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  • Sublimation t shirts

    Posted by Robert Grant on February 4, 2005 at 10:21 am

    Hi Everbody
    I have ordered a bulk sublimation system and have just bought an epson c86 printer. I assumed that I could print on to most white t shirts, but it seems that the t shirt has to be a certain mix. I want to produce pro quality printing to t shirts so if anyone could advise me of what mix of t shirt is best and any suppliers who offer a good quality shirt at decent prices. I suppose I should have researched a bit more but me being me jumped in.

    Cheers Boab

    tshirtsplus replied 19 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • graham@bets

    February 4, 2005 at 10:31 am

    as far as I am aware you need 100% polyester shirts to print sublimation on to. The principle is that every sublimatable item is covered with polyester that the inks fuse to when you press it at high temperatures.

    Shirts are pretty expensive compared to general white tshirts coming in at £3.20+VAT (from UK leisure single shirt price)

  • mel

    February 4, 2005 at 11:16 am

    having recently started using sublimation on t-shirts I too have done some research. A company called xpres sell a subliT about £3, listawood also sell a similar tee called subli soft. However according to a sublimation forum in the USA it is suggested that you can use garments that have a 50:50 mix, you can also by a polymer spray that you apply to your tee as the sublimation ink only dyes polymers and therefore a 100% polyester t-shirt is best for color quality. I am sorry I don’t know the web address for the Subli forum I found but it was really useful with leading companies posting specific articles for beginners.
    Good luck

  • tshirtsplus

    February 11, 2005 at 9:22 pm

    I used subli-soft & didnt rate them at all. Felt to embarassed to sell them unless the customer was a vicar. Collar was well tight and to high.
    Xpress sub t’s are the best ive found at the moment, although theres a lot of room for improvement in th sub garment market in my opinion.
    Ralawise offer fairly competitive prices for sub t’s (under £3).

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