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  • Signs removed: How do you make it look like it had none??

    Posted by didgeridoopete on November 29, 2004 at 8:50 pm

    Hi I have removed the old signs on my new van but want to know??? how do i get rid of the old outline marks, the marks left by years of sunlight / dirt etc etc
    I have tried T cut but this removes the paintwork.

    Are there any tricks of the trade out there??

    Can you let me know please??

    John Childs replied 19 years, 7 months ago 10 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Dave Bruce

    November 29, 2004 at 8:56 pm

    I have just had mine removed and not a trace of the old stuff. I gave it to the local body shop and they machine it out then bring back the shine out of the paint (not put a shine on it). Basically it is compounding with a machine, but I have seen them do other vans and you could see the old lettering,depends on the colour and how long they have been on.



  • Nicola McIntosh

    November 29, 2004 at 9:50 pm

    i use panel wipe, which i get from my local spray shop in 5 litre drum, works fab at getting rid of outlines & glue. 😀 and it dries fast, unlike turps which i used to use!! 😀


  • Marcella Ross

    November 29, 2004 at 9:54 pm

    I use plain old petrol to take off any traces of glue. Then if it’s shaded at all some T-cut sorts that out!

  • Nigel Fraser

    November 29, 2004 at 10:00 pm

    Yes mate, as the others said, a mild solvent to remove any adhesive if the vinyl has shrunk and left a glue outline. Then t-cut or equiv is a must if they’ve been on there for any length of time. Sure it removes some paint, but thats how it works 🙂 and you normally need to even up the amount of shine/oxidised paint where the letters were.
    If you’re feeling lazy then do as dave said and ask a local bodyshop to mop it over for you.


  • John Childs

    November 30, 2004 at 12:38 am


    I’m assuming here that you have got all the glue off and are trying to deal with the ghosting effect.

    I take it than when you say that T-Cut removes the paint you mean that it leaves some colour on the rag. If so, that it the way it is meant to work. You need to remove the top surface of the previously exposed paint or lacquer to match the nice shiny bits that were protected by the old vinyl lettering.

    That’s the way that all polishes work and T-Cut is only a coarse polish. As mentioned above, bodyshops use a product called cutting compound and that is the same thing, but even more abrasive – in fact it comes in different grades of abrasiveness.

    You could use a machine polisher, like a bodyshop does, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you are experienced as it is too easy to get carried away and remove too much. If you want to go the machine route let a professional do it.

    Sometimes, depending on how long the vinyls were on, it is practically impossible to get rid of the ghost but, as the newly exposed paint itself weathers, it tends to fade away.

    You will need extra care if your van has been repainted at any time as they are never as good as factory paint and it will be much easier for you to damage.

    On the other hand if you mean that the paint is coming off as in back to the metal then you need a paint job.

    If you really don’t know what you are doing, and have a couple of hours to spare, take a ride up here and I will happily take a look.

  • Dave Bruce

    November 30, 2004 at 2:36 am

    What’s that Nigel, saying I’m lazy are you? cheeky git (only joking). When you are snowed under with work it is cheaper to get someone else to do it especially when they know what they are doing, only cost me £50 as well.

    Panel wipe, is that not expensive? I use the tar and adhesive remover from Auto….. whatever they are called, I am sure it is much cheaper.



  • didgeridoopete

    November 30, 2004 at 11:15 am

    I guess its elbow grease time?

    Once again thanks for all the replies!!

  • Shane Drew

    November 30, 2004 at 11:41 am
    quote DaveBruce:

    Panel wipe, is that not expensive? I use the tar and adhesive remover from Auto….. whatever they are called, I am sure it is much cheaper.



    Never heard of panel wipe over here, but tar and grease remover is all I use, without any drama’s. A quick machine buff is the final step. A panel shop would probably do a better job. May be worth an investment of 50 quid. 😕

    Here in OZ, using petrol like Marcella suggests is technically against the law here. Our government work place health and safety people would have a litigation field day if we were discovered using that method. 🙄


  • Gordon Forbes

    November 30, 2004 at 9:04 pm

    Ferecla or Frecala is the compound you want it ain’t the cheapest but what a job it makes would never use T Cut used it in the past and its a pain Ferecla you use with water and leves NO residue like T Cut an its magic designed for acrylic paint its good its good no jokin though it is

    Hope this helps


  • Nicola McIntosh

    November 30, 2004 at 9:11 pm
    quote DaveBruce:

    Panel wipe, is that not expensive? I use the tar and adhesive remover from Auto….. whatever they are called, I am sure it is much cheaper.

    hi dave!! i buy it for £11 plus vat it’s a petrol mixture i have only started using it a few months ago, only cause the paint sprayer was painting my van, and he gave me it to try out 😛 i don’t know if it’s more expensive or not, never bought the tar remover before!! 😀


  • Dave Bruce

    November 30, 2004 at 9:23 pm

    H Nik,

    I paid £4.85 for a 5l tin of the tar remover, and the guy that did my van was saying the panel wipe was brilliant stuff but £14 odd a 5l tin.



  • Adrian Hewson

    November 30, 2004 at 9:23 pm

    Autoglym Tar and glue remover, works on just about everything, also use IPA (isopropyl alcohol) bought in bulk from a chemical company. These two will take anything off, if the paint underneath the old graphics is not as faded as rest of paint then that is a fact of life, without resorting to a cutting compound to blend the rest of the vehicle in.

    REgards Adrian

  • Nicola McIntosh

    November 30, 2004 at 9:43 pm

    phew big difference in price there dave 😮

    i will buy a tin of tar remover to compare just to see!! 😀



  • Peter Normington

    November 30, 2004 at 9:47 pm

    I use both, panel wipe is not as quick for glue removal as tar remover, but panel wipe is good for surface prep. also another good glue remover is brake cleaner, NOT BRAKE FLUID!. it evaporates quickly but does the job and leves no reidue

  • John Childs

    November 30, 2004 at 9:52 pm


    Farecla is the correct spelling and it is what the trade use, and have done for as long as I can remember. It comes in various grades but the G15 is the stuff for general purpose use.


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