Activity Feed Forums Printing Discussions Roland Printers Scan Motor replacement and XC-540 issues.

  • Scan Motor replacement and XC-540 issues.

    Posted by Wayne Fothergill on June 23, 2015 at 7:42 pm

    I’ve been having some issues with my XC-540 recently and thought I’d pick your guys brains.

    Last month or so we’ve been having various scan motor errors and the life of the motor is about up. I’m looking at buying a replacement and fitting it myself as it seems like an easy enough job in the videos I’ve seen. However none of them mention if there’s anything you have to do after you’ve plugged it in, is it really that plug and play? Or will I have to do anything in the menus and so on with it being a new motor?

    The other issue we’ve got is a bit of a weird one, the head and carriage have been drifting to the left whilst printing. So the further it gets into a job the head would start striking the left side of the machine, which resulted in the sheet cut blade being deployed and slicing through a job so I removed the sheet cut blade assembly as a bit of a quick fix.

    We had our yearly service last weekend and had a brand new encoder strip and reader fitted as the old one had seen much better days and we suspected this was the cause of the drifting to the left. However the drifting still persists, and after talking with the engineer he had never heard of this problem or seen any other examples of it and his only suggestion was the scan motor, which refers to the earlier part of my post and me replacing it.

    Has anyone else had any issues with the print head travelling too far left as the print progresses? I’m intending to replace the scan motor regardless but I’ll be a bit annoyed if that doesn’t solve this issue too.

    Wayne Fothergill replied 9 years ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Kevin Flowers

    June 23, 2015 at 9:27 pm

    before you change the motor try these 2 things

    1. Clean the encoder strip with a lint cloth you can use it damp with a little water it will pick up a load of print dust

    2. Now do the same with the linear rail the head travels on then apply a little 3in1 oil or similar to a cloth and rub along the rail

    Check the machine out after scan motors normally only cause errors due to to much resistance

    Hope this helps


  • Chris Wool

    June 23, 2015 at 10:21 pm

    If the start of the print is drifting to the left then something amiss with the encoder or one of the flat cables
    Did have scan errors with mine a few years ago and was the grease on the head cable gone all sticky and was binding as it feed on and off the drive drum

  • Stafford Cox

    June 24, 2015 at 3:07 pm

    To be perfectly honest with you, I can’t see the scan motor causing this. I am, of course, ready to be proven wrong but I would say the as above and look at the linear encoder strip. I’ve known printers go on form more than double the life recommended in the service manual and still be as quiet as the day it was delivered.

    Once you’ve checked the linear encoder strip as mentioned above, I would try running the Limit Position Initialize. I’m not saying it’s definitely not the scan motor but there would be other/cheaper things I’d replace first, such as the cut cable and guide…??


    ** edited to add picture **


  • Wayne Fothergill

    June 25, 2015 at 4:34 pm

    Cheers for the input guys, I had the engineer out again this morning to check the parts he installed and it looks like the encoder reader wasn’t seated correctly. The printer hasn’t struck the left side at all since he redid it, so that issue looks to have been resolved.

    I’m still going to look into replacing the scan motor as it’s got almost 3000 hours on it which is fairly excessive, but after talking with him doing the job myself seems easy enough.

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