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  • not pleased with supplier

    Posted by Peter Normington on July 3, 2007 at 7:28 pm

    no names, just wondered what you think.

    I ordered 2 lots of aluminium sign blanks for 2 customers.
    on delivery one flat panel was damaged, one pole was damaged, and a tray was damaged,
    Ok it happens, I cannot fault the packaging from the supplier, but the courier may not have been as careful as they should have been.!

    Anyway on further inspection, the tray had been made landscape instead of portrait (so the holes were drilled on the wrong sides) which made the damage irrelevant…

    I contacted my customer with the bad news, and explained the signs would now take another week before they could be fitted, but being reasonable, he asked if he accepted the sign as landscape, how much discount would be given?
    I put the question to the supplier, and they offered £50.

    I thought this unacceptable, on an total price of £400 for the sign. as it would cost far more to rectify their fault and at least £50 for return and redelivery carriage.
    so we opted for replacement of the wrong and damaged goods.

    When the replacement tray arrived, it was also damaged on the returns, and no holes had been drilled to mount it on the posts.

    All this I could put right myself..

    OK its a bit long winded, but meanwhile John Henry, a Police constable had been killed in luton,
    His funeral was yesterday, and by coincidence, was an old school friend of my customer. and had worked for him for ten years, before joining the police force. So signs were the last thing on his mind.

    We put a proposition to the supplier over a week ago, that I would rectify
    the damage in return for a reasonable donation to the fund set up for policemen killed in the line of duty, I would match their donation, and my cutomer would match both,

    Haven’t heard from the supplier, despite many calls, no one is able to give an answer or suggest a figure they are prepared to donate, if anything.

    I have now decided to just do the job at cost, donating the profit to the fund,

    Rant over


    Warren Beard replied 17 years ago 6 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Nigel Hindley

    July 3, 2007 at 7:51 pm

    Funny this Peter,

    I have never had any problem with my aluminum supplier until recently say 2 months and now everything goes wrong, wrong sizes, wrong colours, parts missing. Don’t know hat it is but we have been spending thousands with this company recently.

    This brings me to – are there any other very reliable, top quality alu signs suppliers that can get all this right at a reasonable price?

  • Robert Lambie

    July 3, 2007 at 7:56 pm

    not sure about panels and poles but they do various other sign products so i am guessing they would/could.

    andy davis

  • Warren Beard

    July 3, 2007 at 8:06 pm

    Hi Peter

    I was just wondering why we don’t mention these suppliers as it will help us other guys in finding the best suppliers. I understand that mistakes happen but if a regular thing I think they should be mentioned. On top of that I’m sure if they knew they would get mentioned on such a high profile forum they might improve their service and quality. It is also their fault if the courier keeps damaging their goods, they must find another courier who won’t damage it 😕

    not a rant, just an opinion.



  • Peter Normington

    July 3, 2007 at 8:13 pm

    I dont mention names, because I believe there are always 2 sides to a story, and everyone is entitled to their version. I am not knocking the supplier, or their products, just how they have handled the situation.

    So unless they have an open right to reply, I wouldnt name them behind their back.

  • Chris Dowd

    July 3, 2007 at 8:13 pm

    I agree Warren, if it’s kept in a UKSG area then we should name and shame!

    I know the supplier Peter is referring to and we have serious issues with them too!!

  • Nigel Hindley

    July 3, 2007 at 8:19 pm

    Cheers Rob ill give them a try!

  • Warren Beard

    July 3, 2007 at 9:02 pm

    Hi Peter & Chris

    I understand what you are saying but now there are 2 of you and Chris says serious problems 😕

    There are 2 sides to every story but if you keep getting poor quality and service they have no excuse for that.

    My point is that I might be looking around for a supplier and I go to them not knowing what you know and end up with the same problems that could have been avoided if you had of told us who it was 😉

    Maybe this topic should have been in a UKSG area so members can benefit from this useful information. Not to be used to slag off the supplier but tell about your experience, that way members can follow a history of suppliers and make up their own minds.

    Again just my opinion



  • Robert Lambie

    July 3, 2007 at 9:05 pm
    quote Peter Normington:

    So unless they have an open right to reply, I wouldnt name them behind their back.

    every supplier has the right to reply here and can!

    this thread can be moved to uksg hidden forums if prefered?

  • Peter Normington

    July 3, 2007 at 9:20 pm

    I would rather leave it here, The complaints were of a general nature, and to be fair there was no argument about replacement or repair, just that I thought that they could have done a bit extra to make up for the inconvenience, and delays.
    Especially as they were given an alternative to just compensation. I, nor my customer were looking for anything other than a compromise to make everyone happy.

    UKSG members can pm me if they need to know who I am talking about


  • Chris Dowd

    July 3, 2007 at 9:57 pm
    quote Warren Beard:

    My point is that I might be looking around for a supplier and I go to them not knowing what you know and end up with the same problems that could have been avoided if you had of told us who it was 😉

    Warren, we still buy from this supplier. Their normal "run of the mill" products are very good, in our instances it is "specials" that we have had problems with, and certain staff attitudes.

    This company has a good reputation, and have a £5m plus turnover. Like all of us they are bound to make mistakes, however, how they handle those mistakes could be dealt with better.

  • Nigel Pugh

    July 3, 2007 at 9:59 pm

    Warren & Chris, I have said before most suppliers (if you speak to the right person) will accept negative feedback as much as positive feedback (mind you customers are always slow on the positive).

    It is a two way street mind, and we are all better off sorting most things out amicably, fair dues some issues are more complicated, nevertheless we are all in the same business / industry.

    So Warren & Chris if you would be so ready to name and shame suppliers would you feel aggrieved if those same suppliers when requested to do a credit reference for you, for a new potential supplier, told them your faults ??

    Most times it is good to talk.


  • Peter Normington

    July 3, 2007 at 10:07 pm

    think you may have mis read, I dont want to name or shame.
    I am the first to talk to my suppliers, and the first to rectify even percieved problems for my customers,

    As for credit refs, I already paid for the goods, so perhaps that is the problem, had I had a credit account, maybe they would have been more interested in my problems?

    And my credit is good any where, I think you will agree Mr Pugh


  • Nigel Pugh

    July 3, 2007 at 10:20 pm


    I did address my post for Warren & Peter, my mistake it was for Warren and Chris.

    Sorry Peter like most it has been a long hard day, I apologise.


  • Warren Beard

    July 3, 2007 at 10:22 pm


    Like I mentioned before I do not want to slag the supplier off but what is the use of an information forum if information is not given. Like Rob said all suppliers are free to come on here and defend themselves.

    If Peter was to post his same post at the top stating what happened with the order and with whom but also say what Chris said about everything else being good we then know that if we need a bespoke product we either need to go elsewhere until that supplier sort themselves out or keep a close tab on the supplier when producing your order.

    My same point is if I was looking for a similar product to the one you ordered and I went to these same people I might have the same problems, where’s the help in that? 😕

    I am also speaking generally and am not trying to get you to say who it is but am trying to explain why I think we should, but in a neutral way as to not slag anybody off.

    If we can promote suppliers we should be able to warn fellow members as well.

    Just a thought.


  • Chris Dowd

    July 3, 2007 at 10:28 pm

    Nigel, I think the key there is "most suppliers" not "all suppliers", I could name a few who get on the defensive the minute you try and give any feedback.

    As for credit references, I think that’s a whole different situation and cannot be used an an example of "poor service". I would be very surprised (or concerned) if any accounts department covered up for any of their customers who had "faults" when asked for a credit reference!

  • Peter Normington

    July 3, 2007 at 10:39 pm

    I hear what you are saying.
    I am the first to recommend suppliers that have done a good job, but I have always been against uksb forum members posting negative comments against suppliers. As I said, even in my case there are two sides to an argument. and the supplier may not be aware of a post here, so cannot reply, and then we have a witch hunt scenario, as a South African, I’m sure you can appreciate that.

    Better rely on the positive than the negative. I will not be recommending the company in question again on the boards.

    There are people that cant be satisfied, and will bad mouth all and sundry, except themselves for their own mishaps.

    I am a buyer and supplier as most on these boards are,

    so dont forget, treat each as you would be treated by.


  • Nigel Pugh

    July 3, 2007 at 10:49 pm

    Warren, I do understand what you are saying, trust me we have suppliers too who now and then fail, which means we fail supplying to our customers, namely you guys n gals.

    The point I was trying to make was that feedback to a supplier and in some cases to the right person, will resolve any issues quicker for you the customer.

    I do respect your view on naming and shaming suppliers, it helps to keep us on our toes, but I would only expect criticism here if you had called your suppliers prior and got no joy.

    Edit: Peter before you say, I know you contacted your suppliers and they didn’t solve it for you…………….gonna shut up now.


  • Peter Normington

    July 3, 2007 at 11:27 pm

    I was actually trying to get the supplier to donate a few quid for a worthy cause, as a compromise for what I thought was an avoidable mistake,
    and even offering to share the cost of their mistake (my customer isn’t interested in my suppliers problems)

    Trying to be reasonable all round, but it hasnt worked out.

    never mind, we live and learn.

    forget I mentioned the poor copper that got killed…….
    he isnt bothered anymore….



  • Warren Beard

    July 4, 2007 at 6:59 am

    Hi guys

    While dreaming about UKSG last night 😳 I thought about this topic and this morning Peter has basically said what I thought about. If less people recommend a supplier then let that be a warning in disguise 😉

    Us members must just make sure we ask for recommendations before we use a new supplier.

    Everybody is happy (except of course the supplier who didn’t get recommended 😉 )



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