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  • letterhead meet: lisbon PA

    Posted by Jill Marie Welsh on June 1, 2004 at 3:05 pm

    Hi All.
    I am in the early stages of planning a Letterhead Meet.
    It will be held August 19-20-21 2005in Lisbon, PA.
    My uncle has a big camp in the woods.
    There is a bunkhouse that sleeps 12,
    flush toilets & showers, a large pavillion, a gazebo,
    full kitchen facilities, etc.
    This will be a panel jam/picnic type event.
    It is as yet unnamed, but will be a lot of fun.
    It is near the Allegheny River, and there is also a motel 9 miles away for those who don’t like to "rough it".
    Three meals a day and all art supplies (but brushes!) will be provided.
    I will be updating this notice in the future.


    Jill Marie Welsh replied 20 years ago 11 Members · 22 Replies
  • 22 Replies
  • Ray

    June 1, 2004 at 4:03 pm

    Hi Jill,

    I am curious, what exactly is a ‘letterhead’ meet? I have heard of crackheads and dopeheads, so are letterheads university professors and other ‘men of letters’ who meet in the woods to discuss Shakespeare etc?

    Of course a letterhead is the printed top of business stationery, but surely they would be more likely to meet in the stationery cupbord than a forest – after all a forest might have bad connotations for things made of paper . . .

    I was once invited by some marketing pals I have in Little Rock to a bootcamp, but I didn’t have any boots. I guess the UK and the USA is divided by a common language after all. What kind of place is it where you ask for chips and get crisps? Its enough to make me want to light up another phag . . . 😀



  • Paul Goodwin

    June 1, 2004 at 4:12 pm

    I’d love to come ( even though i don’t know what a brush is 😕 ) but unfortunatly being on teh other side of the pond and funds being what they are not this year.


    but maybe in the future 😛

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    June 1, 2004 at 4:25 pm

    The Letterheads is a loosely organised group of signpainters (writers)
    that formed in Denver Colorado in 1975. Seven sign guys started hanging out together, teaching tips and tricks and reviving lost artforms like gilding and glue chipping.
    More folks joined the group, and now it is a worldwide thing.
    We get together whenever we can and we sling paint and even talk about vynull and design elements. We also drink good beer and eat good food and have a darn good time in the process.
    Meets have been held in fancy places as well as tents. It’s all about the fellowship.
    We swap tall tales and panels, which are small signs or other things.
    I became a member in 1994, attending my first International meet at the Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio. I have been addicted ever since.
    This will be the 5th meet I’ve hosted.
    We are also known as the Brothers of the Brush and the Keepers of Our Craft. ANYONE is welcome to join, as there are no rules or by-laws, other than “leave your ego at the door” and I.O.A.F.S.
    Mort, you have a whole year to save up. I’ll get you some Guinness too!
    And yes I call crisps chips, and I know what a “phag” is.

  • Paul Goodwin

    June 1, 2004 at 4:28 pm

    It’s FAG 😉 and i’ll be smoking a lot of them oerrr …..

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    June 1, 2004 at 4:36 pm

    i know how to spell it too, but it’s an “oops I swore” on here…

  • Ray

    June 1, 2004 at 4:51 pm

    Hi Jill

    You say worldwide, is there a chapter (?) in the UK?

    Sounds like something I would like to be part of, as long as there are not too many funny handshakes, rolled up trousers and biting the heads off of chickens and stuff 🙄

    Also, is it far from the Ohio state line – my daughter-in-law’s family live just south of Cleveland?


  • Jill Marie Welsh

    June 1, 2004 at 5:27 pm

    Yes, Ray, there is a UK bunch.
    I attended a meet in Ireland last year.
    My best friend from Cowdenbeath will be attending this meet.
    We met at a Letterheads meet in 1999 in Minnesota.
    This place is approximately 40 miles from the Ohio line.
    It is at exit 42 on the I-80, in northwestern Pennsylvania.

  • signworxs

    June 1, 2004 at 10:57 pm

    Keep me posted. Ive made a deal with myself that I will attend a stateside meet at least once every year starting with the New Brunswick meet. I may have to do two next year as I realy wanted to do Mikes meet in Mazzeppa.


  • Robert Lambie

    June 2, 2004 at 12:47 am

    great stuff jill.. would love to get to a meet.. would be great fun im sure.. 😛 keep us all posted with updates or anything else you want to put our way.. thanks for keeping us all in mind. 😀

    i had a bit of a laugh after reading your post.. read it all about being out in the woods, toilets, drink etc and then the contact host was JILL-THE-RIPPER! 😮 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Texas chain saw massacre part 2 😮 😆 😆 😆

    quote :

    Mort, you have a whole year to save up. I’ll get you some Guinness too!

    what about southern comfort and lemonade, or a pineapple bacardi breezer 😮

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    June 2, 2004 at 1:13 am

    What’s the matter, Robbie?
    You’re scared of what a few hillbillies would do to a man in a kilt who fancies bacardi breezers?
    Are you any good at squealing? hahaha 😆
    Just teasing.
    I won’t rip anybody. And the only red substance spilt will be 1-Shot.
    (as you may not know I have a great interest in Jack the Ripper)
    You would be treated like visiting royalty I’m sure.
    I’ll get you as many pretty girly drinks as you want.
    Bring the Mrs. too and the wee lass!
    You too Paul!
    In Pennsylvania, we know how to have a good time,
    and I would be honored to have you all attend my meet.
    We can eat Sloppy Joes and Pierogies and Corn on the Cob.
    (thank God for those flush toilets!)
    Remember, anyone interested needs to email me so that I can get you the details as I plan them.
    Thanks for this forum Rob!
    Love…Jill 😉

  • Carrie Brown

    June 2, 2004 at 1:16 am

    *rofl* Awwwww Jill you make me laugh!!!!!

    Well I would be there in a flash If I could ………… not really a camping girly ….. not good with insects ……. bleeuugghh!!!

    Look forward to hearing how it goes though

    Carrie 😀

  • Phill Fenton

    June 2, 2004 at 8:44 am
  • Paul Goodwin

    June 2, 2004 at 9:45 am

    LMFAO Phill

    Brilliant 😆

  • John Singh

    June 2, 2004 at 10:43 am

    That was fantastic Phill

    Made me really laugh 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Jill: I thought the meet was this year but I see its 2005!
    Plenty of time to save up as you say 😀

    Hope it goes well


  • Lee Attewell

    June 2, 2004 at 10:59 am

    Sounds a bit like “Blair Witch project” to me Jill. Who’s doing the video taping?

    Phill that offically made me cack myself…

  • James kelly

    June 2, 2004 at 11:02 am

    Why don’t we organise our own?

    We could share a lot of ideas and techniques and have a good laugh at the same time. There are a few signwriters on here who could give a few demos and share some tricks. It would be hard to cut vinyl without machinery but examples could be brought along to show the tricks.

    Failing that… we could all get tipsy on Robs Bacardi Breezers!

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    June 2, 2004 at 11:14 am

    Phil can be in charge of the video.
    He did a great job of filming Cousin Cletus paddling Burt Reynolds down the Allegheny River.
    Altho how he trained that squirrel, and where he found a penguin, is beyond me. 😆
    This won’t be like a big International meet with a parade and a stripper riding a buffalo down Main Street (Mike Meyer had that at his last big meet in 1999 and probably will again in July 2005) and seminars and stuff.
    It will be a big panel jam where we all paint signs (or try and learn to) and I’m sure that several impromptu lessons will spring up. (such as why not to wear a kilt in the booney woods and all the verses to “There’s a Skeeter on my Peter, knock it off!”) 😳
    I’m hoping Joe Chips will be there doing some carving and gilding. And there is a wall job in the works, a dry-brush effect “MAIL POUCH” type thing one one of the outbuildings.
    But it will be a fun way to get your feet wet with the Letterheads as well as see rural Pennsylvania, which is 1 state above West Virginia. (Q:What do you call 32 women in a room in West Virginia? A: A full set of teeth!)
    love…jill 😉

    PS James, you have a great idea. Been trying to get someone to have another UK meet!

  • John Singh

    June 2, 2004 at 11:19 am

    I’m sure were heading towards that James 😀

    Its just needs someone or a few to get it rolling

    Although I’m a traditional signwriter and think us ‘traditional’ should get it together, I think that we all have a lot to offer and share a common base
    as can be seen by the comments and comraderie on the this board

    So who’s going to get the ball rolling? 😀


  • Joe Cieslowski

    June 2, 2004 at 12:15 pm

    WOW!!!! Jill says “Meet” and everyone gets excited!!! 😀

    I hope to make Jill’s “Camp Panel Jam” my end-o-summer meet next year.

    Letterhead meets started almost 30 yrs ago with just 7 people. To have a meet you don’t need a lot of folks! I have sponsored a meet in Feb for the last 7 years with just 7-10 people. It is just as much fun as a bigger meets but no one misses anything and you really make some great friends!

    All you need is a space, some paint, panels, food and beer. Everybody throws in a few $ to cover costs and, believe me, it just HAPPENS!!!!!

    Try it, you’ll like it! 🙂


  • Jill Marie Welsh

    June 2, 2004 at 1:05 pm

    That reminds me, Joe.
    I still have to think of a name for this meet!
    Glad you might be able to make it!

    And for those who can’t cross the pond…
    there is a meet in Athens Greece the first weekend of August 2005.
    It looks like it’s gonna be a good one too!


  • John Singh

    June 2, 2004 at 7:52 pm

    Athens Greece!!!

    Better start learning the jargon then

    Could be a good time to take a break

    The Greek Islands are fantastic

    I went to Halkidiki and it was blissful

    Joe: Youre right it just takes a little meet to get things rolling
    Who knows where it will take us


  • Jill Marie Welsh

    June 14, 2004 at 7:22 pm

    Hey folks!
    My meet now has an official name!

    Jill’s Jamboree!

    I hope to see a few of you next summer!

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