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  • Starting up a small sign business – Help needed?

    Posted by Levi Summers on August 27, 2015 at 10:20 am

    Sorry if I have posted in the wrong section, feel free to move this, I believe I am in the right place.

    Thinking of starting up a small sign company, my current work is very up and down and I really need a side line that can fill in the dead days, but which I can slowly but surely build up to full time work and hopefully a successful company

    at the beginning my main aim will be smaller vinyl jobs, vehicle graphics, etc so just a standard sized cutter will suffice, I have contacts with a larger digital printing firm and any digital work I can out source there until I am in a position to buy a digital printer.

    I was just wondering if any of you guys on here could recommend a cutter I should buy to get this started, I have a family member who is already in the trade who knows my plans so I know I can call on him for help with the bigger jobs and installation of bigger jobs, but I know this website has a wealth of experienced helpful members so I thought I would ask you all first.

    Basically I am just looking for the minimum tools/cutters I would need for a small start up and which type of cutter would be perfect for me and does anybody have an ideas of what sort of budget I would be looking at for a small start up, thanks. I am based in the UK by the way

    Thanks for any advice.

    Shawn Bentley replied 8 years, 9 months ago 8 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Iain Pearson

    August 27, 2015 at 10:55 am

    i started mine many years back with a second had 24" Graphtec Cutter, running flexisign 7.6 cutting software on computer using windows XP.
    there are many cutters on the market, with huge differences in prices, but in my opinion, Graphtec/Summa/Mimaki are the better ones to buy.
    They are not cheap, but a budget of 750 – 1000 will see you right.
    Im sure everyone on here has different ideas of what to buy and software to use, so this is just my opinion

    Good luck


  • Levi Summers

    August 27, 2015 at 11:17 am

    Hi Iain,

    Really appreciate your reply, it demonstrated my belief this can certainly work with pretty minimal start up, as you said with the correct software and a cutter, and it all grew from there.

    Do you have a particular software you are now using that you would recommend or do you or anybody else think most software available are good enough (with good research of course)

    Have around £500 currently allocated so far, so will continue to save I think, desperate to start ASAP but I do not want to rush and end up with a rubbish cutter.

  • Gil Johnson

    August 27, 2015 at 12:09 pm

    Hi Levi,

    As Iain says you can start on a really small budget, when I set up Ebay was a great source.

    Agree with Iain on cutters etc, Graphtec, Summa ans Mimaki – all top quality.

    This is on Ebay at moment 321818980136 (item number) its a Mutoh – rebranded Gerber cutter. Used to use one of these years ago, it would make a really good start machine, even has auto cut off if I remember correctly.

    Good luck!! 😀

    Hope this helps.


  • Iain Pearson

    August 27, 2015 at 5:24 pm

    Hi Levi
    As you say, best to save a little more than buy an inferior set up and end up replacing it 6 months down the line.
    I still have my original 24" Graphtec cutter which I use almost daily to cut small logo’s and text, I’ve been running it now for 6 yrs, and it’s never put a foot wrong.
    I now also have a Graphtec 64" cutter running Flexi 10 software.

    There are a variety of cutting software available, FlexiSIGN, Signlab, Coral
    Cutting Master etc, and all are good in their own right. I have used Flexi since I first started, so I’ve continued with it and have never experienced any issues, but again, down to budget and personal preference.
    Have you done any vinyl cutting before, and if so, what machine/Software did you use ?
    Where in the country are you based ?



  • David Hammond

    August 28, 2015 at 7:11 am

    If you’re looking to invest in a printer later down the line, it may be worth looking at a wider plotter (1300mm) with optical registration facility.

    Yes it’s going to cost even more money, BUT, when you look for a printer you can get a print only machine, you can get a 1370mm wide printer, and you won’t need to upgrade the plotter too.

    You can also run 1220 wide vinyl through the plotter, depending on the volumes, design, it can me more cost efficient to use 1220.

    What it boils down to is the volume of work, and how much cash you want to throw at it.

  • Martin Pearson

    August 29, 2015 at 11:29 pm

    What is it you currently do & is there anything you can do to make it less up & down ?? Sometimes better to concentrate on an existing business rather than try & start another one. Why a sign company if you don’t mind me asking ??

    As has been said a second user Branded plotter like those mentioned would probably be your best bet & if that means saving a bit more then that’s not a bad option. I’ve had my Graphtec machine for about 14/15 years, they are built to last.

    Software, have you any experience with vector based packages?? Vinylmaster, signlab, flexi all have trial downloads so you can have a look at each of them to see how you get on. Lots of people also use programs like corel or illustrator.

    Don’t be afraid to ask questions on the forum, some may seem to you to be a bit basic or even stupid but trust me they have all been asked before & it’s better to ask first if your not sure, helps prevent costly mistakes.

  • Levi Summers

    September 1, 2015 at 12:45 pm

    Hi guys, thanks again for all your replies, I will try and answer your questions in one post.

    Current work, I am currently manufacturing fire doors and installing them for a firm based in Kent, it was a job I fell into and I only sub contract for them, I do not mind the work but it’s to up and down for me.

    I am based in Kent, UK.

    Reason for wanting to move into signs and graphics is because has been in the industry for many years but is involved in a partnership so it isn’t something I could really do with him full time but I do have plenty of experience from working with him in the past. Now I know you’re thinking why am I asking a forum for advice and not him, but they still use a cutter that is very old and outsource allot of their printing work so he won’t be able to give me the advice I need, this forum has so many helpful knowledgable people who can help me more than him.

    I do intend to use my Dad on bigger jobs and jobs that i can’t do like traditional hand painted signs etc, so I know I have his help and experience, this should aid me well as I move into the industry

    As for vinyl software, I understand just how important this is and if possible anybody could recommend me one or two that would be great. I will be able to operate two different software to the same cutter? I know it sounds like a silly question but I am new to this side of it. Will any software run with any cutter or are their specific softwares for specific cutters?

    I’ve seen cheap cutters on eBay new for like £200 but I’m guessing they are awful hence the price, I have a good source for supplies and tools already so they aren’t An issue, main thing for me is establishing the right cutter with the correct software that will be adequate for start up within budget. Start small and graduLly grow will be the idea as I don’t have. Few thousand to throw At it.

    Thanks again for the continued help and support you wonderful people!

  • Levi Summers

    September 1, 2015 at 12:51 pm

    Do I need to be looking at plotters which cut and also print, I’ve seen some which are solely vinyl and some which mention ink as well As vinyl. For ink I would need some sort of laminating device too to prevent wear damaging the sign/graphic

    again may be a stupid question but I’m trying to leave no stone unturned p, ensuring I know everything their is to know, don’t want to rush into anything without having the correct information or equipment. Thanks again.

  • Martin Pearson

    September 1, 2015 at 1:48 pm

    Even if you know someone in the industry it does no harm to ask on here you have access to a lot more people in the trade that way although that can cause more problems than it solves :lol1: :lol1: If you get 10 different answers to a question you have to figure out which one works best for you lol

    I would personally stay away from print & cut machines for the time being, there is a reason your relative outsources his printed material so best to try & avoid those headaches if you can plus your budget is a long way short of what you would need to invest to get a decent machine that is going to be reliable.

    Software as I have already said is available for trial download so best to have a look about, software isn’t cutter dependant so no need to worry if you look at purchasing a decent used plotter. Not saying the cheap chinese plotters are bad but there is no back up support if you have problems & many people struggle to get them set up & cutting properly.

    Personally I use Vinylmaster software which is pretty easy to learn & there are a lot of video tutorials available, all helps when you are new.

  • Levi Summers

    September 1, 2015 at 3:49 pm

    Thanks again Martin for another helpful response.

    As you say sometimes you may get conflicting advice or more than one answer but at least it should point me in the right direction, if I can from this forum narrow down maybe 2 or 3 ideal cutters within my budget and some software that would be absolutely perfect.

    Yeah I think I will definitely avoid the cut and print combos as I thought they would be more hassle than they’re worth, especially with a rather small budget.

    My idea would be to hopefully long term save up for a stand alone digital printer, these are well over £1000 I see from looking, outsource for now with a long term view of obtaining a printer myself I guess would be the best option.

    Yes thanks for your reply before I just had a little look into the different software. Would you say just using the one software is sufficient for you?

    Would you have any advice on what size cutter I should be looking at at first?

    Thanks again

  • David Hammond

    September 1, 2015 at 4:07 pm

    It all boils down to how much you can afford.

    610 wide will do most things, although if you have the room and budget for a 1220mm wide plotter (or wider) it has it’s advantages at times.

    We’ve got a graphtec plotter and it hasn’t missed a beat.

  • Levi Summers

    September 1, 2015 at 4:33 pm

    Hi David,

    Just on this forum alone I’ve seen a lot of praise for the Graphtec machines, unfortunately they seem to be very expensive but obviously for a reason.

    I ideally wanted to spend around £4-600 on a start up cutter but I am now unsure if this will be enough to find an adequate one unfortunately. 😳

  • Levi Summers

    September 3, 2015 at 2:08 am

    My Dad has a very old Roland PNC-1000 Which still works amazingly, needs a new keyboard and monitor how ever. Wonder if that would be of any use as its just in storage gathering dust, of course I would still by a cutter but it could have some use.

  • Steff Davison

    September 3, 2015 at 5:02 pm

    I agree with the advice already given on buying quality used "Brand Name" machinery.

    Its a diverse business, and the same machinery can produce different kinds of work, find your "niche" first, research and make sure there are decent margins before you start to invest in equipment. In my opinion its vital you do your homework, having the equipment is no guarantee of success.

    I started 3 years ago, even in that relatively short period of time the market has changed in my particular "niche" and its getting tougher.

    As for how much you will need, well that depends on how much it costs you to live. I would say £2,000 minimum and always make sure you have enough money to buy materials, without media to put through your machine its an expensive paperweight.

    Good luck in whatever you decide to do ( as long as you’re not competing with me 😀 )


  • Levi Summers

    September 5, 2015 at 6:19 pm

    Hi Steff, thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.

    You give good advice, as I have a family member in the trade I have always taken an interest in this business and have already done a great Ammount of research in preparation for this, I have Been thinking about this for the last couple of years but now feels like the right time.

    I have a solid budget together for the cutter itself and a separate float in a business account dedicated to supplies etc

    I am just now searching for a machine that will suit my start up and the appropriate sign software, hoping to make the purchase over the next week or two.

    Thanks for your well wish, I do hope we are never in competition 😉

  • Iain Pearson

    September 7, 2015 at 8:14 am

    Morning Levi
    Where abouts in the UK are you based ?

  • Levi Summers

    September 8, 2015 at 11:49 am

    Good Afternoon Iain,

    I am based in Medway, Kent.

  • John Harding

    September 9, 2015 at 12:09 pm

    Hi Levi

    Good luck with the new venture I hope it goes well for you, I started out in similar fashion to yourself so I understand where you’re at and the worries and pitfalls ahead but that’s all part of the fun and adventure, If you haven’t found a cutter yet I have one sitting gathering dust which I may be persuaded to part with, it is a sign pal ultra 610 sold by Graphityp in the uk so whilst not one of the biggest names it is still very reputable and reliable workhorse.

    Anyhow whether that is of interest or not you are always welcome to pop in for tea, we are not far away in sunny Hythe.

    Very best of luck – John 😀

  • Shawn Bentley

    September 10, 2015 at 8:23 am

    hi levi,
    i spent £700 on ebay 7 yrs ago when i started up and bought a graphtec fc5100 and its still going strong today after many many many hrs of work lol, always go for a good solid brand over a cheaper version as should last you better. only advise mind and i think i was lucky to find one cheap but good condition, good luck with the new venture.

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