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  • Vinyl for maxus quarter wrap. deep recesses

    Posted by James Beavon on May 27, 2009 at 4:01 pm

    Hi, I’m looking for a vinyl to cover the back quarter of a ldv maxus, some of you may be aware of the canyon type recesses.

    The vinyl isn’t to be printed just single colour.

    I was thinking graficast but read on here it has aggressive adhesive, and is not re positionable.

    Any recommendations or tips greatly appreciated.


    John Childs replied 15 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • John Childs

    May 27, 2009 at 9:38 pm

    Hiya Jay.

    It’s not that Graficast isn’t repositionable, it is, but it does have a high initial tack, which makes it perhaps not so suitable for the less experienced. Certainly I wouldn’t worry about my fitters being able to apply it.

    Avery 900 is an equivilent, and maybe a bit easier to apply, but those LDV recesses are deep, so maybe a proper wrap vinyl would be in order. Have you thought about KPMF?

  • Robert Lambie

    May 28, 2009 at 7:28 am

    if it were me ide be going ONLY for a solid colour wrap with an aggressive adhesive unless for very short term. yes it is not the easiest vinyl to work with for beginners, but beginners need to learn and using the proper vinyl for the job in hand is just part of the learning curve of wrapping.

    steer well away for easy apply, air escape type vinyls for this line of application.

    I wouldnt use KPMF on this type of application because i personally dont think its the best wrap for this type of application. i have tried solid colour wraps using it and found it to whiten when stretched to any real extent. dont get me wrong, has a very nice finish and handles well but just not a wrap i feel confident will stay in deep recesses.

    i have used grafityps digital wrap and found it very good, but ive not tried the the solid colour cast, so cant comment fairly on that.

    for solid colour wrap vinyl in difficult deep recesses i still think MacTAC Macfleet is hard to beat. never ever had even a single sign of it coming out of recesses on any vehicle ive tried it on. but it IS a very temperamental wrap vinyl to work with so be careful and have a play with it before doing a live job. make sure your workshop is of a nice room temp or it will shatter when applying. it does have an aggressive adhesive and can stick firm on contact… sounds extreme but you cant have best of both worlds with jobs like this.

  • John Childs

    May 28, 2009 at 7:45 am
    quote Robert Lambie:

    I wouldnt use KPMF on this type of application because i personally dont think its the best wrap for this type of application. i have tried solid colour wraps using it and found it to whiten when stretched to any real extent. dont get me wrong, has a very nice finish and handles well but just not a wrap i feel confident will stay in deep recesses.

    That’s interesting Rob, because we have been experimenting with different materials for a new client. Of all the ones we tried KPMF was one of the very few which didn’t whiten to any great extent. Mind you, ours was silver, so maybe that reacts differently to a colour.

    As for staying in, only time will tell but, at the application stage, we didn’t see anything that gave us cause for concern

    I agree about the finish though. Brilliant. We got a consistent colour and gloss level across whole panels, no matter the degree of stretch. Looked really good.

  • Jon Marshall

    May 28, 2009 at 10:21 am

    Are you talking about the KPMF cast or the VWS?

  • John Childs

    May 28, 2009 at 4:48 pm
    quote Jon Marshall:

    Are you talking about the KPMF cast or the VWS?


    If I thought a cast was adequate for this job I’d use Avery 900.

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