Activity Feed Forums Printing Discussions Roland Printers Roland SP or VP good for cutting? Advice needed, please?

  • Roland SP or VP good for cutting? Advice needed, please?

    Posted by Ewan Evans on May 3, 2015 at 5:03 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I am tempted to sell my Graphtec ce6000-120 to help fund a Roland printer cutter. I don’t really want to sell my machine but I was thinking that due to the fact both the machines I am looking at are print/cut machines I would be able to use it for all my cutting, do you think it would be okay?

    I only really do one or two van lettering jobs per week at the moment so it wouldn’t be cutting all day every day.



    Cat Wood replied 9 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jason Davies

    May 3, 2015 at 5:43 pm

    I’d keep a separate cutter, it would be a pain to keep switiching vinyl on the printer.

  • Ewan Evans

    May 3, 2015 at 6:26 pm

    Hi Jason,

    I never keep vinyl loaded on any printer or cutter so apart from that do you reckon it would be okay? If I sell my cutter I will buy another one when I have more cash but I’d prefer to use it to fund a printer at the moment if the Roland would get me by initially.


  • Jason Davies

    May 3, 2015 at 6:35 pm

    You know what you need, but with a printer you tend to only use one vinyl – white and that is left in the machine until the roll runs out.

    You also have to setup up your roll using ‘ends’ (can’t think of the correct term) in a printer wheras with the cutter it is on and off.

    Ultimately you can do it all on one machine but what you would get for your machine second hand it would be worth keeping it and waiting a little longer for the cutter.

    Just my experience.

  • Shawn Bentley

    May 3, 2015 at 8:21 pm

    hi ewan, jason definitely has a good point, i used to out source my printing and just had my fc5100 for my cutting, now I’ve got a roland pro111 xc540 but would never sell my graphtec as i still do 90% of cutting on 610mm rolls and only use the printer if i need to use 1220mm rolls for wider jobs, printer tends to be continuously have vinyl printing (which is what you want) through it so easier to keep a separate cutter, only in my own experience and its what would suit you and your workloads, hope this helps,

  • Cat Wood

    May 5, 2015 at 10:29 am

    Hi Ewan,

    It really depends on the volume of printing you think you’ll have. If you can’t afford the ‘downtime’ when the printer is being used as a cutter then it would be worthwhile getting a separate cutter. Otherwise it’s a lot easier to have print and cut in one machine, one investment, less space needed, one software to get to grips with etc…

    I hope that helps, good luck with the decision making.


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