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  • need advise please on hosts & servers?

    Posted by Robert Lambie on November 27, 2003 at 9:37 pm

    Hi all
    I’m after some advise/help if anyone is able to help.
    As you know I have swapped servers for this site about 5 times now..
    The HOST I am with at the moment seems to have all I need to run the site properly. The problem at the moment is its down far to often & support is well….crap!
    I need to buy more web space as I am at approaching my max.. I only have about 50 megbytes left * I don’t want to pay these clowns for more space over the next year. Ide rather just move.. I think what I have left should get me through Christmas.

    I want to go the dedicated server route, but will go another if you know of anything better or equally as good. dedicated servers come in about £500 a year so as you can see its not cheap.. hence why ide rather have an alternative 😕
    I want phone support and they have to be located in the UK.. (not asking much am I? 😆 ) It has nothing to do with anything other than I hate having to deal with the time difference situation etc.
    I think the reason for the site getting sluggish is the constant increase on traffic, bandwidth etc.
    That reminds me.. some hosts also don’t like up+download fascilities on your site..

    Anyway, ill not rabble on incase nobody replies..

    James kelly replied 20 years, 7 months ago 9 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Paul Goodwin

    November 27, 2003 at 10:28 pm

    Rob these are the guys we use for our DoD clan.

    Seems ok and i have never known it to go down,but then again we dont get the trafic on the clan page as we do here. how much and what u get for your money i honestly dont know as i personaly dont deal with it,


  • Adrian Howard

    November 27, 2003 at 10:37 pm

    give them a call based on the south coast and they answer the phone promtly….

  • Robert Lambie

    November 27, 2003 at 10:43 pm

    Hi mate thanks for taking the time to help me mate.. 😉
    It’s not actually the board i need. the one i have here on the site has been tailored specially for me.
    What I mean by host/server is the web-space that it runs on.
    You see.. 99/100 sites run on shared space.. So your site may not be busy, but others on the same servers are and your site may run slow sluggish etc..
    A dedicated server is a server that hosts only my site.. So access speeds, downloads, space etc is almost flawless, very fast and I have tons & tons of space…
    Support is normally great as you have a number to call and speak to someone instead of snail mail and they are normally excuses. Bad ones at that..
    If i want quality then I guess ill have to pay the high hosting costs.. £500 is about the min for a decent dedicated server. That ontop of many other costs for running the site Is a bit of a blow. 😮 If it cant be avoided then that’s just the way it will have to be..
    At least I shouldn’t need to move on again…

    So if anyone has any other options im all ears. 😛

  • Robert Lambie

    November 27, 2003 at 10:47 pm

    adrian.. great link mate… at a glance looks very good.
    couple of gig a month will do me fine for the video demos..
    the prices seem very good to. much better than what i have been looking at.

    thank you 😉

  • Lorraine Buchan

    November 27, 2003 at 11:13 pm


    The company we use is called Axos

    I’ve never had any trouble, and their always quick off the mark with replying to emails and answering the phone.

    Don’t know if they would be suitable for what your looking for though

  • Gordon Forbes

    November 27, 2003 at 11:19 pm

    Have you tried PIPEX.
    I have a broadband account with them (!meg download) for £29 a month)
    Gotta keep on an equal par to try an beat these yank gamers in my Black Hawk Down game you know
    Seriously though I have found the service good and no probs so far they post when servers are disrupted or are being worked on.

    Don’t know the prices but they do offer dedicated servers and their broadband service is very competitive [url]

    Hope this might help.

  • Robert Lambie

    November 27, 2003 at 11:34 pm

    thanks lorraine, forbie.. ill go check them out now 😉

  • Martin C

    November 28, 2003 at 12:24 am


    Hope you don’t mind but I’ve passed on this topic link to my web guys. As you know I run a Forum, and a shopping facility off of my site and am as tight as a Scotsmans wallet so they may be suited to your requirements!? 😆

  • jon vital

    November 28, 2003 at 12:29 am
  • magpie

    November 28, 2003 at 9:13 am

    if you want to talk to someone there ask for a guy by the name of Joe Mitchel, he’s very helpfull.

    PS when do I get my little icon above my name, or is this going to be like the time
    I joined the Dennis the Menace club 🙁 (no badge sent) lol

  • James kelly

    November 28, 2003 at 10:05 am

    I currently use BP Web. Excellent value for money packages and excellent support by either phone or email. File uploads/downloads are allowed too.

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