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  • Mutoh Rockhopper 3 Banding please help

    Posted by Jen Austin on November 1, 2014 at 12:00 pm

    Hi all,

    Well after my VJ1304 was stolen recently I have managed to get hold of a Rockhopper 3 – I’m hoping the size and weight will make it difficult for the thieves to pinch until I can move into more secure premises – I’m a complete newbie to this old printer. As you all probably know the VJ’s are idiot proof lol (probably one of the reasons it was pinched). Anyway (waffle, waffle). I have this monster running on Shiraz signature. The profiles are a bit hit and miss and the nearest I can find is "Hexis brillo" for Hexis standard monomeric. Am having some grainy issues which I’m putting down to the profile but am also having some banding issues. It looks like a nozzle may be out as the black is perfect. Have done upteen cleaning cycles in powerful mode both on pump 1 and 2. I wondered if anyone had any tips or is this a job for an engineer? Am running UMS inks (prev owner converted).

    Would also be interested is buying up an older rip if anyone has one for sale?

    Finally I’d like to say a big thank you again for all the kind and uplifting comments I received on my last post about the break in – Police haven’t gotten anywhere with it unfortunately.
    Jen xx

    Jen Austin replied 9 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Chris Wool

    November 1, 2014 at 2:36 pm

    if you see grain then the resolution may not be high enough needs to be about 720 x 720 dpi printing res. the number of passes needs to be about 8

    banding need to see a nozel test print and you should have a test for the feed rate adjustment.

    if you have head height adjustment it should not be on high for normal vinyls only thicker banner materials.

  • Jen Austin

    November 3, 2014 at 10:04 am
    quote Chris Wool:

    if you see grain then the resolution may not be high enough needs to be about 720 x 720 dpi printing res. the number of passes needs to be about 8

    banding need to see a nozel test print and you should have a test for the feed rate adjustment.

    if you have head height adjustment it should not be on high for normal vinyls only thicker banner materials.

    Thanks Chris,

    I don’t have a head height adjustment but will try the other suggestions.


  • Jen Austin

    November 11, 2014 at 9:59 pm

    Pleased to report that I found a solution.

    1. UMS inks starting to dry up in tubes – fixed with a syringed gentle ink pull through. Couldn’t avoid leaving the machine off as I daren’t keep it in the unit after the last break in. Have rigged up power to keep the machine on 24/7 now with a cleaning cycle set at 6 hrs.

    2. Ink low – ink monitor on the machine showed all cartridges full or 3/4. I’m assuming the converted UMS head and chips don’t communicate very well. Will have to keep a close eye on the levels manually in the future or swap to bulk.

    Have a fairly decent print quality back now with a nozzle out but this requires close inspection to really notice it, have booked an engineer for Friday to come and give the old girl the once over and swap over the ink tubes.

    Hope this helps anyone with similar problems in the future. In summary

    i. UMS ink machines should be left ON 24/7
    ii with any unfamiliar converted machine, manually check the ink levels (weight of cartridge will tell you).

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