• Vp540i vs XC540

    Posted by Shaun Cleary on August 30, 2009 at 5:24 pm

    Just a quick question ……

    Is the XC540 2 times as fast as the VP540i and does the billboard setting on banner look the same (quality wise)

    I would love the speed but I have been told the quality suffers on billboard speed on the XC540.

    Does anyone have both to compare.

    Simon.Johnson replied 14 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Kevin Flowers

    August 30, 2009 at 7:05 pm

    with all printers speed leads to poorer quality. However quality of profiles can help improve this. The VP & XC should print identical at the same head speed & pass rate they both run DX4 heads with the XC runing 6 against the VP running 4. the XC speeds up it will eventually get to a point when speed will detriate the quality. Your best bet would be to go get a demo at Roland take some of your files & try them on each machine.


  • Shaun Cleary

    August 31, 2009 at 10:08 am

    I thought the XC540 was better quality than the VP540i and with the lower quality it would be about the same on max speed vs max speed.

    Would there be a very notable difference to the general customers eye.

  • Shaun Cleary

    September 2, 2009 at 9:04 pm

    Anyone ???

  • Jason Xuereb

    September 3, 2009 at 12:00 am

    The XC is faster.

    Both have different profiles built for them.

    Maximum VP speed is 149 square feet an hour.
    The XC is up to 441 square feet an hour.

    If you want more speed out of the XC you can run it in four color mode as opposed to six colour and get even more speed out of it again.

    The XC off the shelf gives you more speed and better highlights and tones being a 6 colour machine. It also has other features like better overall drying and heating features which the vp doesn’t.

    You might be able to print very fast with the VP but depending what material your printing on if that print is dry enough to be used on the take up is another matter entirely.

  • Simon.Johnson

    September 3, 2009 at 4:34 pm


    If your market is to print very small items which will be viewed from a close (arms length) distance, the addition of Lc and Lm inks in the XC-540 will make pastel shades smoother and the artistic mode on the XC-540 (1400 x 1400) will offer a slightly higher quality again. If you are in the business of printing large signs, posters and banners, it will be very difficult for a client to see the quality difference in a like for like print mode between the two machines.

    Again, assuming your not in the small print, close viewing situation, the decision on which machine should come down to work load. If you need to print more than 25-30 meters every day, you should go for the XC-540. Equally, if you want to long continuous print runs on heavy rolls of media, go for the XC-540. If you are always going to be printing less than this I would suggest the VersaCAMM.

    As Kevin said, if you really want to see the difference, arrange a demo at one of the Roland show rooms where you can run the machines back to back and see for yourself.

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