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  • Promoting your business via email

    Posted by Phill Fenton on October 26, 2009 at 9:34 am

    Last week I sent out a large number of emails describing some of our products and services. This was sent out to existing customers and/or people that I have emailed in the past in response to receiving an email enquiry from them.

    I was quite surprised to receive a number of replies asking me to remove their email address from my address book. I get hundreds of spam emails every day and don’t bother writing back to every one of them – I simply delete them. Seems to me some people think it’s okay for them to waste my time with an email enquiry that may have been sent out to other business in order to compare prices, but god forbid that I should waste their time by sending them an email from me 🙄

    Just had to get that off my chest 😕

    Graeme Harrold replied 14 years, 8 months ago 10 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • Hugh Potter

    October 26, 2009 at 10:23 am

    i’ll be disappointed to hear that you didn’t email them back and tell them just that, Phill 😀

  • Phill Fenton

    October 26, 2009 at 10:35 am

    Moi ? :worry:

  • Karl Williams

    October 26, 2009 at 10:42 am

    You have to use a method called ‘Permission Marketing’ Phill. That’s asking them for their email and also asking them if they would like to receive emails in the future regarding your services. When you send out the emails you must also give them the option to ‘Unsubscribe’. Sending out ads as and when is classed as spamming…something we all hate.

  • John Childs

    October 26, 2009 at 10:50 am

    It annoys me Phill.

    I don’t think that just because I make a one-off purchase from a company it gives them the right to swamp me with their promotional emails.

  • Phill Fenton

    October 26, 2009 at 10:50 am

    Thanks for the advice Karl. Come to think of it I often receive emails with an option to "unsubscribe". I’ll do that in future. Not sure how I go about getting everyones permission to send them an email though…without actually sending them all an email 😕

    Point taken though 😀

    Having said that – I think the majority of existing clients are quite happy to get these emails. Many reply simply to say they got the email which is nice 🙂

  • Phill Fenton

    October 26, 2009 at 10:51 am

    Apart from John 😕

  • John Childs

    October 26, 2009 at 11:10 am

    The problem is that all these folks automatically assume that we want to receive their emails.

    We shouldn’t have to unsubscribe – it should be the other way around. If we are interested in all their guff then we should be able to subscribe to it.

    I sold something on eBay once. Then I started getting bombarded with irritating junk from them. So into the spam filter they went. And that’s got to be counter-productive because if ever they have something important to tell me, like my credit card has expired, then I’m just not going to see it.

    Naturally that doesn’t apply to emails from you Phill, which I’m sure are a pleasure to read, highly informative, and of tremendous benefit to all recipients. 😛

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    October 26, 2009 at 12:39 pm

    I wouldn’t do that and would not like it to be done to me.
    Had a would-be customer email supposedly inquiring about a sign, only to want me to advertise on his email newsletter!
    And it looked like crap too.
    You’d at least think his newsletter and website would be properly done if he was seeking advertising clients, looked to be doodled up in Word by his wife.
    (sorry for ranting)

  • Glenn Sharp

    October 26, 2009 at 12:46 pm

    I don’t get too bothered by the bona fide companies

    It’s the ones like Viagra that make me stand up and get a bit hot under the collar

  • Phill Fenton

    October 26, 2009 at 12:49 pm

    Worse still – the one’s offering penis enlargement. How do they know I ‘ve got a small penis 🙄 😕

  • Glenn Sharp

    October 26, 2009 at 12:50 pm

    😀 If they didn’t they do now

  • David Lowery

    October 26, 2009 at 1:47 pm

    I just sent you to my spam folder 😕

  • Phill Fenton

    October 26, 2009 at 3:02 pm

    At least you didn’t whinge to me about it Dave :lol1:

  • Nigel Hindley

    October 26, 2009 at 9:07 pm
    quote Phill:

    Last week I sent out a large number of emails describing some of our products and services. This was sent out to existing customers and/or people that I have emailed in the past in response to receiving an email enquiry from them.

    I was quite surprised to receive a number of replies asking me to remove their email address from my address book. I get hundreds of spam emails every day and don’t bother writing back to every one of them – I simply delete them. Seems to me some people think it’s okay for them to waste my time with an email enquiry that may have been sent out to other business in order to compare prices, but god forbid that I should waste their time by sending them an email from me 🙄

    Just had to get that off my chest 😕

    We do this Phil but you must have an option to unsubscribe as said – you can legally use customer email addresses if they have been a customer within 2 years.

    I have no problems with companies I use notifying me of latest deals and products. I do object to unsolicited promotions of any type.

    I use to know someone and I can see you trying this Phil, when he received junk mail he would seal the prepaid envlopes and just send them back – sometimes putting other junk mail in the envelopes!

  • John Childs

    October 26, 2009 at 9:39 pm
    quote Nigel Hindley:

    I use to know someone and I can see you trying this Phil, when he received junk mail he would seal the prepaid envlopes and just send them back – sometimes putting other junk mail in the envelopes!

    I do that. Send ’em each other’s junk mail. Childish, but fun.

    I also kept getting emails from an estate agent trying to flog me flats in Liverpool. I found the email addy of their managing director, and just set up an action to automatically re-direct all those messages to him. They soon stopped. 😀

  • Peter Normington

    October 26, 2009 at 9:45 pm

    please can I un-subscribe to your email pro-mo,
    I can actually do my own labels, 😀
    Thanks for thinking of me though,


    personal emails are still welcome

  • Karl Williams

    October 26, 2009 at 9:46 pm
    quote Phill:

    Worse still – the one’s offering penis enlargement. How do they know I ‘ve got a small penis 🙄 😕

    They didn’t know till your misses started browsing the web for advice on how to bring the old pecker back on track.

    Anyway mate……this ones for you! 😉

  • Phill Fenton

    October 26, 2009 at 9:49 pm
    quote Peter Normington:

    please can I un-subscribe to your email pro-mo,
    I can actually do my own labels, 😀
    Thanks for thinking of me though,


    personal emails are still welcome

    Sorry Peter – I can only allow you to unsubscribe if you reply to the email.

    It’s the rules you see (puppy-eyes)

  • Nigel Hindley

    October 26, 2009 at 9:58 pm
    quote John Childs:

    quote Nigel Hindley:

    I use to know someone and I can see you trying this Phil, when he received junk mail he would seal the prepaid envlopes and just send them back – sometimes putting other junk mail in the envelopes!

    I do that. Send ’em each other’s junk mail. Childish, but fun.

    I also kept getting emails from an estate agent trying to flog me flats in Liverpool. I found the email addy of their managing director, and just set up an action to automatically re-direct all those messages to him. They soon stopped. 😀

    Ha ha brilliant!

  • Phill Fenton

    October 26, 2009 at 10:07 pm

    Alison used to despair at me taking the trouble to put unsolicited faxes into an envelope and posting them back to the sender without a stamp on
    (Sad I know – but true 😕 ).

    Whereas, where’s the harm in sending an unsolicited email – it doesn’t waste paper (like a fax does, and subsequently leads to an increase in global warming). Emails are environmentally friendly 😀

  • Graeme Harrold

    October 26, 2009 at 10:12 pm
    quote Phill:

    Thanks for the advice Karl. Come to think of it I often receive emails with an option to “unsubscribe”. I’ll do that in future. Not sure how I go about getting everyones permission to send them an email though…without actually sending them all an email 😕

    Point taken though 😀

    Having said that – I think the majority of existing clients are quite happy to get these emails. Many reply simply to say they got the email which is nice :)[/quote

    On your order form, have a one liner with a tick box to opt in/out of e-mail notifications………………… :lol1:

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