here in Monaghan too Angelique, need to do goldleafing on a shopfront in County Fermanagh…..but cant get near it either! (for 6 months of the year Lought Erne is in Fermangh, the other six, Fermangh is in Lough Erne!)…Isnt everyday ‘the longest day’ if you are a signmaker?
    😀 😀 😀

  • Shane Drew

    June 21, 2007 at 9:53 am
    quote Marcella:

    quote Shane Drew:

    . Wind gusts, bitterly cold

    how cold it is Shane?

    In Toowoomba yesterday it was -5 😮 taking into account the wind chill. and in Brisbane it was 3 c at 11am and blowing a gale

    It didn’t get above 11 all day at my place…..

    Not bad for a state that is recognized as the Sunshine State 😕

    Not what you lot are used to, but our winter woollies consist of long socks and a long sleeve shirt. 😕

  • Shane Drew

    June 21, 2007 at 9:55 am
    quote John Childs:

    quote Marcella:

    how cold it is Shane?

    Probably only 20 degress Marcella.

    Positively Arctic. 😀

    cheeky sod! :lol1: :lol1:

  • Marcella Ross

    June 21, 2007 at 1:50 pm

    Well the sun burned through the cloud and it’s been gorgeous here now for the last couple of hours! Looks like the longest day might be quite nice after all! 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    June 21, 2007 at 6:10 pm

    Aaaah, it wasn’t too bad after all. The forecast was wrong. I got a lot done. I only had too stop once for a shower. All the other dark clouds blew over…. More rain predicted for tomorrow, but let’s hope they get it wrong again….
    I don’t think I can upload pictures as I am not a member (yet…. still waiting for broadband before I do…)?!?!
    But if you want to see the mural in its former glory: go to http://www.crookhaven.ie, and click on pubs… A picture will appear of O’Sullivans bar and you can see the mural..
    After about 8 to 10 years of the southwestery winds and rain ‘Muriel’ (as the mural is known) is looking rather shabby and is peeling all over the place. I have scraped the whole lot down, applied stabiliser and am repainting the whole lot….
    Another dry day tomorrow and I would be quite happy….

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