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  • vehicle wrapping: racing ferrari

    Posted by Nigel Fraser on March 1, 2005 at 8:01 pm

    ….after our little test fitting on a porsche last year I thought this might be a fun project to have a bash at 😮
    Doesn’t look too bad you’re thinking eh ? Well that’s what I thought until they told me the car’s red 😉 Cant be painted because the customer won’t allow their prize Ferrari 550 to be colour changed !
    Anyway I got to work out a cost for this job and see if I can find anyone else willing to get their scalpel near the paintwork 😀
    Anyone like to hazzard a guess as to how long to allow for fitting this little lot ?



    Bill Dewison replied 19 years, 1 month ago 18 Members · 62 Replies
  • 62 Replies
  • Steve Lamb

    March 1, 2005 at 8:11 pm
    quote :

    Anyone like to hazzard a guess as to how long to allow for fitting this little lot ?

    Ages! 😕 Good luck should be nice a little earner too?

  • Nigel Fraser

    March 1, 2005 at 8:16 pm

    …..yeah thanks mate ! I was thinking of maybe three people for two days ?? Not sure about pricing this one but I will have a look at the car tomorrow and see if it scares me too much :lol1:


  • Peter Normington

    March 1, 2005 at 8:51 pm

    Looks interesting, but rather than wrap the whole vehicle in blue have you considered changing the colour with a gel coat spray?

  • Nigel Fraser

    March 1, 2005 at 9:04 pm

    What’s that stuff then Peter – I thought it was what you put on top of fibre glass !


  • Bill Dewison

    March 1, 2005 at 9:15 pm

    Ahh go on then, I’ll give it a lash 😀 Is it going to be the colours in the piccie, or is the blue being substituted for the red? And can I bring my dainty little scalpel set again? :lol1:

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Peter Normington

    March 1, 2005 at 9:17 pm

    Its a trick the car industry have been using for years, Say for instance ford want a photo shoot in oz, with 2 different coloured cars, but same model. To save on freight charges they only send one car. How it’s done is this. First the car is masked up in a certain way, and sprayed with a clear, special coat of gel. The car is then masked up again and sprayed with regular paint, different colour than the original. To revert back to the original colour the whole lot is just peeled of, no damage, no scalpel marks. If you are interested I may be able to get more details tommorrow.

  • Bill Dewison

    March 1, 2005 at 9:22 pm

    Would it last out okay on the track Peter? These cars take some hammering and I’m presuming this is like the last one, a Le Mans car? 24 hours none stop… hold on, its a Ferrari… um, 16 1/2 hours none stop and an engine blowout to deal with! 🙄

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Peter Normington

    March 1, 2005 at 9:27 pm

    It lasts as long as a wrap would if not longer in these conditions, and the advantage is you get a paint finish
    exactly matched to the colour required. But in either case it depends how good the driver is, nothing survives a fight with the armco

  • Marekdlux

    March 1, 2005 at 9:32 pm

    Can you apply graphics over the top of it Peter?

  • Bill Dewison

    March 1, 2005 at 9:33 pm

    Once its coated and resprayed, could vinyl be applied to it, wrap vinyl? Or would the colour changes have to be masked and sprayed individually? Sorry for so many questions Peter, its just I have this bank robber…. I mean a nice family day out to plan and it’d be nice to change the car colour 🙄 😳

    Seems like it could be a good alternative though. The last one took a little over 9 hours with 3 of us on it and there was way less vinyl. This one could take 3 times as long if it all has to be done with vinyl, and thats if your hand stops shaking for long enough to trim round that rear window 😕

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Peter Normington

    March 1, 2005 at 9:40 pm

    When it done its just like the original paintwork. So graphics can be applied. It does need a pro to do it and there are only a few people that can do it, I would not recomend this for your bread and butter car, but for a ferrari that can’t be harmed it’s a possible way to go.

  • Nigel Fraser

    March 1, 2005 at 11:57 pm

    …sounds interesting idea Peter, I’m guessing that I’d be doing myself out of the job by suggesting going that route though 😕 Customer might say ok that sounds great where do I go to get it sprayed and I’m not involved anymore – not that that might be a bad thing !
    Anyway, I thought if it becomes a definite job that dewi could do the bit of blue on the roof and maybe if he has time the door squares too ? I’ll have a bash at doing the rear bumper again and see if it really is possible in just one piece of vinyl :lol1: and we’ll leave the rest to that mad guy that came along last time for the porsche job 😀
    Oh yes Dewi mate, i forgot to say it is a red car and needs to look like this one when done !
    I’m off to look at it tomorrow so we’ll see what happens…


  • Bill Dewison

    March 2, 2005 at 12:05 am

    Blimey, if its all got to be blue, thats going to be one hell of a fitting job! 😮 On the bright side, its the same colour as last time and there’s no tricky side stripes to do or splits on the front spoiler. Don’t fancy your chances on that rear bumper though, it looks alot more difficult than the Porsche one 😮

    You do get all the fun jobs though Nigel, most unfair, its not every day you get to attack a rare Ferrari racer with a scalpel and a shed load of Avery :lol1:

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Nigel Fraser

    March 2, 2005 at 12:11 am

    Yep, thats why I thought of you mate ! Have you been on that wrapping course yet btw ?
    I’ll keep you posted and see what it’s like in the flesh eh 😉


  • Bill Dewison

    March 2, 2005 at 12:16 am

    Still not managed to get on it 😕 Just been too busy with the shop although I really should take the time to go and do it. Other thing is deciding which one to go on, there was a recent discussion on which courses were good and which were pants, but its just confused me all the more now 🙄

    Btw, you coming the show this year?

    Cheers, Dewi

  • John Singh

    March 2, 2005 at 12:46 am

    Hope were gonna get some piccies or even a video shoot of this Nigel 😀


  • Kevin.Ryan

    March 2, 2005 at 9:05 am

    hi Nigel
    i’d say you are about right with the time schedule to wrap and overlay the graphics, 3 guys 2 days. 2 wrapping, 1 triming/heating in.
    cost wise well thats always the thing…
    if we were doing the job at our premises under our own terms and conditions, we would charge £1200 labour only, then the cost of the wrap, and logo’s etc, plus a mark up on that. i would hazzard a guess at £ 1800 – £ 2000 complete.
    if traveling to and from their location then that on top.

    shouldn’t be too hard of a car to wrap, just a bit more caution for the trimmer!!

    sign and tint

  • Nigel Fraser

    March 2, 2005 at 8:22 pm

    Thanks for the info Kevin, I’ve been down to see the car in question today and it actually looks not as bad as I thought it would be 😀 Except they then told me that they have two spare bumpers and a spare bonnet which also need wrapping 🙄
    I’m going to work out a price and I had a similar kind of price in mind as Kevin said so we’ll see how that goes down with the Russian sponsors !
    If I get the job it will need to be done and dusted by 18th March ready for testing so I will take some photos. KPMF called today and offered to send their instructor to help/train on the job so I may decide to take up that offer on this job !

    I’ll certainly be trying to make time to get to the show Dewi but depends how the work is going a bit nearer the time really.


  • Marekdlux

    March 9, 2005 at 6:26 pm

    Have you started this project Nigel? Can’t wait to see the pictures.

  • Nigel Fraser

    March 9, 2005 at 6:39 pm

    Hi Marek, well we started this job today actually ! First of two days allocated for the work and it was hampered a little by the bonnet louvres – see pic !!
    Will post more when completed tomorrow 😀



  • Andy Gorman

    March 9, 2005 at 7:18 pm

    Watch out Nige! There’s a bloody northerner near that car. He’ll have the wheels away!

  • mark walker

    March 9, 2005 at 7:33 pm

    Stop posing Dewi and keep your eyes on the scalpel !! :yikes:

  • Marekdlux

    March 9, 2005 at 7:43 pm

    For some reason Dewi you remind me of this:

    😀 😀 😀

  • Nigel Fraser

    March 9, 2005 at 7:48 pm

    We’re both done in now so off to the pub for some grub and a pint (drink1) Hope it all gets done tomorrow ok ready for the press photo shoot on Friday !


  • Nigel Fraser

    March 10, 2005 at 7:57 pm

    Phew, we’ve just finished this job and the general opinion was that it went pretty well apart from the damn bonnet which took hours and hours 😥

    It’s taken three of us (well two and Dewi 😉 ) two days to fit which is fortunately exactly what I had allowed for the job ! Anyway Dewi’s got about 200 images which are better than mine but here’s a sample anyway.



  • Robert Lambie

    March 10, 2005 at 8:28 pm

    the work looks excellant mate… well done the three of you on a top notch wrap 😉

    picture one… hmmm dewi is tall isnt he? 😮

    picture 2… nice orbs dewi, shame about the face :lol1: :lol1:

  • Marekdlux

    March 10, 2005 at 8:53 pm

    That looks really good. The car that is.
    Andy was right though….”Watch out Nige! There’s a bloody northerner near that car. He’ll have the wheels away!”

  • Robert Lambie

    March 10, 2005 at 9:04 pm

    the wheels arent missing mate, thats “ultra LOW profile tyres” :lol1: :lol1:

  • Peter Normington

    March 10, 2005 at 9:05 pm

    Have a beer on me lads, you deserve it.
    very very nice work.

  • Bill Dewison

    March 10, 2005 at 9:12 pm

    Just got in after a fairly clear motorway run! 😀 Luckily my car didn’t break :lol1:

    Excellent couple of days which I’ve enjoyed thoroughly (well, apart from the odd louvre 😥 😥 ) A massive thank you to Nigel for having me and putting up with my northern humour 😀

    I do have lots and lots of pictures, just going to grab some food and a beer and I’ll post some up 😀

    Again, a big thank you Nigel! 😀

    Cheers, Dewi

  • John Singh

    March 10, 2005 at 9:20 pm
    quote :

    You never mentioned this many bl**dy louvres !!

    Just when you thought it was going to be a breeze you hit the louvres and start venting in rage. I bet if you’d have got wind of it you might have give it a miss


  • Nigel Fraser

    March 10, 2005 at 9:53 pm

    Thanks guys, I was pretty pleased with it to be honest – Looking forward to seeing some decent images.
    I forgot to say thanks for Dewi giving up the day to day shop work to come and help out – we’d still be there now doing it if it wasn’t for his help 😀

  • Bill Dewison

    March 10, 2005 at 10:13 pm

    Here they come 😀

    Cheers, Dewi


  • Bill Dewison

    March 10, 2005 at 10:14 pm

    And some more….

    Cheers, Dewi


  • Bill Dewison

    March 10, 2005 at 10:16 pm

    Nigel happy at work, well, he is in the second picture anyway 😀

    Cheers, Dewi


  • Bill Dewison

    March 10, 2005 at 10:24 pm

    Fast forward a little and miraculously the rear boot is done :lol1: Nigel spent an age on this and it was perfect! Amazing work, and the photograph doesn’t do it justice. The next piccy is of Sharon Osbourne (aka Emmett the vinyl wrapper) who is very happy to see we’ve finally got to the front bumper and that I’m not whinging about being hungry again :lol1:

    Cheers, Dewi


  • Bill Dewison

    March 10, 2005 at 10:29 pm

    The finished bonnet, complete with decals and ready to race. Picture 2, our very lovely Sharon with her lovely application technique of… “Watch this you Northern wuss!” and I was impressed! 😀 Not half as impressed as I was with Nigel who was meanwhile wrapping a back bumper!! 😮

    Cheers, Dewi


  • Bill Dewison

    March 10, 2005 at 10:39 pm

    First is of the said bumper, which although it took alot of effort, was brilliant once complete. Second is a piccy of Nigel and the car finally complete, no wonder he has a big smile on his face 😀

    I have loads and loads of pictures of the details of the work, but I need some more time to sort through them and alot of them would probably only be of interest to those who like their wrapping.

    As I say, thoroughly enjoyed it. It was all pretty hard work really, very tiring, but ultimately I think Nigel has completed a fantastic job here, as has Emmett. Obviously a modicum of help from me, but I’m not what you would call wrapper of the year 😳

    Cheers, Dewi


  • Carrie Brown

    March 10, 2005 at 11:26 pm

    Nice work guys :thumbup2:

  • Robert Lambie

    March 10, 2005 at 11:42 pm


    CAPS… OPPS 😳

    was this avery vinyl? i know the last car was in it… just womdering thoughts this time round or if you changed?
    if you did, whats the thoughts on the material?

    the large bonnet, that looks dead easy :lol1: :lol1:

    okay, maybe not 😉 was this down in a single bit or in two? from the pics it looks like its two bits…
    the back/boot looks a nightmare and only real option would be to cut it and have a seam along the fold to the down part at back… was this the case or did you go do something else?

    the one very good thing that is a god send doing this type of work is the car on ramps… no wheels and removable panels… lights missing etc makes life so much better to work with.

  • Martin Pearson

    March 10, 2005 at 11:52 pm

    Fantastic job Nigel, congratulations to the 3 of you for what looks like a job very well done. The one down side is nobody will really appriciate the job you have done as most people will think its just a blue car with some stickers on it!!!

  • Andy Gorman

    March 11, 2005 at 12:40 am

    Looks like you all rose to a very challenging job, good on yer all.

    I see Dew did have the wheels away. I thought I saw a people carrier going up the M6 with racing car wheels on!

    Well done you three.

  • Vitor Brito

    March 11, 2005 at 3:54 am

    :appl: :appl:

    Very, very good job!
    Well done boys!
    Not even a single scalpel slip?

    Dew, keep those pics coming in, we wanna see the details! As Jonh would say we’re nosey!


  • Paul Goodwin

    March 11, 2005 at 8:01 am

    Well done guys, it looks well good.

  • Nigel Fraser

    March 11, 2005 at 9:33 am

    Thanks for the comments Guys/Girls 😀 Glad we did it but also wouldn’t want to do one every week either !

    We used Avery900sc vinyl which is really good at conforming round impossible looking shapes although it is quite thin and so if you push it too far you get noticable discoloration. The bonnet was way too big to do in one section (approx 6’x7′) so we had to have a joint but because of the vents we got away with only having a shortish run of visible overlap.
    The rear boot lid was originally going to be done in one piece 😕 but after looking at the non removable high level light I decided it was going to be too time consuming to get right. So I cut out the rectangle for the light and promptly made it too big a hole 😳 so it then became a three piece job instead ! Still the joins were really not too noticable 😉


  • Shane Drew

    March 11, 2005 at 9:52 am

    What can I say that has not already been said. :clap3: :clap3: :clap3:

    I agree with the comment too, that no one would really appreciate the time and effort just looking at the car.

    Well done to the 3 of you.

  • Richard Urquhart

    March 11, 2005 at 11:16 am

    wow what a nice job well done all involved 😉

  • Bill Dewison

    March 11, 2005 at 11:42 am

    Echos of what Nigel has said, thank you for all the comments 😀

    Its kind of lucky we don’t get to do these every week as I’m playing catch up now in the shop, customers don’t see wrapping a race car as an excuse to why their job isn’t in their hand right now 😕 I’m sure Nigel will be the same, but as he said, well worth doing and it was a laugh as well as enjoyable seeing what we could produce in 2 days.

    The vinyl we were using was the same as the vinyl we used on the Porsche last year, but I’d forgotten just how good it was. It was amazing to see the way Nigel and Emmett wrapped it round seemingly impossible corners! 😮 The transformation of the car, when you saw it coming together panel by panel was quite a sight.

    I missed my flat caps and whippets for a couple of days, but again, thank you to Nigel for giving me the opportunity to work on such a cool job. Back to the daily shop work for me now though, with the odd sneaky look at the pictures taken yesterday 😀

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Lynn Normington

    May 1, 2005 at 6:42 pm

    Nigel can’t belive it after all your hardwork just seen it get well and truly scratched on euro sport 🙁


  • Robert Lambie

    May 1, 2005 at 7:33 pm

    dont be sympathetic lynn, laugh… i know nigek will be all the way to the bank! :lol1:

  • Bill Dewison

    May 1, 2005 at 9:09 pm

    Was it racing today! 😮 Ah bugger! I thought I’d missed it last week, so I wasn’t looking out for it 😥 😥 Tell me you taped it Lynn, please tell me you taped it 😥

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Brian Little

    May 1, 2005 at 9:13 pm

    Nigel i hate to guess mate …but it looks great 😀 😀

  • Lynn Normington

    May 1, 2005 at 9:15 pm

    Dewi Dewi Dewi hate to tel you I didn’t 😥 so sorry


  • Nigel Fraser

    May 1, 2005 at 9:17 pm

    oh well, I’ll wait to get a phone call about repairing the panels then I guess ! You can check some images on by the way Dewi.
    Hope it didn’t get too damaged though Lynn, I don’t ever want to have to do another one of those bonnets 🙄


  • Lynn Normington

    May 1, 2005 at 9:21 pm

    as far as we could tell nigel it was the front wing just before the wheel
    it sort of gave it away when we could see red it was drivers side well our drivers side 🙄


  • Nigel Fraser

    May 1, 2005 at 9:35 pm

    I’ll cope with a repair on a front wing or door ok – they were the easiest parts I think 😀 Got a few days until the Silverstone race next outing.

    Just found this image in the FIA site, doesn’t look too bad 😕



  • Bill Dewison

    May 1, 2005 at 10:21 pm

    Thank you for the link Nigel, really made my day! 😀 Blimey, it looks really cool out on the track! Still can’t believe we wrapped that! 😮 😀

    I feel all kind of fuzzy! 😀

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Marekdlux

    May 2, 2005 at 2:23 am
    quote Dewi:

    I feel all kind of fuzzy! 😀

    Nothing a good shower won’t take care of. 😎

  • Shane Drew

    May 2, 2005 at 10:13 am
    quote Dewi:

    I feel all kind of fuzzy!

    You have got to drink less mate 😮

  • Andy Gorman

    May 2, 2005 at 11:10 am

    Looks great Nige.
    What ever happened about the bumper thing that happened during Sign UK week? Did they manage it?

  • Nigel Fraser

    May 2, 2005 at 2:44 pm
    quote big G:

    What ever happened about the bumper thing that happened during Sign UK week? Did they manage it?

    Well they did have a go themselves and I gather it took them about 5hours and ended up being done in about 8 sections 😀 Don’t think they wanted me to see it because they ripped it all off so I could redo it last week 🙄
    I think I’ve got two more to do shortly as spares too, so I’ll be getting well practiced at those bumpers !


  • Bill Dewison

    May 2, 2005 at 8:47 pm

    8 sections :lol1: Cool! 😀 Maybe they’ll appreciate all the effort that went into that car now they’ve tried a little themselves. I don’t envy you having to do all the extras though Nigel, the main parts were hard enough…. just hope they don’t send you another bonnet… if they do, I’m busy :lol1: :lol1:

    Cheers, Dewi

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