• pub sign pictorial

    Posted by A Misselbrook on April 5, 2005 at 8:44 am

    Hi! how much would it be to reproduce a pub pictorial portrait of a mans head and shoulders, with the name of the pub above it in gold vinyl, say the Admiral Tom, this would be reusing an existing metal hanging sign.

    A second hanging sign would need to be completely remade. its 3/4″ thick board 5′ x 3′ with a frame. The lettering would be ‘The Admiral Tom, circa 1748, Excellent,FOOD,FREE HOUSE. The original has the name in gold leaf, shadowed and the secondary text is in immitation gold with a faint cast shadow.

    I was hoping that someone may be able to help me out with this pricing. I’ll buy you a pint next time you’re in the pub! Thanks

    A Misselbrook replied 19 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Jill Marie Welsh

    April 5, 2005 at 11:41 am

    Need more info….Are either signs double-sided,
    and how big is the first sign?
    I’ll look em up in the Signwriter’s Pricing Guide
    & also SignCraft’s new one (if I can find where I put it)

  • A Misselbrook

    April 5, 2005 at 12:51 pm

    Hi Jill! This pub has got one of the best frames that Ive seen in a long time, but the guy that has taken it over isnt living in the real world!! The first hanging sign is about 4′ high by 3′ wide. It has a portrait on both sides of a man (head and shoulders) with the name of the pub above the picture in gold leaf with shadow……….The second hanging sign is 5′ high by 4′ wide. 3/4″ ply with a thick frame glued and tacked on. The name of the pub is in gold leaf with shadow, the secondary text is in immitation gold. It has a thin border line around the edge. Both signs are double sided.
    I went past the pub and I popped in because it is one of the very last surviving hand written pubs around here!! I wanted to redo it for him, to keep it hand lettered! I gave him what I considered to be a very low price of £900 to take down both signs, redo one and completely remake the second. He just laughed at the price and said it was ‘way too much..’ eh? ‘what would you call a fair price?’ I asked him. He wouldnt tell me and just kept saying ‘Youre way too expensive’……..I couldnt believe it!! Am I not going to be able to compete with vinyl…..I reckon the pub will soon have hideous signs up there…….. (:) aaaaggghhhh!!!

  • James kelly

    April 5, 2005 at 1:00 pm

    Seems a fair enough price for quality signs. A vinyl-only shop could print a pictorial for less but A: someone would have to paint the image first for it to be scanned/printed and B: prints wouldn’t last anywhere near as long.

  • Chris Wool

    April 5, 2005 at 1:04 pm

    unless i have miss read the post it may be a question of approch rather than the price – did he ask you about the signs or did you chase him – just a thought


  • A Misselbrook

    April 5, 2005 at 1:07 pm

    I thought the price was fair enough as well………………..customers just get in the way!!!!! (chat.)

  • A Misselbrook

    April 5, 2005 at 1:08 pm

    I approached him and he asked me to give him a quote

  • Marekdlux

    April 5, 2005 at 1:37 pm

    Ask him how much a pint and a meal is, then laugh at him and say “way too much..’eh?”
    I’m sure if he saw some of your work he would be impressed. Might not order the signs, but I’m sure he would keep you in mind when they fall down again a year from now. Do you have a portfolio of the work you have done? Maybe that would help with the sale?

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    April 5, 2005 at 3:14 pm

    Removal/Repairs/Reinstallation of existing signs: $48/hour
    Repainting of first sign:
    New second sign:
    PITA factor for his haggling: add $100
    Nothing can replace an original hand-lettered hand-painted sign.
    Anyone who would settle for a digi print or vinyl
    on such an establishment cannot see the intrinsic visial
    and sentimental appeal that a good sign will bring them.
    They deserve the McDonald’s type clientele that cheesy signs will call in.

  • A Misselbrook

    April 5, 2005 at 3:20 pm

    I’ve calmed down now!! It gets to me the way some people dont realise that a sign is what will initially attract the customer in!! 😉

  • Marekdlux

    April 5, 2005 at 3:25 pm
    quote Jillbeans:

    They deserve the McDonald’s type clientele that cheesy signs will call in.

    Hey! That’s my favorite fine dining establishment! 😉
    The chicken select strips are almost edible though.

  • A Misselbrook

    April 5, 2005 at 3:28 pm

    I gotta go eat something now!……………….a Mccuppa tea and a slice of Mccake 😎

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