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  • Signs point to a bright future for Lancashire company after major contract wins.

    Posted by .News on July 30, 2017 at 2:05 pm

    Preston-based Signs Express (Central Lancashire) is working on projects ranging from construction to health and education and is now employing a 15-strong workforce at its Rough Hey headquarters.

    The company designs, produces and installs a full range of signage for its growing client base and is owned and run by father and son team Stephen and Ben Hall, from Grimsargh. They took over the company, which was established in 1996, almost two years ago. Both accountants by profession, Ben previously worked for the National Audit Office in London and one of his jobs was counting the gold bars in the vault of the Bank of England! Dad Stephen has previous experience running successful businesses in the area and both are delighted the figures are adding up following their switch to the creative and design sector. Signs Express’ growing client list has seen annual turnover grow above £800,000. Today the business delivers signage for large-scale construction and regeneration projects across the North West being carried out by big-name regional builders including Conlon Construction, Warden Construction and Eric Wright.

    Signs Express’ clients also include hospital trusts, schools and colleges across Lancashire; local authorities, universities and manufacturers. As well as external and internal signs, the company also creates vehicle and window graphics and has seen a growing demand for its bespoke digital wallpaper. All its work, from design to manufacture, is carried out ‘in house’.

    Stephen, 62, is the former managing director of Coupe Foundry in Higher Walton. After a management buy-out in the 1990s he doubled its turnover to more than £7 million in his 10 years in charge, before selling the business to venture capital investors. He says: “I’m not from a creative background at all, so this has been a completely new challenge and one I’m really enjoying. “Since we’ve taken over Signs Express, we’ve invested heavily in both our people and processes. Training is really important to us. “And our design department uses the latest software to create powerful messages. We pride ourselves that we are more than just a sign company.

    “We’ve got graphics and fabrication workshops that are also equipped with the latest technology. It means we can produce all aspects of sign work, including illuminated, tactile and braille signs. “It’s a very competitive market out there, but the advantage we have is being able to take on work of all sizes and to successfully project manage them. “Much of our work is also about bringing brands to life. External signs are designed to drive customers to our clients’ businesses. And we’re finding a growing demand for digital wallpaper which can give an office or building a real ‘wow’ factor.” Ben, 35, adds: “When people think of a sign company they don’t always realise the wide range of work we do. It’s a lot more than exit and entrance signs. “Every person probably sees 400 signs or graphics every day as they go about their lives. The vehicles we have put graphics on can be seen by 3,000 people an hour on a busy road and that’s a great form of advertising.

    “We’re creating signs that create business for our clients. “A business vehicle without graphics is like a business without a website these days.” Ben adds: “People need signs for a whole range of reasons, they might be rebranding or updating their image, or it might be part of a new marketing campaign. A lot of what we do is helping them get their message across to people. “And while these external signs drive customers to the business, the internal signs that we produce direct people around the business. And what of his previous work, which included going into the Bank of England vaults and counting the gold bars? He says: “What I can say is there are rows and rows of them and they are really dusty!”

    For more information on Signs Express’ projects and expertise in all sectors, CLICK HERE

    Signs Express Ltd
    Franchise Headquarters
    The Old Church
    St Matthews Road
    NR1 1SP
    01603 625925

    Source: Lancashire Post

    Craig Brown replied 6 years, 10 months ago 8 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • George Neagu

    July 31, 2017 at 1:44 pm

    Is that how you use a caliper?
    I thought it’s the other way round to measure the depth…

  • Phill Fenton

    July 31, 2017 at 1:59 pm

    The workshop is also suspiciously tidy for my liking. Reminds me of the old Joke about the queen and prince Philip who believe the entire world smells of fresh paint 😆

  • Steve Morgan

    July 31, 2017 at 7:10 pm

    Well spotted George, she clearly hasn’t got any idea of how to use a vernier calliper or probably even what it is used for.

  • David Hammond

    August 1, 2017 at 7:06 am

    Now, now gentlemen. Unless you’ve got an NVQ in sign making, you’re not qualified to comment!

    For all we know the lady pictured could be more qualified, and therefore more competent that any one of us, and it us who have been doing it wrong all these year? :rollseyes: :rollseyes:

  • Phil Davies

    August 1, 2017 at 7:45 am
    quote George Neagu:

    Is that how you use a caliper?
    I thought it’s the other way round to measure the depth…

    You can measure from that end to check step lengths, but she is 90 degrees out . . . . 😉

  • George Neagu

    August 1, 2017 at 1:04 pm
    quote Phil P Davies:

    quote George Neagu:

    Is that how you use a caliper?
    I thought it’s the other way round to measure the depth…

    You can measure from that end to check step lengths, but she is 90 degrees out . . . . 😉

    She was meant to measure the thickness (depth) of the board so she can set the height of the print head on that flatbed.
    I think it’s a 710 model.


  • John Lyus

    August 7, 2017 at 11:58 am

    It’s obviously just a "show" pic. The board is already printed, so why measure the depth at all. Of course here I actually know and can recognise 3mm board from 5mm! But then I actually order that too. The whole thing looks like one big advert for the franchisor, to me.

  • David Hammond

    August 7, 2017 at 12:17 pm

    To be fair, it’s a better advertisement than this franchise I passed at weekend :shocked:

    I actually needed to google it and see if they had moved.


  • Martin Cole

    August 7, 2017 at 12:36 pm
    quote David Hammond:

    I actually needed to google it and see if they had moved.

    so its still open and looking like that…blimey… :shocked:

    mind you the wood effect window vinyls are quite nice 😉

  • David Hammond

    August 7, 2017 at 12:49 pm

    Yes, I pass it every few weeks, and it’s gradually getting worse… The wooden window has been like that for a few weeks now, and the faded banner, has been like that as long as I can recall. 😆

  • Martin Cole

    August 7, 2017 at 12:57 pm
    quote David Hammond:

    Yes, I pass it every few weeks, and it’s gradually getting worse… The wooden window has been like that for a few weeks now, and the faded banner, has been like that as long as I can recall. 😆

    Wow….I always thought franchisees would have regular visits to make sure their premises always look tip top

  • David Hammond

    August 7, 2017 at 1:02 pm

    I thought the same… there’s a branch round the corner from us and it’s quite impressive from what I’ve seen.

    It’s those I feel sorry for, as the one pictured isn’t really doing the brand any favours. No excuse for the faded banner.

  • Martin Cole

    August 7, 2017 at 1:38 pm

    little bit better now


  • David Hammond

    August 7, 2017 at 1:41 pm

    You should be writing their brand guidelines :claps:

    In all seriousness I’ve just bought two plastic plants to replace the, brown conifers outside our unit. It makes all the difference you know :thumbsup:

  • Craig Brown

    August 11, 2017 at 10:12 am
    quote John Lyus:

    It’s obviously just a “show” pic. The board is already printed, so why measure the depth at all. Of course here I actually know and can recognise 3mm board from 5mm! But then I actually order that too. The whole thing looks like one big advert for the franchisor, to me.

    I think it’s known as "photographers free licence" to set a picture…and the article was shared with Rob as he likes varied content for the UKsignboards.

    I’m proud of our brand and proud of the people in it; at the end of the day they are all in it to make a living just like you and I.

    Hopefully all the comments are a bit tongue in cheek, but if not, we’ve got broad shoulders and we’ll continue to look at getting good PR for ourselves and the industry as a whole. :thumbsup:

  • David Hammond

    August 11, 2017 at 10:28 am

    I don’t think anyone of us can knock them, credit to them :thumbsup:

    Nice to see you’re proud of your brand… unlike others 😆

    My comment regards NVQ, was more a jibe about this thread… I’d welcome your opinion on that subject. 😉

  • Phill Fenton

    August 11, 2017 at 10:38 am
    quote Craig Brown:

    I’m proud of our brand and proud of the people in it; at the end of the day they are all in it to make a living just like you and I.

    Hopefully all the comments are a bit tongue in cheek :thumbsup:

    Even so, I still think you should sack her for holding the caliper upside down… :awkward: 😉

  • Craig Brown

    August 11, 2017 at 10:53 am
    quote Phill Fenton:

    quote Craig Brown:

    Even so, I still think you should sack her for holding the caliper upside down… :awkward: 😉

    What if I just ask her to send you the caliper…I’m sure it would come in handy on your latest car project Phill 😉

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