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  • versacamm sp540v service help please

    Posted by Dan Osterbery on February 22, 2016 at 6:17 pm

    Hi All,
    last week we had a problem with overspray, and the magenta and yellow head contamination. (see photos black overspray and print head after clean this morning). So today we have changed the dampers (all four) cap tops (both) and the wipers.

    We sucked the ink into the dampers with a syringe, and then pumped up the ink with the machine. Print test was good,(see print test after changing dampers and captops) and then we did a roland print and cut test file, all good.(print and cut test 2pm) We went to lunch to celebrate, and then off to a quote, and approx three hours later came back and did another test print.(see print test 5pm), And i noticed there was a bit of cross contaminationa again. I then did another test and cut file print (see print and cut test 7pm) We then had contamination in the yellow and magenta heads, and by the end of the test print no yellow or magenta coming through or in the ink lines.(see print test 7pm). There is no ink in the yellow and magenta lines. I am going to take it all to bits and prime them again now, but if anyone can let me know what i have missed, or any other things that might be wrong, id really appreciate it!

    Thanks in advance



    Kevin Flowers replied 8 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Stafford Cox

    February 23, 2016 at 12:32 pm

    I would suggest there’s air getting in somewhere which is letting the ink run back up the tube. Best guess, the brass nuts on the dampers aren’t done up tight enough or the o rings need replacing.

    Best of luck

  • Dan Osterbery

    February 23, 2016 at 12:36 pm

    thanks Stafford, will look at both those options.



  • Chris Wool

    February 23, 2016 at 10:25 pm

    Due to the cross contamination I would have a close look at the pump system also if on your machine check the spit sponge is not rubbing the head
    When I fit new dampers I make sure the pipe sits all the way in and that the o ring is free to slide on the pipe before tightening the nut gently

  • Kevin Flowers

    February 23, 2016 at 11:04 pm

    i may be wrong but i would look to see how dirty your encoder strip is as you can see it moving an entire block of colour from 1 head to the next. Dirt on the encoder can cause problems like this. As for the ink running back definitely air getting i would check manifold they have been known to crack when changing dampers


  • Dan Osterbery

    February 24, 2016 at 2:30 pm

    thanks guys, have checked the nuts on the dampers (oh er!) and tightened them, changed the orings, and cleaned the nipples, as there was some dried ink there that may have been affecting the seal. Changed the spit sponge and it is not near the heads. I have also cleaned the encoder strip. I now have ink that stays in the lines above the dampers. I have noticed however that the pipes that lead from the caps tops to the pump are not filled with ink? Should they be? Could the pump be the problem? I have also got a decent level of print going again, but there is still overspray on the black? Could this be the pump not sucking efficiently and therefore left over ink gets sprayed around?

    thanks for everyones input so far!


  • Kevin Flowers

    February 24, 2016 at 4:22 pm

    what is you test print like now, head alignment looks a little suspect i’v seen this happen due to profile & static. Is the black a 100% k or is it a CMYK black. Hard to say from pic’s & so many reasons to cause same problem


  • Dan Osterbery

    February 24, 2016 at 6:16 pm

    H Kev,
    Didnt make the file for that print! it was printed from a jpeg so i guess a mixed print. Here is today’s test print. i can do a print test with text in 100% black and a CMYK mixture if you think it will help diagnose? I have ordered a new pump, and a head soak kit to see if i can get the heads all good again. If not there is a technician coming to the island in September, if i can just keep her going till then!!

    thanks again



  • Kevin Flowers

    February 24, 2016 at 7:01 pm

    that looks like a head strike the fact that you have blocks of colour missing on 3 heads, Have you ever had a head crash. You could do an head soak to see if it improves. You could try a play with black colour you can also alter the linearisation within Versaworks so it puts out less black to what it is told to. I had to do this when i ran 3rd party inks to solve similar problem


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