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  • Random cuts all over jobs

    Posted by David Rogers on May 9, 2014 at 9:04 am

    It’s done it twice in the last few weeks.

    Some fairly text heavy files of just a few metres long. Cuts about 95% of it then throws a total wobbly and cuts a diagonal line through the work it’s just done, LOADS of horizontal ones up at the end and then spits out the remainder of the roll whilst the knife is down..could be ‘my last 2 metres…arrgh’ or ‘that was a new 25m roll…FFFFFlipping heck’ it shows no mercy.

    It’s getting annoyingly expensive…

    Not had a bit of bother for years. Trusty old Summa D1400pro and SignLab 7 running official Cadlink drivers.

    Nothing changed setting wise either.



    Andy Coles replied 10 years ago 7 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Chris Wool

    May 9, 2014 at 9:19 am

    used to come across this years ago on a serial driven plotter, the lead may be faulty, and not controlling the flow of data. other was the serial setting on the computer not set to hardware

  • David Rogers

    May 9, 2014 at 10:17 am

    Thanks Chris,

    Have read ‘faulty lead’ before on USB / Serial driven Pcuts and the like.

    Will see if I’ve got a spare floating about.

    In the meantime have just reseated the ends.

    ’tis the problem with intermittent faults…never know if it’s been cured or not!

    Tried to describe what happened to somebody earlier.

    "Think R2D2 when he was accessing a data port but shoved his doohickey into a power outlet….did a dee-bee-dee-bee-de-be-de-be-DE-BE-DEEDLE-DEEDLE-WHEEE and shot across the room smoking…well, yeh…that’s what the plotter did"


  • Colin Crabb

    May 9, 2014 at 12:19 pm
    quote :

    “Think R2D2 when he was accessing a data port but shoved his doohickey into a power outlet….did a dee-bee-dee-bee-de-be-de-be-DE-BE-DEEDLE-DEEDLE-WHEEE and shot across the room smoking…well, yeh…that’s what the plotter did”

    Use the Force young David !

    Has the computer updated lately (windows etc) – I only ask as I know with Mimaki’s they say not to allow windows to update as it can cause problems.

  • Chris Wool

    May 9, 2014 at 1:00 pm


    remove the knife and set it up send the same file, whilst it thinks its cutting very gently lift the wire half a inch on the plotter end of the lead then the computer end, then any where where it could be walked on etc.
    if the plotter goes haywire then repeat till you can fail it at will.

  • Alex Parkin

    May 9, 2014 at 1:30 pm

    I have a similar problem with my graphtec. when dealing with larger files it will occasionally stop and return to origin but it leaves the blade down putting an nice diagonal line across the work. I spoke to graphtec and they also suspect a faulty usb lead that sends the fist batch of data then loosed the cutter, the cutter then defaults back to origin. I am going to try Daves idea and will report back.

  • David Rogers

    May 9, 2014 at 4:04 pm

    Cheers guys.

    It’ll do jobs all day long but not loads of items on the same job (where it’s failed several times) – definitely related to file size.

    The recuts in smaller runs are always perfect.


  • Chris Wool

    May 9, 2014 at 4:40 pm

    might even be someting to do with the computer going to sleep

  • John Singh

    May 9, 2014 at 9:06 pm

    I have an old Graphtec 1000 with serial to 9 pin

    but now I’ve upgraded computer to windows 7 and even upgraded signlab from 7v1 to 9v1

    Tried using 9 pin to usb adaptor but to no avail

    Seems to do a perfect cut then decides to put a line right through it
    If I’m doing one line its fine but try and do say two or more it does a flip

    Tried flow rates and on and off in set up but no joy

  • David Rogers

    May 10, 2014 at 8:40 am

    Hmmm. Seems a rather common yet random thing for some with large node counts.

    For as long as I can remember, I’ve had this problem occasionally 2 graphtec, 2 summa, signlab 4. something on a centronics port, the horrible e6 and 7.0 on serial …you just die a little inside .

    Turned off the spooler as a trial next week…meh, worth a shot!

  • Chris Wool

    May 11, 2014 at 10:29 am

    presuming its a old serial not usb
    the problem is to do with the handshaking and it used to happen a lot, the lead has to be high quality and screened from interference manly from mains electric other things switching on or off, flow control set to hardware. early plotters had such a small memory that the fault showed up almost instantly latter plotters with bigger memories the fault can occur minutes before it shows up.
    if the plotter has a std printer port use that but you will lose the polling command.
    cutting a box requires 5 x-y coordinates a arc is made up of x-y coordinates every point 1mm software does vary that with size else a 1000mm circle would take to long to cut.

  • Karl.Moss

    May 13, 2014 at 7:19 pm

    I am using two USB extension cables, could this be why it puts a line from the end of the design back to the origin?

  • Chris Wool

    May 13, 2014 at 9:51 pm

    I think most usb ports can go to 5mts

  • David Rogers

    June 4, 2014 at 6:12 pm

    Arggghhhhh FFFFFFlippin’ heck!!
    Doing a run of 1000 urls for a car website I support. ..sent off a 100 and it did about 90 then freaked out doing random cuts and spooling material through as it did so.
    Ah ha! Says I. Spotted that the data feed had stalled rather than all go through ( took it off the spooler a few weeks ago).

    So…figured it may have something to do with it, buffer overun.
    Dropped the baud rate to a paultry 9600 instead of the default 19200 and so far…so good.


  • Chris Wool

    June 4, 2014 at 6:39 pm

    good move think you are on the right track

  • Andy Coles

    June 7, 2014 at 4:32 pm

    Going back some 20years we had the same problem on a graphtec plotter which odly enough was caused by a screen saver. If you have an active screen saver try turning it off. It certainly worked for us!

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