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  • Trying to setup with W7 64bit

    Posted by Gill Andrews on February 8, 2014 at 1:39 am

    Has anybody got this sorted.
    I have a new computer which has windows 64 bit on it and I cannot get my cutter to work.
    In the past have been running W7 32bit for years with no probs.
    Cutter is a Katana II which is the same as a Rabbit HX720, Hengxing 720 or Refine MH712.
    I have installed a serial card as these new computers do not have a serial port anymore as standard.
    Had the techy boys around for a couple of hours with no luck.
    Any help really appreciated as I need my cutter going real soon, work is piling up.
    Gill A

    Gill Andrews replied 10 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Martin Pearson

    February 8, 2014 at 1:53 am

    Have you installed the right driver for the plotter? You will need a different driver to the one you were using if you are now running 64bit.

  • Gill Andrews

    February 8, 2014 at 2:01 am

    Where would one find that driver.
    The supplier of the Katana II does not have one.
    Have not been able to find one for the other makes that are same/similar either.
    I had a friend do one for the 32bit W7 but he is not keen to do one for the 64 bit.
    It would seem that the vinyl cutter manf’s are not that interested in the 64bit thing.
    As you can guess I have spent days on this.
    Gill A

  • Martin Pearson

    February 8, 2014 at 2:09 am

    What control software are you using to run the plotter? Maybe they could help you or someone using the same control software who has encountered this.
    By the way if you introduce yourself in the hello forum you will get a better response to questions.

  • Gill Andrews

    February 8, 2014 at 2:11 am

    Using Roland Cut Studio, Flexi Sign pro 10.
    HAve also listed in the hello forum, thanks.
    Gill A

  • Graham Shand

    February 8, 2014 at 7:23 am

    We upgraded to windows 7 a few years back all the drivers had to be updated, dispite all our best efforts to achieve this ( without success ) the solution was simple, contact Roland, tech support they take control of you computer via the net and install the driver, change the settings to suit windows 7 , so you need internet access, they will tell you what software to download in order that they can control your computer, the whole thing takes about 15 minutes,the same procedure applies to printer drivers , contact their tech support.

  • Chris Wool

    February 8, 2014 at 9:41 am

    welcome, made the mistake of going W7 64bit on the latest computer now have a couple of machines it will not drive. due to lack of 64bit drivers.
    i bought the pro ver of W7 64 which does sort out some of the 32 bit programes but not drivers

    graham don’t think roland will be over helpful due to it not being a roland cutter.

    i found this may be of help

    if the cutter was driven by roland software then just the printer windows 64bit driver may be ok, which means you don’t use the plugin just drive straight out of corel or illyfustrator

  • John Thomson

    February 8, 2014 at 10:51 am

    Flexi 10 already has the driver.

    The refine driver is listed as UScutters……all the drivers for these chinese cutters are roland pnc drivers hacked and renamed.


  • Gill Andrews

    February 8, 2014 at 10:28 pm

    Thanks guys lots of good helpful reply’s.
    Chris I have been to the Roland site you pointed me to and loaded their W7 64bit mod, looks promising but cannot get it to connect with the plotter.
    I guess I need to go through all the Roland plotters one by one to see if they will work with mine.

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