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  • Roland Soljet XC-540 Standby mode and energy saving features

    Posted by Shahzad on March 30, 2011 at 9:06 pm

    Hello all,

    I’ve recently bought a used roland xc-540 and all seems well, but the ‘material dryers’ stay on all the time, even when the machine is in standby.

    It seems bizarre, but I can’t see any setting in the menu or any other on/off switch. Any ideas?


    Shahzad replied 13 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    March 31, 2011 at 7:51 pm

    I’m almost 100% certain there is a setting in the menu that states ON constant or something similar. We run a number of these machines and Ive seen the settings before.

  • Shahzad

    March 31, 2011 at 9:16 pm

    Hi Harpreet,

    Thanks for your message. I’ll look in the manuals again. Initially I thought it might be old firmware (v2.4 I think), but I upgraded that and but nothing changed. So, I hope it’s a setting, I presume the heaters should NOT be on all the time!

    Do you use Win7 to run Versaworks or XP. I’ve had a problem with ‘lost-network’ connection half way through a 2m print job, and the error repeated 3 times. I’m using an old version of versaworks which I will update soon, but not sure if it’s better to set up an old laptop with XP specifically for the machine. Any tips?


  • Unknown Member

    April 3, 2011 at 8:48 am


    We have our Roland running on an XP machine, latest firmware and latest Versaworks. The heater should not be on all the time, the extended heater should have a power switch to the right that can be turned off.

    The issue you are having with the prints stopping after 2m is an issue we also had. What is your workshop space like? Is it cold?

    We did months and months of testing only to realise the temperature in the workshop was to cold and thats why the machine kept cutting out. Its fine in the summer months its just those clod mornings that cause an issue.

    We now have a small oil filled heater (£50.00 from Wickes) which sits under the main control face near the drain bottle. It has a timer to what we do is in the colder months just programme it to come on an hour before we arrive at work and it heats the machine up. Since using this method we have never had a problem.

    The manual does state correct operating temperatures. The above is a quick and easy fix.

    Hope this helps?

  • Shahzad

    April 3, 2011 at 1:42 pm

    Hi Harpreet,

    Thank you for sharing your experience…

    I’m still setting up the print shop, so yes everything is cold ( stored in an uninsulated shed) but soon to move to an insulated office, so that problem should be resolved.

    Also, I’ve been running an old version of versaworks (v2.4) that came on CD with the machine, and I’ve been running it on a Windows 7 laptop, so I’m amazed the setup worked at all! I will set up XP and download all the updates (v4.?? is the latest I believe) so hopefully the software issues will be resolved.

    Thank you for the tip on the temperature parameters, I’ll keep an eye on it in future.

    Still trying to find those settings for the heaters… Will post solution when I find it.

    Thank you


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