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  • Simon.Johnson

    April 10, 2008 at 6:09 pm

    I am interested to know your application for such a machine?

    At the moment you can only get close. Epson have announced an "eco-solvent" printer which will start shipping in Oct/Nov this year which should meet your print quality criteria but what applications it would suit are not clear yet.

  • Russell Huffer

    April 10, 2008 at 10:04 pm

    I run a Grenadier solvent Activasol inks and Designjet 5500 dye inks. Most of my work is for exhibitions and I use a product called Hydrosol on the solvent and the equialent product Ilford PDF7 on the dye, both of these are gloss lightstop materials.

    I setup an exhibition toady at NEC and had 2 clients 1 printed solvent one printed dye this was done because of limited time to produce graphics but both have a laminate on them and there is not a lot of diffference between the two, you really do have to look hard.

    If you want a better quality solvent I think you should make sure you look at six colour machine as a lot of the popular ones are only 4 colour but set up correctly once you are stood back 1/2 meter no easy task to tell apart.



  • Steve Vallis

    April 11, 2008 at 7:41 pm
    quote Simon.Johnson:

    I am interested to know your application for such a machine?

    At the moment you can only get close. Epson have announced an “eco-solvent” printer which will start shipping in Oct/Nov this year which should meet your print quality criteria but what applications it would suit are not clear yet.

    I would like to be able to supply photographic quality prints & posters without having to laminate

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